Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/309

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 887. 1902. 243 Fora REFERENCE TO oounr or CLAIMS. That the claim of Anna M. Colman, widow and sole legatee of g}{:,{}1°§)}’;v(;g})’};“;_ Charles D. Colman, deceased, against the United States, on account of reqea m com of the seizure by the United States of certain moneys and securities in C1""' Saint Louis, Missouri, about February, eighteen hundred and sixty- five, held by the bailee as a special deposit theretofore made by said Charles D. Colman, be, and is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims; and jurisdiction is hereby vested in said court to hear and determine said cause and to render judgment for such amount as the court may find due the claimant, with the right of ap eal to both parties; and the statute of limitations shall not apply to the right of recovery by said claimant. That full jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims jgglggidegto hear and determine the claim of the personal representatives of com Orcmsms. ° William Kiskadden, deceased, against the United States, for twenty- one thousand dollars, growing out of the alleged destruction of and damage to one hundred and twenty-eight head of horses and mules, thirt -two wagons, and sixty-four sets of harness belonging to the ' said %Villiam iskadden, resulting from the use of said teams under a contract made by the Government with the said William Kiskadden to transport the First Regiment of Colorado Volunteers from the city of Denver, Colorado Territory , to Fort Union, Territory of New Mexico, between the twenty-second day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the twenty-eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and Sixty-two, notwithstanding the lapse of time since such alleged destruction and damage. That upon petition being Hled in said court, in accordance with the rules of said court, within six months from the galssage of this Act, by the personal representatives of said William `skadden. the court is authorized and irected to determine the merits of said claim, and to render judgment for the sum, if any, found due the personal representatives of said WVilliam Kiskadden, because of such destruction and damage to said horses, mules, wagons, and harness, with right to either party to appeal to the United States Supreme Court; and in the trial of said cause the affidavits on file in the W ar Department shall be received as competent evidence, and the finding of a board of survey (su rvisors) convened at Camp Slaugh, March fourteenth, eighteen hundfiled and sixty-two, that thirty-six of said animals, worn-out and broken down from severe driving and want of forage, wer·e abandoned before reaching Fort Union, if such iinding be shown, shall be deemed and taken to be rima facie proof of the fact of such abandonment and loss: ,PI'0?}2;€l€g, That in case judgment mh, shall be rendered against the United States, the Secretary of the i Treasury shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay the persona representatives of said iVilliam Kiskadden whatever sum shall be adjudged by the court to be due, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. That the legal representatives of Chauncey M. Lockwood be, and w€§ff““°°y M‘ L°‘"" they are hereby, authorized to commence their suit in the Court of Sefgggfggggamg Claims of the United States for extra mail service on route numbered com of cmms. sixteen thousand six hundred and thirty-seven, extending from Salt Lake City, Utah, to The Dalles, Oregon: and the Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate the same upon the basis of justice and equity, and to render a final judgment therein for the value of such extra mail service performed as aforesaid; and from any judgment that may be rendered in said cause either party thereto may appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States; and the bar of the statute of limitations shall not avail in such cases. That jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the Court of Claims to hear md°,*;,,§r’};d‘”·m and determine the claim of Rinaldo P. Smith, of Baltimore, Maryland, Counolcmims. against the Government of the United States on account of the sale,