Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/991

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926 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 973, 974. 1903. Mswh 2, 1903- CHAP. 978.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across the Arkansas

 River at or near Moors Rock, in the State of Arkansas.

_ Be it enacted the Senate and .H’0?l86ErfR@7‘68€H¢dt7:U68 of the United §§§§§§ {‘,{,‘Q,‘§’·,,,,d States 0]/".America in Congress assemble , That the Arkansas Coal and 1é£;¤;r=;;£:iL¤é%>ég?¤§£ giiplegastgglxaylggmgauyé a Ecgpezrtption (incorporated Endo; thetkws com neck, Ar . _ s s s s es. rs an assigns, are ere y au or- 1zed to construct, operate, and maintain a bridge across the Arkansas River at Moors Rock, or within two miles above or below said Moors Rock, on the boundary line between the counties of Crawford and _ Sebastian. Said bridge shall be constructed in accordance with such gg';;',;,, 0, Wm. to pzans as may be approved by the Secretary of War: Provided, That npprovc plum. etc- fore the construction of any bridge herein authorized is commenced the said colmpany slaall spbmit to gl? Secretary ofhWar, for his exammation an approva , a esign an rawing of suc bridge and ma of ‘the location, giving sufficient information to enable the Secretary) of War to fully and satisfactorily understand the subject; and unless the C plan and location of such bridge are approved by the Secretary of War Lhedgarnaggzpre shagfpot be bm t; and s lpulhdl any chlaungebe ma ein said _ r1 e ore or er comp etiou suc c nges s ll·likewise be sub- . · jpct to the approval of the Secretairy of War; and any changes in said ridge whic the Secretary of War may at any time deem necessary ug and orgs; jpl the interests of nawiga>t_ionh;hallP be made by the owners W- M- ereo a eir ex nse:urt hat for the safet of vessels passing at night the owners of said bridge shall maintain thereon, at their own expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals as the Lig t-House Board may prescribe.

  • 7* by 0***** ¤¤·¤·· Sec. 2. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridge

shall have equal rights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains or cars over the same an over the approaches thereto upon C°mP°“°°“°¤- payment of a reasonable compensation for suc use; and in case the owners of said bridge and any railroad company desiring such use shall fail to agree upon the sums to be paid or the conditions to be observed, Te] Bgnph em all matters at issue shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon ,-ism, ‘ " hesgpng the glleggtipng and of the (parties; and equal privileges in euseo said r1 ges grante totele hadtl h companies. gmp n C cp ODS ,,,I;,°,,‘,§,{‘}(l,,{’,;’f“°‘“'° Sec. 3. That the bridge constructed, maintained, and o rated under this Act and according to its limitations shall be a lawiiil structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no highencharge shall be made for the transportation over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for transportation of said mails, troops}, png mumttpng oiger the iéailroads and public higlhways leading to said ari ge· an the United States shall have th ° t f f postal telegraph across said bridge. 8 ng 0 way Ora ,,,?,}f"° °' °°“’“’“°‘ Sec. 4, l`hat this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the approval of this Act. A¤°¤'*¤¤*¤*· Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 2, 1903.

 CHAP. 974.-An Act To create a new division of the eastern judicial district of

[public, y,,_ BL] 'lcgeslas, pH1g1f:; pip];-d; for terms of court at Texarkana, Texas, and or a clerk for said _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rq>resentati the U 't d ¥§§fsf•j;$§f3@; States ofAme¢·£ca in Congress assembled, That the coniiitxejsl of Bdlwiriie, riigglwdggdggnl Franklin, and Titus shall constitute a division of the eastern judicial ns, msn, ,_,n_ district of Texas.