Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/678

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612 FIFPY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1352. 1902 G,§,j_*°’¤ S°'*°°‘ *°' Rraronm Sorroor. ron Grms: Superintendent, one thousand dollars; treasurer, six hundred dollars; matron, six hundred dollars; two teachers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; overseer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four teachers of industries, at two hundred and fifty dollars each; engineer, four hundred and eighty dollars; assistant engineer, three hundred and sixty dollars; night watchman, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; laborer, three hundred dollars; in all, six thousand three hundred and ei ghty-five dollars; For groceries, provisions, light, fue , soap, oil, lamps, candles, clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, hack hire, transportation, labor, sewing machines, fixtures, books, stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repairs, and other necessary items, ten thousand dollars; n all, sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty-five dollars. 0,_f',gf"P°'°‘°8 P'** Tnsnsronnrrou or rmsormnsz For conveying prisoners to the work house, two thousand dollars. H¤¤1>1¢¤1¤- MEDICAL Crumrms. ,,f'°°°"‘°“'“ H°“*“' For the Freedmen’s Hospital and Asylum, as follows: For subsistence, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars; For salaries and compensation of the surgeon in chief, not to exceed three thousand dollars; two assistant surgeons, clerk, assistant clerk, pharmacist, assistant pharmacist, stewar , engineer, matron, nurses, uradresses, cooks, teamsters, watchman, and aborers, sixteen thousan dollars; For rent of hos ital buildings and grounds, four thousand dollars; For fuel and light, clothing, bedding, forage, transportation, medicine, medical and surgical supplies, sur 'cal instruments, electric lights, repairs, furniture, and other absoilirtely necessary expenses, eleven thousand five hundred dollars; In all, fifty-four thousand dollars. ,°;><$¤¤bi¤ Hospital For- the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract °m€°' to be made with the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, by the Board of Charities, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; and the further sum of six thousand dollars is hereby approriated for improvements and repairs at the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lyin -in Asylum. ¢¤i1¤r¤¤’¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤- For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract to be made with the Children’s Hospital by the Board of Charities, not to exceed ten thousand dollars. P,gg¤¤¤<·v·=¤*¢ HW For the care and treatment of indigent pptients, under a contract to ' be made with the National Homeopathic ospital Association b r the Board of Charities, not to exceed eight thousand five hundred dollars. '_]·1¤¤¢¤s¢¤¤>· ¤<>¤r>¤· For Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, maintenance, ` fifteen thousand dollars. . For necessary alterations and improvements required for better rotection of building from fire, one thousand four hundred and gft -eight dollars.

  • ¤¤»*°=¤¤ D*¤¤>¤¤¤¤*Y· liyor Bastern Dispensary, maintenance, two thousand dollars,

W°m°¤’¤ Cum- For the Women s Clinic, maintenance, one thousand dollars. b,g_j¤¤¢ for ¤¤¤¤¤- Fg; tlh: Washington Home for Incurables, maintenance, two thousan o rs. °*‘°°‘°**”°'°¤· cmrn-cnuxo rnsmmrous. G,§;;gg,*g,{_C¤*l°*°¤’¤ Bonn or Carrnnmfs Gunmuusz For the Board of Children’s V01·2‘7.v-268. Guardians, created under the Act approved July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, namely: _ For administrative expenses, including salaries of agents, not to exceed two thousand four hundred dollars, expenses in placing and