Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/677

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FIFTIYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 1352. 1902. 611 hundred and forty dollars; bake1·, four hundred and twenty dollars; . principal overseer, one thousand two hundred dollars; ten overseers, at six hundred dollars each; engineer, six hundred dollars; assistant engineer, three hundred and fifty dollars; second assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; engineer at hospital for seven and one-half months, at fifty dollars per month; five watchmen, at three hundred and sixty-five dollars each; night watchman, five hundred and forty- eight dollars: blacksmith and woodworker, five hundred dollars; carpenter, five hundred dollars; driver for dead wagon, three hundred and sixty-tive dollars; hostler and driver, two hundred and forty dollars; keeper at female workhouse, three hundred dollars; keeper at female workhouse, one hundred and eighty dollars; two female attend- · ants at almshouse, at one hundred and fifty dollars each; hos ital cook, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; chief cook for almsliouse and workhouse, three hundred and sixty dollars; two assistant cooks, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; three assistant cooks, at one hundred and twenty dollars each; trained nurse, who shall act as superintendent of nursin , six hundred dollars; graduate nurse, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; graduate nurse for receiving ward, three hundred and sixty-tive dollars; six orderlies, at three hundred dollars each; pupil nurses, not less than fifteen in number, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars; re istered pharmacist, who shall act as hospital clerk, seven hundred ant? twenty dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-five dollars. For contingent expenses, including improvements and repairs, provisions, fuel, forage, lumber, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, hardware, medicines, repairs to tools, cars, tracks, steam heating and cooking apparatus, painting, and other necessary items and services, fifty-five thousand dollars. For repairs to buildings, painting, lumber, hardware, cement, lime, oil, removal of floors. and repairs to plumbing, steam heating and cooking apparatus. two thousand dollars. For additional sum for erection of bathrooms and closets fo1' two buildin known as the "Old Men’s Home,” one thousand dollars. Fon lgmronm Sonoor.: For superintendent, one thousand five hun- R°f°"¤ SCM01- dred dollars; assistant su erintendent, nine hundreddollars: teachers and assistant teachers, fiire thousand and forty dollars; inatron of school, six hundred dollars; four matrons of families, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; three foremen of workshops, at six hundred and sixty dollars each: farmer, four hundred and eighty dollars; engineer, three hundred and ninety-six dollars; assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; baker, cook, shoemaker, and tailor, at three hundred dollars each: laundress, one hundred and eighty dollars; two dining-room servants, seamstress, and chambermaid, at one hundred and forty-four dollars each; florist, three hundred and sixty dollars; watchmen. not to exceed six in number, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; secretary and treasurer to board of trustees, six hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand four hundred and fifty-two dollars. l·`or support of inmates. including groceries, Hour, feed. meats, dry goods, leather. shoes, gas, fuel, hardware, furniture, tableware, farm implements, seeds, harness and repairs to same, fertilizers, books, stationery, plumbing, painting, glazing. medicines and medical attendance, stock, fencing, repairs to buildings. and other necessary items, including compensation. not exceeding nine hundred dollars, for additional labor or services, and for transportation and other necessary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for discharged boys, not exceeding five hundred dollars, all under the control of the Commissioners, twenty-six thousand dollars. For repairs, one thousand five hundred dollars.