Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/992

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Cus. 974, 975. 1903. 927 Sec. 2. That terms of the circuit and district courts of the United T°”“°*T°”'k°¤°~ States for the said eastern district of Texas shall be held twice in each year at the city of Texarkana, and that until otherwise provided by law the ]udges of said courts shall tix the times at which said courts shall be held at Texarkana, of which they shall make publication and give due notice. Sec. 3. That all civil process issued against rsons resident in the R°”“"‘ °*¥"°°°“· said counties of Bowie, ranklin, and Titus, andktzognizable before the United States courts, shall be made returnable to the courts, respectively, to be held at the city of Texarkana, and all prosecutions for oifenses committed in any of said counties shall be tried in the ap ro- _ priate United States court at the city of Texarkana: Provided, That f.°Q§'§L’,,c,,,,,,,_ no process issued or rosecution commenced or suit instituted before abc psgssage of this bib shall be in any way affected by the provisions ereo . · Sec. 4. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts of said dis- (“°'”· trict shall maintain an office, in char e of themselves or a deputy, at - the said city of Texarkana, which sgall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of said division. Approved, March 2, 1903. CHAP. 97§.—An Act Making appropriation for the support of the Army for the March 2, 1908. fiscal year ending June thxrtieth, nineteen hundred and four. Be it enacted by the Senate and Héause of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That the following sums be, mggmy ’*PP’°P’l¤· and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury ` not otherwise appropriated, for the sup rt of the Army for the year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundredfnd four: commxsnme erzzcrznsris onion on run or mm cmnr or snrr. _,,,.§°f”Q}”“(‘§,’§'l,§“,§ £§'§f To defray the contingent e nses of the Commanding General’s C°¤**¤l~’°¤***¤P*>¤¤¢¤· gflice or that of the Chief of Sptiitf in his discretion, three thousand o ars. Corrrmorzxcms or mn Amar: For all contingent expenses of the A§lQ_¤;¤¤¢*¤°*¤°**¤° Army not provided for by other estimates, and embracing all branches ` of the military service, to be expended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, twenty-five thousand dollars. Amir Wim COLLEGE : For expenses of the Army War College, Amy “'°’ °°“°¤°- being for the temporary hire of olhce rooms, purchase of the neoessarfy stationery, office, toilet, and desk furniture, text—b0oks, books of re - erence, scientific and professional papers and periodicals, binding, maps, police utensils, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, fifteen thousand dollars. Uxnmn THE crrrmr or Aniinrnnr. l Arigpgrgr cme: or Scnoor, or Sormarumz Dnrmvsn, Forrr To·m·1cN, New Yom:: For sc§]g§j{¤*¤*i¤¤ d€***¤¤° incidental expenses of school and depot, including fuel, lights, chem- incidsnmiexpensss, icals, stationery, hardware, extra-duty' pay to soldiers necessarily em loyed for riods not less than ten ays as artiticers on work in addition to andxiiot strictly in line with their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photoglraphers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrig ts, masons. machinists, painters, overseers, laborers, repairs of an for material to repair public buildings, boats used in connection with the school. office furniture and tixtures. machinery, and unforeseen expenses. ten thousand dollars.