Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1333

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1246 Frrrrnrerrrn cosonnss. sm. III. cs. 1484. 1905. I gér§,(f;;°h¤¤¤°¤· To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay C. E. Richardson for ` extra services rendered rn the office of the Secretary of the Senate, _ one hundred and fifty dollars. §§‘;;‘},,j’,?g;°c?e;*f”· · To reimburse the official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the Senate forex uses incurred from March fourth, nineteen hundred and four, to l\’ll»i‘i·ch fourth, nineteen hundred and tive, for clerk hire and other- extra clerical services, four thousand seven hundred r and forty dollars. {;,,§,I,;,{,‘f,‘{°,j;_ To pay J. H. Jones for extra services in the care of the Senate chro- _ nometer and for the work in connection therewith, one hundred dollars for the third session of the Fifty-eighth Congress. _Q,;*gj"g;£§;’¤· To pay Ormsby McHarg for indexing and for extra services as clerk _— to the Committee on Pensions seven hundred and fifty dollars. §j,,‘{,§;*;Sl*- Km- _ To pay Dennis M. Kerr for services as assistant cler§by* detail to » the Committee on Pensions, seven hundred and fifty do rs. ' ·l“"“?"’·l'°*“°*‘·l'· To pa James B. Finch, junior, assistant clerk to the Committee on Indian Kaus, for extra services in compiling and reparrng indexes go reports, and stenographic work, two hundred and fifty _ dollars. _ · .

·'Q,‘§1,l,‘,§’{‘,{’;,,'¥`“'“°" To pa William B. Turner fotrépreparing index to the report of Rob;

crt C. Librris, agent of the Uni States before the United Sjatesmd- _ Venezuelan Claims Commission, two hundred and fifty dollars. Ex’·,‘;,‘;’,{,0='j° °l•"‘ To defray the expenses of the members of the joint committee of the Jcingtgongndennl Senate and House authorized to attend and represent the Congress of °°§',{';m-,§;,, R,,,;,,. the United States on the occasion of the formal opening ceremonies of ‘

    • °”‘- P- ”· the Lewis and Clark_Centennial Exposition and Oriental Fair, to be

held at Portland, Oregon, June first, nineteen hundred and live, ten ` thousand dollars, or so ·much thereof as may be necessary, of which sum four thousand dollars shall be accredited to the Senate, to be expended under the direction and by the order of the Ser eant-at~Arms of the Senate, and six thousand dollars accredited to Cie account of and expended under the direction and by the order of the Sergeant-at- Arms of the House of Re resentatives, upon vouchers to be approved by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Serrano, and by the Committee on Accounts of the House, res ctive y. . . {{3*;*; ¤};i¤;um 'fdenable the Committee on Claims to {prepare a record and index of sm mumprivate claims introduced in the Senate uring the Fifty-eighth Con-, . Egess, one thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may necessary, to be paid upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee; and said sum or any part ereof, in the discretion of the chairman, may be paid as additional compensation to any officer or employee of the United States, this amount to continue available durin the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. Said work shall be compgted and reported to the Senate on the iirst day of the first regular session of the Fifty-ninth Congress, and the usual number of copies Ca · sh?:] be printed reéady for distribution pcnlsgidtdlate. d · I ml 20***- a _ at so muc 0 the sum appropria e Act approve A ri sniigiiiiiitiig. b I twenty-eighth, nineteen hundredii alid four,yto defray thd)exp;·nsegof _ ‘"""‘_""°°· the Commission created by that Act, remaining unexpende , may be expended by said Commission under the direction of the chairman of said Commission for the further investigation of the matters for which said Act provided, but no expenditure beyond said unexpended baldcttrgmrssm wu- ance shal be made; and the Commission is hereby revived and con- ° ° trnued until the beginning of the next session of Congress. .,5*::*0* ¤¢vr¤¤¤¤¥·nocsn or REPRESENTATIVES. p,°°J;¤¤*<>¤·¤ em- .To enable the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of mmmesmm psy. Representatives to pay to the officers and employees of the Senate and