Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/993

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928 FlFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 975. 1903. ,,;‘]m’i°l*°'*°*°'“°‘ For purchase of material for use in instruction of artillery troops ` in their special duties in connection with the loading and planting of submarine mines, one thousand dollars. APF’°’“‘“S· For purchase of special apparatus and for experimental purposes of the de artment of electricity, mines, and mechanism, Fort Totten, New Yldrk, two thousand dollars. For purchase of special apparatus and for experimental purposes of the department of c emistry and explosives, Fort Totten, New York, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ For purchase of special apparatus for electrician sergeants division, School of Submarine Defense, Fort Totten, New York, one thousand dollars. Books. For purchase and binding of professional books of recent date treating of military and scienti c subjects for library of School of Submarine Defense, and for use of school, two thousand five hundred dollars. service moors. UNITED Stmrns snnvron sonoons: To provide means for the theorm mums, vu. retical and practical instruction at the Artillery School at Fort Monrrm rotten, N. Y. roe, Virginia; the School of Submarine Defense at Fort Totten, New rm Leavenworth, York; the General Service and Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, K’“"‘ Kansas, and the School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery Fm Rum Kms- at Fort Riley, Kansas, by the urchase of text-books, books of reference, scientific and rofessionahpapers, the purchase of modern instruments and materialpfor theoretica and practical instruction, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, to be allotted in such propgrtions as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the st interest of the military service, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Adi¤¤¤¤¤-G¤¤¢¤’¤i‘¤ ADJUTANT-GENERAL’S DEPABTLIENT. Department. aggnuérssgégéwrrw For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military °° qdepartments, including the staff corps serving thereat, being for the urchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and desk furniture, binding, maps, books of reference, professional newspapers and periodicals, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the several military department comman ers, seven thousand five hundred dollars. d1;¤;¤>r:·¤;1e91R¤ei¤¤¤r ¤f To enable the Secretary of War to purchase from Francis B. Heitmicmééauttonm. man, the compiler thereof, the manuscript of the Historical Register of the United States Army, compiled from the ofhcial records of the War Department from seventeen hundred and eighty-nine to the date of the passage of this Act, three thousand dollars, to be immediately Printing and arm-1. availab e; and for printing an edition of six thousand copies of said "““"“· register by the Pub ic Printer, one thousand for the use of the Senate, two thousand for the use of the House of Re resentatives, and three thousand for the War Department, and from the co ies allotted to the VVar Department each Government depository shall) be supplied with one copy, twelve thousand dollars. dgggnjgyinfvmnrivn For contingent expenses of the militar information division, ' Adjutant-General’s Office, including the purchase of law books, books of reference, eriodicals and newspapers, and of the rnilitarv attaches at the United States embassies and legations abroad, and of the branch office of the military information division at Manila, to be ex ended under the direction of the Secretary of lVar, ten thousand dbllars:

 [’rm.·i(led, That section thirtysix hundred and eighty-two, Revised
§_S__,,C?§‘g’§g_,_723_ Statutes, shall not apply to the expenditure of this appropriation so

far as it relates to the offices of the military attaches abroad and to §g¤>scrir>¤¤¤s m pa- said branch office at Manila: And 7}?"O’L'?i(Z6d_]‘ll7’¢]l¢"7’, That section thirty- Wn.`s.,¤ee.ss4s,p.7ra. Six hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this