FIFTY-EIGHTH oouomcss. sm. III. ou. m4. 1905. 1247 House borne on the annual and session rolls on the first day of February, nineteen hundred and five, includin the Capitol police, the oihcial reporters of the Senate and House, and W. `A. Smith, Congressional Record clerk, for extra services during the third session of the Fifty- eighth Congress, a sum equal to one month’s pay at the compensation . then paid them by law, the same to be immediately available. For allowance to the following contestants and contestees for expenses Contested - election incurred by them in contested-election cases as audited and.recom- °x’°"°°’ mended by the Committees on Elections: - To Wil iam Connell, two thousand dollars; W*¤i·¤¤ 0<>¤¤¢¤- , E To A. H. Jackson, four hundred and sixty-four dollars and eighty- A- H·J¤¤k¤¤¤- ve cents; . To W. Godfrey Hunter, in the case of Edwards against Hunter, W-60****%* Hmmtwo thousand dollars; - ’ To W. Godfrey Hunter, in the case of White against Hunter, five hundred dollars; To D. C. Edwards, two thousand dollars; D- °· E•iW¤¤*¤· To John D. White, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ·l°h¤ D· whim dollars and ninety-seven cents; in all, nine thousand nine hundred and V sixty-four dollars and eiphw-two cents. To pay the widow o . F. Mahone , late a Representative in Qgyllolfvgléggvegi Congress from the State of Illinois, five thousand dollars. ’ To pay the widow of Norton P. Otis, late a Representative in Con- §;’¤Q;*‘§idg§v=*~0, gress from the State of New York, five thousand dollars. Y ` For miscellaneous items and expenses of special and select commit- eg_’¤¤°"•¤°°¤=i*¤*¤¤· tees, on account of fiscal years, as follows: - ‘ _ - d Flpr the fiscal yearuineteen hundred and five, twenty-tive thousand . o rs. . . For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, includi the accounts set forth in House Documents Numbered Twenty-two,'§venty-eight, and One hundred and forty-one of this session, five thousand four hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-three cents. ‘ For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one hundred and sixty-six dollars and twent ·three cents. For fuel and oil for the heating apparatus, five thousand dollars. Fm ml °*l· For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, two thousand F“'"*“"°- eight hundred and thirty dollars and eighty-one cents. Wor hire of horses, feed, repair of wagon and harness for the Door- }}g°:·°°gj_*‘· kee er. three hundred dollars." 'lb reimburse the official reporters of debates and the official stenog- omcm mmm ` raphers to committees of the House of Representatives for moneys °“;€,§°§“,‘,’l‘,',!,',§°,§§"‘ actually paid out by them for clerical help aud extra services from March fourth, nineteen hundred and four, to March fourth, nineteen hundred and five, seven hundred and fift dollars each; and to John J. Cameron, two hundred and forty dollhrs; in all, seven thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. To pa approved vouchers on file for extra stenographic services Remain;. rendered, to committees of the House, eight hundred and fifty-three dollars and twenty-five cents. To continue em loyment of the docket clerk authorized by resolu— Docket mm. tion of the House February twentyminth, nineteen hundred and four, at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum from March fourth to June thirtieth. nineteen hundred and five, both inclusive, six hundred and fifty dollars. To continue employment of three assistants in the document room, Documnnwm. under resolution of the House of January eighteenth, nineteen hun- ""°’°‘“°* dred and four, from March fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, both inclusive, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum each, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _
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