Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/424

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358 rrrrr-smvmvru ooscnnss. sm. 1. cn. 1079. 1902. mid cing pnovement, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That so much thereof as may be necessary may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, pe (eixpendeldm upon £.ichland Creek, to facilitate navigation and the an ing o ts at t at int. uf§j,"§i‘,¤§}0'§“‘3,,’g',Q,i Improving French Brgsd and Little Pigeon rivers, Tennessee: Con— '¤¤¤¤- tinuing improvement and for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. .,,§,‘§f"’°"““" *“""’· Improving Cumberland River, Tennessee, below Nashville: Con- Jw. v-M tinuing improvement and for maintenance, two hundred thousand dollaiis, of which sp Hilllgl as Quay be nleabessary shall be used for the _ comp etion of Loc an " am l umbere ne. ,Ij’,°,,{‘;f‘;’08'l“““°·‘· Im roving Cumberland River, Tennessee, above Nashville: For the completion of Lock and Dam Numbered One and for maintenance, one !·¤¤¤¤ 0* W¤ t" hundred and five thousand dollars. And the Secretary of War is hereby °°w°° authorized, in his discretion, to grant leases or licenses to the highest responsible bidder for the use of the water wer created by said dam, _ at such a rate and on such conditions and gi such riods of time as Canals. may seem to him expedient; and he is also authorizedzdn his discretion, to issue permits for the construction, maintenance and operation of inlet and outlet canals and other structures, on such lans as he may mm. approve, for the diversion of water aforesaid: Provided: That any lease R°‘"""°“" or icense so granted shall be limited to the use of the surplus water not require; for paviggtinip, and] nlo structures shall be built and no o rations con uctc w ich s al in any manner in`ure navi tion ixitcerfere with the operations of the Government, or inipair the iizefulz ness of any im rovement made by the Government for the benefit of ctgriegtmggd amend. navigation; andthe right of Congress to alter, amend, or regleahthe " ‘ provisions of this paragraph is hereby expressly reserved: omded Advertising- further, That before leasing or licensing such water privileges, or issuing permits for the construction and operation of such canals, or otherwise disposing of any water power or privilege, the Secretary of VVar shall hrst advertise the same in one or more daily papers at Nashville, for sixty days immediately preceding, stating specifically the right or privilege proposed to be eased or conveyed, with its exact Bm limitations, inviting bids for the same, and he may, in his discretion, then lease the same for a specific term of years at so much per year, to be paid semiannually in cash into the Treasurv, and the Secretary of \Var shall reserve the right to reject any or all bids. an<g¤¤§gi5m{ji¤;s§$g- Improving Clinch, Hiwassee (to the mont of the Ocoee), and Holston nun. " rivers, Tennessee. by clearing channels in the same in accordance with pho reconnnengdationg setlforth in ixhe repprt of tttieitlhief of Engineers or nineteen unc re ann one. ci teen thousand o lars. D§>0l;*g,Q_0*;:dT€l;l*;{k¤d t Improyping glbion Ifcilrkeélg lgc§rl;‘ive1‘s, Tennessee: For mainenance, our thousand ve un re dollars. Bl! .$%¤‘l>' R*}'$=¤’· Im rovin Bi Sandv River. includin Levisa Fork and Tue Fork em" W H" and M' `l’fStQvll’Q'lI§l`l agd gentucklyz }l{or ruaingnance, three thousandilollarsl m rovin the i San v iver an Tu ana Levisa forks of the "°l·*‘°·l’·"“· samePWestgVirginiagand Kentucky; the fdrrner in accordance with the river and harbor Act of March third. eighteen hundred and ninetvnine; the latter in accordance with the report submitted in House Dec- . ument Numbered Two hundred and thirty-tive, Fifty-sixth Congress, P~"·>· second session. one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Pm- C°¤“`“°‘*’· vided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of \Yar for such materials and work as may be required to prosecute work upon the said projects, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein or heretofore appropriated. Of the said amounts appropriated and authorized, so much thereof as may be necessary shall be expended for completing the two locks and dams upon the Bi Sandy River: of the balance so much thereof as may be necessary shall be- used in