Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1387

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momx. xiii Black jiiqer, N. IT, _ nge. Board of Visitors, Page. pmlmgguryasnmnmtion of mouth of, to 1 appropriation for expenses, Military Acad- 85 111 6 - 153 em ... 446, 3 Black Rfvqr, Qhio, for Navi} Academy 346, 1112 Brpfroggngyngsr ixnprrovamont. of . 493, 1194 Boardman, Benjamin, uc · _· ar r, A . . payment of French spoliation claim to wdapproprraqon for improvement of; con- B mirwtrawr of ,..,.._.,..,..,. 782 thwis .. . ...,. 1120 ozvrdman, alliam ` for zmprovement of lake Erie en- payment of Frenoh fspoliation claim to adranvc ... 494 1195 ministrator o 782 tunnel under, for Buffalo water supply, , Boardman, William H, Bl L `aa1:I\>h1}51zed -§; . 1.- 843 payment of French spoliation claim to 2,41590 ac ·n s, wwe ope ministmtor of .. 786 794 apprfopriqtion for invesiigating extraction Boa¢.vwa·im», Navy, Y I Bl L "0f miuzral vahies of ... 1187 eligiblo for appointment as ensigns afmr 346 ac · orrior iver A a. , our cars.:--- ,. appropriation for improvement; of; Boatzrwains, Jgwy, Ohio], · b d dredge-.;] . 4%,1128,1195 appointment of ·b0at,swuins as, after six · 346 ri ge aut. oriz across, tween Greene years' service . and Mnrengo counties, Ala 1261 Boeuf River, La., _ in Tuscaloosa County . ... . 63 appropriation for improvement of 1130 Blackberry, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal bridge authorized ucrom . 842 and Coke Comoany, Bogota, Colombia, may bridgceiug For of Igg Sandy River appropriation for consul-general at .. 69, 916 near 4 a.tcwu.n, W. a 238 Bogrdn IL, Luis Bluckfeet Agency Indians, may be admitged to Military Academy - - . 1279 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. 196, 1052 Bogue Falia, La., , Blaclqfeet Agency, Maru., appropriation for improvement of 1129 apggpdstion for Indian agent at . 190, 1048 Boilers, Inxgectors of _ _ _ Blac one, cfrélnard _ _ d t 753 local, autngnzo;1 aj; collectnon dmtncts and 1026 · ymento ourto sums Ju gment 0-. po ; sa amos . · Bxzkwmer Bay, Fla., assistant, clerks, etc ... 1027 appropriation for improvement of 1127 qualitications . ... . .. 1029 Blackwater Greek, Va., disquailiiicaticus; punishment for acting if greliminary examination of, to be made., 1155 B Elisqualiai/rod . ... 1029 B ckwater River FM., oilero 0 .Steam case , ' appropriation ior improvement of 1127 annual inspection; requirements modified- 1027 Blackwell, Solomon L., Boise, Idaho, paymentw . 805 aptpropriatiou gn assay officc; salaries.. 110, 656 Blanlqm Benjamin · or wagcsan expenses .. 110 656 puymont of Coxirt of Claims judgment to Bmblandry, E 0., _ _ ’ administrator of ,. 769 payment of Frcnchfspolmmon claim to ad- Blight Peler ministruwr 0 787 a {nant of French s Iiation claim to ad- Boialandry, R. (.1, P ) P° minigti-um; of ___,., 786, 787 payment of F renchfspoliutiou claim to ad- B[‘» d, I ministrator o ...,.,,, 798 rgading matter for, may be sent free by Bolivia, mail; condition; ____,.,_,_.,.. 313 apmopriatioxi for minister to ,.._,,_ 6:4, 916 Blhulnasa, Total, Born y, Qulju, pengign {0;-, inqrqggerl _____,_,._,,,.. 163 appropriation for vunsul at . ..,,,,,, T4, 921 Block Island, R. L, Bond, Izraalus • gppmpriamion gm- improvement of har- 111 } Bpajwnvrz I0, . ... 805 boi- of rg u e _,___,,.. . ... 9 on , . 71 um for impmvennenm of harbor, Great Salt B payment of’French spoliation claim to ml- Pond ___,_,_,..., . ... 1119 i B { nngprstmtor oi .. 78:%, 794 Bl 1 ·l¢, Smr ucl, 1 cm r aqm gigginent of French spoliation claim on i 3 Brcfjm? of l!lftOl'¥`l8·l·|’€VBll\l8 taxes to ..,._,, 3417 - · { ;f _______ _ , _,,_,,,.,,. 78Qnm x bnlru orn’, IflrmrlgmsitY;;;:n·;n1, f to include security for materials, etc., furpayment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 759 . mshcd them for public works .. 812 Blue Book, 1.005,actions nn, brought by Government .. 812 appropriation {O;-gmpgring .. 670 ‘ partiesfurn1s}(;ing_materials, etc., may B d f Ch 'Iiu . C, . intervene; xstribution ,..,,_,,.,_, 812 Zgprgpriaigsn for salaries, etc .. 385, 906 by parties for materials, etc., furnished, 312 201* treatment of indigent patients; re-time for mstntuting ,.. - . S12 Btricgjon _______ _ _,,_.. . ... 908 uniting creditors in one action; distri- B l El ( l' , D CY, ~ butwn ... B12 ggfirginriégozn I2; ... T I . . Z . 376, 897 ~ sq¤·tios’ liability relieved -. ,.,______ S12 B-r·l of Orrlnurwe and Forfe/¤¤¢¢¢¢¤¤, · _ _ notnge to crednmrs 812 ap yropriation for general expenses . 23;, 84: Banda, umtomse, hir civilian member . - ... 234, 848 g to be taken from agent of owner, etc., for for expenses of members 237, 848 Y provluctnon of formal papers ... 826 for tests of ex penljmentql gun?. rst0g_. 237, 848 5 iuiniinumlamgilrgt; not necessary for goods 826 ' ‘n tt to mV9H 1011 mrc , unc er ... ' mqmnnialiing tongs, etc 237, 848 * general, by common carriers, otc . 826