Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1458

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lxxxiv INDEX. Loomis, Russell R, P¤8¢‘· E Louisiana Purchase Evp0sition—Continued. Pasclands transferred from and to Nebraska to i Government building tendered to District permit completing homestead entry of Coiumbia .. 1165 of .,.,... 819 imported exhibits sold, to pay duty in Loose Hay, Cotton, or Hemp, force at time of sale ... 566 not permitted on passenger steamers . 1031 medals to be made at mint .. 513 Lorain, Ohio, transfer of Government exhibit to Portappropriation for improvement of harbor- 1134 land, Oreg., exposition ... 176 Lord, Ci W, withdrawal free of duty of articles donated refund of intemabrovcnuo taxes to ... 807 to religious, etc., institutions J . 164 Larimer, Hon. Willmm, restrictions, etc ... 165 deficiency appropriatioufor c011tested-c1ec- Louisiana Purchase Eaqzosétiorz Company, tion expenses . 420 deficiency a. propriation for loan to .. 18 Loring, John E, payment to aoard of lady managers .. 18 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- repayment of loan from gross receipts; ministmtor of 782 procedure ..., 18 Loring, Joshua, Louzhiana Western Judicial Dbctrict, ‘ . payment of French spoliation claim to ad- new division of, created . 841 rninistrator of ...,.,.. 782 terms; proceedings. . 841 Lorman alliam, · L · jg K ' paymont of French spoliatiou claim toad- 0£;,v;0;}-iaggn formarmchospim] qmmm mirdstrstors of 798 etc ______________ L _______ I 1162 L08 A‘n9€l€—°» {Fal-, _ _ for improvement of Falls of the Ohio aggroprmtion for pnblicbu1ldingB1;cut . 455, 1159 River ____________________________ 1134 d mono; gnmpmhou for pu he build- Lwrmgo Mgque? AfM°& . . . ’' '. '' I ’'’ . '‘°'Y0 D a - -•·-- • --·--• provismué ion- sepuring site and erection of [,,:5,9;,,; 1;%,;;;,; (jjpn ’ _ _P“bh° building -·-·---- - -—--·--·- 241 payment of égurt of Claims judgment to . 753 limit of cost .. : ... 241 Low W W unexp?;¤g;¤:iJé=g;;;e; covered m; pay- 2Q payment on com of Claims judgment to

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Loss by Exchange Low gy E ¤1>tpr¤pri¤¤<>¤ {on ¤¤i¤¤i<>¤¤ ------------- 70. 918 paiygiaoifggi 06m or Claims judgment w. 755 or, consulzr service .,... 80,928 [ ber Wim m L°“9"”"· F""' ·· ’ t racbm or Cl ·m na z m payment to .. --. 803 P“Ym°‘{. 0 , m B 1 gmm .I,ou-isa any! Fort Gay Bridge Company, Lowe hizgggjvkpf ''''‘‘‘‘'‘’‘‘‘ 765 ..,gggg(}>r:<*g;j·g Smdy ¤w<·=*» I-¤·¤¤¤· Ky- 1015 umd of im;a].¤-mm taxes to ... gm

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P¤>’¤~¤* of Fmh ¤¤>**==·¤·>¤ cms <>¤ L°,£‘$;{2'.1'€’0f com of cms ;udg¤.m m. 746 rm, £3'?f’“"‘°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”° LM ·’<··~¤>’··f F ,1 ,. H 1. bridge authorized across Big Sandy River mymcmngningéggx gp m °° ° mm to 790 L0m,,,f}° ············ · ··················· “”°‘ Lowe. Phoebe s., " approygéation for surveyor-general, clerk% L0I‘$fr}§’_:3e m¢;?éy?l2.?°§l’}k ?ll°tt°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 10 66 bridges authorized across Red, Little, and , °}?pr°p"°¤°¤. fm Inman gmt at '‘‘' f 190* 1048 °····=*·**¤ ··*V·=~, ··¤** B=>‘·~·· L<~i#· L‘Z{L‘§£.‘1'3§f§°,KL'}€;p”.€'§&20¤ for light-house M Lani,;,,,,;! j},;;" `°°`_' I Lower Klamath Lake, Ozieg. mul (.214, appropriation for public building , 455, 1159 { 0h¤·¤g8 of IGYGI authorized under 1rngamm Lguigiana Pumhuxv ..r mailima, W"? -; ~ - ·; --·—·· _ ··---~-----····--- 714 up rofmriation mr exinbn or Indians, mc,- 207 ; Low Pwd d OMUH I~d·<·¤#, ·V<>~#-» tlor ife-saving station at ... 459 ; allotment of lands on Flathead Reservafor transporting exhibits added to Na- § _ mm to -—·------···-----·--------- 303 tional Museum collections . 1165 i I40H`?`!?, John, deficiency appropriation for further aid t0_ 15 5 paymentpf Court of Claims Judgment to time of payment 18 , heir and legntoe .. 766 allotment to lady managers .. 18 * LO""`!/» N- i\·» _____ repayment by company ..--- 18 Wymcnito . n v guarantee required 18 Lowry, Revgart B., portion of gross reeeipm; minimum, 18 . payment of Court of Clanms Judgment to procccdinzs in case of default .- 19 executor of ..-... » ¢65 acceptance of conditions by company - 19 LW`"-°» ;’i'”*“"· _ _ _ range and haltc-r—brokc cattle from all <¥¢5c1cncy appropriation for . 1249 sections may be exhibited . 19 Lucerne, Switzerland, for testing coals, etc .. 33, 412, 603 appropriation for consul at . 75, 923 for exhibiting model of Capitol 402 for clerk hire 78, 926 for tests of timber ...,...,,... 412 "Lucrelin," S?·hn0ner, for Cougresional committee at opening payment of French spoliation claims on of ... 412 account of 796 acknowledgments to foreign governments "Lucy," Schooner, Rider, Jfaslcr, participating in, authorized ..,. 1285 payment of French spoliation claims on copyright protection to foreign exhibits - . -1 account of ,... 792