Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/307

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 887. 1902. 24]. receiving the reimbursement herein provided for, then such sum, when du y ascertained, shall be paid to his widow, if one survive him, and if not, then to his minor chi dren, if any there be; and the benefit of this Act is further extended to the surviving widow or minor children of any officer or member of the crew of said revenue cutter Gallatin whose life was lost at the time of such wreck, and in this case the Secretary of the Treasury may dispense with the sworn statement provided for in this Act. That the accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, and E'*`°S·H°"°”“- hereby are, authorized and directed to pay to Ezra S. Havens, late captain of Company G, Eighteenth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, the pay and allowances of a captain of infantry in the late volunteer service from the eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred and siaty-two, to the second day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty- ree. To the legal representatives of John H. Jones, formerly of Alliance, ·'°“°' ’“" H""- Ohio, deceased, and the legal representatives of Thomas D. Harris, · former] of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, deceased, formerly partners engage! in the manufacture of iron at Loudon, Tennessee, under the iirm name of Jones and Harris, such amount as may be found due them on account of rolling mill, stock, manufactured iron, and other property captured from said firm by the Confederate forces and afterwards recaptured by the Army of the United States and converted to the use thereof; and the Secreta of War is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain what part df, such psrgperty actually came into the possession of and was consumed or u by the United States or under the military authorities thereof and what part thereof was returned to the said Jones and Harris, and the value of what was so received, taken, and used, and what was returned, and what amount or balance is justly due on account thereof; and the amount when so ascertained and paid to the legal representatives of John H. Jones and Thomas D. Harris shall be in full satisfaction of this claim. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to e,.§‘°'°}[‘§,§‘,§§,§§jl,$§{,‘{{ refund to the Merchants and Miners’ Transportation Company, of 0¤¤¤1>·¤¤>‘- Baltimore, Maryland, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of the earnings by the steamships Ben de Ford and S. R. S ulding deducted from the purchase money thereof at the time saieitessels were taken possession of by the United States; that in addition thereto there shall be refunded to the said company, and in the manner aforesaid, the difference between the market value of said steamshi when sold at public sale by the United States and the arbitrary valqztion paid at the time of said seizure and enforced purchase. ` That the Secretary of the Treasury, through the accounting officers “°°’¤°·*· °"· of the Treasury De rtment, is hereby authorized and directed to audit and pay, out ofqny money in the reasury not otherwise approprinted, the claim of George A. Orr as acting assistant provost—marshal at Mount Vernon, Missouri, from May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, at the rate of one hundred dollars per month for his services, and such sum for legitimate expenses during said period as may be shown and found to ave been actually expended by him in the lawful discharge of his duties and necessary for the public service. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized d,§§‘;'},Qp{’,S,,;** °° and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the following-named persons, or their legal representatryes, respectively, such amounts as shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to have been id by them, or by the firms they respectively represent, as tax on digtilled vor. xxxrr. rr 1-16