Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/423

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FIFTY-SEVENTH coxeanss. sm. 1. cH. 1079. 1902. 357 Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas, including the general improve- A;}]k“”s“S R"°’· ment and removing obstructions and operating snag boats: Continuing I improvement and for maintenance, one hundred and ten thousand dollars: I’*r0/vided, That the Secretary of may, in his discretion, use fggffjjztet emma, so much of said sum as will be necessary to construct and operate a ` suitable dredge boat or boats to keep open a low-water navigable channel in said river so far up said river as he may deem advisable. Improving White River, Arkansas: Continuing improvement and whim R*""·A'k· for maintenance, twenty-two thousand dollars, of which amount seven . thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may, if required in the interest of commerce and navigation, be used to prevent a cut—oif in said river between Choctaw Railway bridge and the town of Duvalls Bluil'. ImprovingBlack River,ArkansasandMissouri: Continuingimprove· anlggk RiV¢*· Arkment and for maintenance, twenty-one thousand seven hundred dollars. L O` Improving Cache River, Arkansas: Continuing improvement and C¤¤h** RiV¤·=¤k· for maintenance, two thousand dollars. _ _ Improving)aUpper White River, Arkansas: For the completion of Agvver “’¤i*<¤ Rivet Locks and ms Numbered One and Two, and the construction of Locks and dams. Lock and Dam Numbered Three, authorized in the river and harbor Y Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, two hundred and seventy thousand ckvllars. Improving the Ouachita and Black rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana: mfQ;g°gf,Q ”;1§,%°k · For maintenance and completion of survey for locks and dams, thirty-` ` one thousand five hundred dollars; for constructing two locks and L°°kS ”"d d“””‘ dams, including surveys and acquisition of site for same, one near Monroe, Louisiana, known as Lock Four, and the other near Rolands Raft, Arkansas, known as Lock Six, according to the project submitted in House Document Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, _ F ifty-seventh Congress, first session, eighty thousand dollars: Fm- P’"°"”°· vided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary C°“°’“°‘S· of \Var for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the work of constructing said locks and dams, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate three hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-four dollars, exclusive of the amounts h rein and heretofore appropriated. mproving Current River, in Arkansas and Missouri: Continuing ,m°Q“§§§f"R*'°'· ’“l‘· improvement and for maintenance, six thousand nine hundred dollars. mproving Saint Francis and L’Anguille rivers, Arkansas: Continu- L,§m¤Lu{*`;¤¤¤¥‘ii; SLG ine improvement and for maintenance, nine thousand dollars. ‘ Anas ` To repair the Government levee heretofore constructed to prevent Cigglsisstvvi River the cutting through the s ce dividing the Mississippi and Saint rancis iizepadortzc., emrivers in the vicinity otP:iValnut Bend, Arkansas, and to extend the ""“"‘°“"°"°°· same about seven thousand feet to Wheel Ridge, in said State, as recommended by the Chief of Engineers in Senate Executive Document Numbered One hundred and four, Fifty-third Congress, second session, ninety thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Mississippi River Commission. _ Improving Tennessee River from Riverton to the mouth: Continu- T°““°’*“" R“`°‘”- ing improvement and for maintenance, nineteen thousand dollars. _ mproving Tennessee River: Continuing improvement at Colbert €,§{’{,‘§§,‘§,}T"°“ °* l'"' and ee Tree Shoals by the construction of a lateral canal, two hundred thousand dollars: Pl'f/l‘?'({eCZ. That a contract or contracts may be g;>]1g;?éN entered into by the Secretary of llvar for such materials and work as may be necessary for prosecuting the work of constructing said lateral canal, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Tennessee River above Chattanooga: Continuing im- Al’°"°C"°‘““’°°€”—