Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/819

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7 54 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 3. 1902. December 17. CHAP. 8.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri

“River, at a point to be selected, within five miles north of the Kaw River, m Wyan-

’ dotte County, State of Kansas, and Clay County, State of Missouri, and to make the same a post route. B ·'t a t db th S eat and Haaseo Iiiepresentatirves of the United }§§",,§,§§,“§{§,°Q,uw, Stat; 0;‘7?1ii¢fericqa é; Olmgfesa assembled? That the Kansas City Outer B¤13¤¤dE1e¤¤i¢R¤¤· Belt and Electric Railroad Company, a corporation organized under iiriugeyidéxittiiiil $¥ the laws of the State of Kansas, and authorized by_ the laws of the '”‘“"* “'”°“"· State of Missouri locate and construct its railway into and through ti3.’f§E'.i2'..; L2£$S€.Z“itii§§0Z$f¥¤°§»Z¥t$`§E¥§SB‘.1§‘L'f}€;“$§ii€J§i}“£‘¤1J`§ ‘·°°°“°“· hereafter be located in the county of W andotte, in the State 0 Kansas, and in the county of Clay, in the State of Missouri, and also to ""'*“”°*- construct accessory works to secure the best practicable channel way for navigation and confine the ilow of water to a permanent channel at 8ulf,’§*0f,Q°{,’;,idg;'“*'°“· such point, and also to lay on and over such bridge a railway track or ` tracks and other appliances for the m05e peirfect connection of its railwa * when constructed to said river• an said co ration its successors and assigns, may construct and maintain waysridr wagdns, carriages, and electric or other cars for carrying passengers, or passagewafys for T°“· foot passengers,_charging and receivingl reasonable toll there or, as _ mag be approved from time time by the Secretary of War. °°"`"°°°"` t tE°‘ 2r ”“i‘1iZ’ ”‘*‘.i$?§i%`L%'i?§$f§ ‘£é°§$2LZZZSSt$£S §§{§.F§“K.; a e op ion 0 e said a _

  • "°*’“°*- built as a dmwbiidaplr with unbroken and bontinuous spans: Handed,

H’8h*>¤°¢°· That if the same s be gnpde of unbrokeln arghcoptinuops spalnslit shall not be in any case 0 ess e evation t an y eet a ve ig - water mark, as since the year eighteen hundred and seventy, as understood at the point of location, to the lowest point of the superstructure, with straiglht girderls; nor Shall the rlnain channel span of said bridge be less t an four undre feet in the clear at low-water mark, and all other splans over the vlnlaterway phtahll bednot less than three hundred feet in the clear and the piers o e said bridge shall be parallel with the current of ’the river, and the bridge itself at right · · angles therego gs tilear as mayibg, and thelrpzin slpgn slfnall bepver the ¤¤¤**·¤d8¤· main channe 0 the 1'lV8I‘2 n0 ata bri ge shall be built under this Act as a drawdilidge the same shall be constructed as a pivot drawbridge with one or more draws, as the Secretary of Wgatiil may prepcribe, anad with straps pif such cllear length on esgch sid; 0 e cen ra or pivo piers 0 e raws as e may rescribe· an the next adjoining spans over the river to the draws shall also be of such clear length as e may prescribe; and said spans shall not be less than tenhfeet apovei exgrennp high-water mark, as registered since the year eig teen un rc an seventy measuring to e lowest rt of the superstructure of the bridge; and the piers of the said bridg shall be parallel with the current of blghe Emr, and;;; hwg; itself at right <>v¢¤*¤¢ ¤¤'· an les thereto as near as may : provi a hat said drawbrglge shall he opened pronéptpv upon_ reasonable signal and without “"““‘·°‘°· unnecessary delay: Irovide , hat said company, its successors and assigns, lshall mzpntain, its its owndegpepgse, frolm spnslet iliptil sunrise, such lig ts or other sign on said ri e as the ig t- ouse Board shall prescribe, and shall build and maintain such sheer booms or other structures as may be necessary to safely (guide vessels, rafts, or other Pe t mm 1 watercraft througl;s%id chgmgl spans an Aps shglll rpgeive the approval "““°" " °· of the Secretary 0 ar: n prov' wrt at the company, person, or corporation building said bridge may, siibject to the approval of the Secretary of War, enter upon the banks of said river, either above or below the point of location of said bridge, and confine the flow of the water to a permanent channel and to do whatever may be necessary to accomplis said object, but shall not impede or obstruct the navigation or Hood discharge of said river, and shall be liable for