Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/9

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V'111 LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. - Spanish war claims. An act for the allowance of certain claims for propert taken for mihtary urposes within the United States during the war with Spain, reported by the Secretary of EVM in accordance with the requirements of an item contained m the sundry civil appropriation act, approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, authorizing a.ud_d1recting the Secreta of War to investigate just claims against the United States or private property taken anldvused in the military service within the limits of the United States, and so forth. June 486 28 1902 . ...---..---· · ----------------·---------·-·--- Mcmumcrit General Hugh Mercer. An act to provide for the erection, at Fredericksburg, Virginia, of the monument to the memory of General Hugh Mercer, which was ordered by Congress on the eighth day of April, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, should be erected. June 28, 1902 ... _ . 491 Medah; relief aj Arctic whalers. An act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to bestow medals ' upon First Lieutenant David H. Jarvis, Second Lieutenant Ellsworth P. Bertholf, and , Samuel J. Call, surgeon, all of the Revenue-Cutter Service. June 28, 1902 ... 492 Intcmal-Revenue, starekcqzewgauger. An act to amend the internal-revenue laws in regard to storekeepers and gaugers. June 28, 1902 .. 492 Bridge Ibmmsee River. an act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Tennessee hiver, in the State of Tennmsee, by the Harriman Southern Railroad Company. June 28, 492 1902 .. -. . . . . .».-. Bridge, Ashley River. A11 act to authorize the Charleston, Suburban and Summerville Railway Com y to construct and maintain two bridges across Ashley River, in the State of Sout

 June 28, 1902 . ;  493

Bridge, lliaaouri Riva. An act to authorize the construction of a pontoon bridge across the Missom·i River, in the county of Cass, in the State of Nebraska, and in the county of Mills, in Wa theSt3te(ofIowa. June 28, §9102..-f-.h; . ...f f .. . 496 mmgton,' . ., pumhmed. act or e ptirc 0 rea estate, or revenue an customs at Wilmington, North Carolina. June 28, 1902 ,.. 497 Bridge, gonongahela River. An acttnauthorize the West Elizabeth and Dravosburg Bridge Oomyto construct and maintain a bridge across the Monongahela River, 1D the tate of Qnsylvania. June 30, 1902 . 497 Bridge, Emory Riser. An act to authorize the construction of a. bridge across the Emo Birer, m the State of Tennessee, by the Tennessee Central Railway or its succenon. rgune 30, 1902 . .. . . . . .. 499 Gvekbtdimu, :u ugre¢1racnt. An act to ratify and confirm a sup lemental agreement with the k tribe of Indians, and for other purposes. June 30, 1982- -, ... ‘ ,... 500 Bridge, M"' iRiver. An act to authorize the city of Little Falls, Minnesota, to construct a

 foot bridge across the Mississippi River within the limits of said city. June

30, 1902 . 505 ' Census Office, laborers. An act to amend section four of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for aggeérmanent Census O£hce," approved March sixth, nineteen hundred and two. June 30, 1 . . - .. 506 Oklahoma, public works, Wichita. ceaaion. An act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to su plement existing laws relating to the disposition of lands, and so forth," approved Baruch third, nineteen hundred and one. June 30, 1902 .,_,_, , ,_,,____ 506 Internal revenue, stamp redemption. An act to amend the Act of May twelfth, nineteen hundred, authorizing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to redeem or make allowance for internabrevenue sgamps. June 30, 1902 ... . . .. 506 Appropriatiom Arm . n act ma ing appropriation or the sup rt of the Arm for thefiscal year ending fhne thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three. Hue 30, 1902. . , ____________ 507 Diatrid of Oolumlna, code amendments. An act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia." June 30, 1902 ...,_,_,__,_, , __,_________ _ 520 South Dakota, camp grounds. An act confirming in the State of South Dakota title to a section of land hereto ore granted to said State. June 30, 1902 546 CbnauLv, accepting foreign o_p‘i•·e. An act to prevent any consular officer of the United States from accepting any appointment from any foreign state as administrator, xardian, or to any other office of trust, without first executing a bond, with security, tohe approved by the &cretary of State. June 30, 1902 .___,______ _ _________ __ _ _ 5.;,6 District of (blumbia, dogs. An act relative to the control oi dogs in the District of Columbia. June 30, 1902 .,...,,..,,,..,...,.,_,__,_,__._,. . ..,.. 547 Circuit cvmrt o£ appeals, term at Atlanta, Ga. An act roviding that the circuit court of appeals of the iift judicial circuit of the United States shwall hold at least one term of said court annually in the city of Atlanta, in the State of Georgia, on the first Monday in October in each year. June 30, 1902 ...,..__ .- _ , ,,___,, , ,_.__,,_, 548 Pablo}: lands, desert-land entries, Washington. An act extending the time for making final proof in _ desert-land entries m Yakima County, State of Washington. Juno 30, 1902 _____________ _ 548 Lmded courts, Pmwlrmm middle district. An act amending an Act creating the middle _ district of Penney vania. June 30, 1902 .,,,__,,,...________ _ __________________ ___ _ 549 Linted &ates courts, Pcnnaylvamh eastern district. An act to change the terms of the district court _ for the eastcm district of Pennsylvania. June 30, 1902 ,_________ _ _______________ __ _ ,549 Spanish Claims Commission. An act amending the Act of March second, nineteen hundred and one, entitled "An Act to carry into effect the stipulations of article seven of the treaty between the United States and Spain, concluded on the tenth dav of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. June 30, 1902 ...,_,__,___,_______________________ _ _‘ _______ 549