Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/308

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242 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 887. 1902. irits in excess of the quantity withdrawn by them from warehouse: PL,',';,,",:"- ThatBtlhe hsgnount paid to each shall not exceed the sums erein rsta ,t tistosa: ¤¤¤¤¢F-R<*¤’¤· To George F. Roberts, administrator of the estate of William B. Thayer, deceased, surviving! partner of Thayer Brothers, the sum of ten thousand seven hundre and ninet dollars and thirty-two cents; Su" Q- H°"°· to Silas Q. Howe, surviving rtner of T. Pate and Company, the sum of nineteen thousandlbix hundred and sixty-two dollars and Hm'? “`· mm mpateexé c(e(pts; to Hplpry W. gngith, surviving paiétnerdof T. and J .dV\;. an ‘ m ny, e sum o ourteen thousand an sixty-two 0 - lars and fifty clelhts, the said payments bein a refund of taxes exacted and paid on distilled §>irits in excess of the quantity withdrawn by them from the United tates bonded warehouse between July first and . December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. m*{;fg;¤_;§_° *° ¤’¤*· ron nnmamuom ro oomrr or naumnxrr. Gclgggifyn I"°"Y C0That the agamst the United States of ghe (Brooklyn Feriry Oo xm between m n , o ew or , a co ration or ize an existin un er irighbgri Q tl1otL£:Y:}>f th¢;1St¥t%0f Npw ilifk, itgagrinlpipal placzofhhupiness " in e ro o roo yn, city o ew or , owner o the err - boat New Tgrrk, for damages caused by collision between the said ferryboat and the United States steamer Dolphin, in the East River, near Brooklyn, on the iirst day of An ust, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, may be sued for by the said derry company in the United States distgictlepurt folr the eastegn of New York sitctjlng as a court 0 a mi an actin un er e es verning su cour and said court sbilll have jurigdiction to hear andiletermine such a suit and to enter a judgment or decree for the amount of such damages, if any shall be found to be due, against the United States in favor of the said ferry company, pppp the same principles and measure of liability as in like cases in iralt between private parties, and with g•',h‘•°•- the same rights of appeal: d, That such notice of the suit shall ` be given to the Attorney—General of the United States as ma be provided by order of the said court, and it shall be the duty of, the Attorney-General to cause the United States attorne · in such district

  • °""“°“‘· to appear for and defend the United States: P:·m•a'dz¢l jiortlaer, That

should damages be found to be due the said ferry company, the amount gf a Engl decree therefpr shall be paid out of any money in the United tates reasury not otherwise appropriate . ,,§$F"'““*’**’ "’°‘°‘* That the claim of the owners ofp the British steamship Foscolia, sunk Ugpéllgagvmmeg by collision with the United States steamship Columbia on the evening -·osi¤¤.u».·- pil Mcay tgvenlty-eighth, Eighteen huindigl and ipnety-eight, nepr Fire s an i t-s i , or an on accoun o e osso said vesse an car o, may be gibmittred to the United States district court for the southern district of New York, under and in compliance with the rules of said court sitting as a court of admiralty; and said court shall have juris- _ diction to hear and determine an to render judgment thereupon: {,’;§"°gg ,,,,m,p_ Hweded, however, That the investigation of said claim shall be made nm. upon the following basis: First, e said court shall find the facts attending the loss of the said steamship F oscolia and her cargo; and, second, if it shall appear that the responsibility therefor rests with the United States steamship Columbia, the court shall then ascertain and determine the amounts which should be paid to the owners, respectively, of the Foscolia and her car o, in order to reimburse them for the losses so sustained, and shall render a decree accordingly: Provided

  • ‘~***·>¤¤* *0**** _7‘}u·ther, Tthat the amhoupts of the logics susltajlned by the master,

oflicers, an crew of . e oscolia ma inclu e in such decree. ramen:. Sec. 2. That should such decree beyrendered in favor of the owners of the Foscolia and her cargo, the amount thereof ma be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated