Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1460

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lxxxvi INDEX. McKeespm·t, Pa., Page- I Macon, Ga., Pagoappropriation for public building . 455, 1159 I appropriation for public building 1159 McKim, Robert, I deficiency appropriation for public buildpayment of French spoliation claim to ad- I ing, improving, etc ...,.,,. 23 ministratrix of .. 787, 798 , Macy, Henry G., t ' Meg,,,,,,,,, Needham M,,;,,,,,,, payment of Court ofCla1ms judgment to playment of Court of Claims judgment to . 769 M dd n§1;f}€“' of ··-------·---·--··------ 754 Mc innie, Solomon P., G el}, 7 Wm, _ _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 769 d€nCl€n€Y nPP¥`°Pn3n0n 101 extra S€1‘V· Momma, Solomon P., _ _ ICQS --------------------------- 422,1251 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Maddun €h;{"l<’8f·[»f 196 heirs of ________________ _ _________ 769 appropna ion or ees ... McKnight and Company, _ _ Maddux, M¢ll`93l‘€$ Vi _ _ payment or Court of Claims judgment to I payment of wrt <>fo1¤¤¤¤¤1¤dg¤¤¤¤tt0 - 772 Surviving pm-mer _________________ 763 I Madman Slreet, D. C., A[c](own, John, name changed to Church street .,,..,,.,, 244 payment of French spoliation claim to ad-Mn9d6W7H, G”m¤'l?!i minism-nor of ____________________ 783 appropriation for consul at . 75, 923 McLean, Doctor .1 11, Mayen Nwhvwv, _ _ riefund of interna1—revenue taxes to ... 807 Payment of gon? of 01¤¤¤¤¤ Jndgmnnt to 766 Mc an John, . , 6x90n OT 0 ---···-·----··-··------ w payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Ma97`ud€"» Th°Wl~‘l B-, _ _ ministrator of .. rss, vse, 789, ma payment ci Qourt of 01¤¤¤¤ ivdzmcut to McLean, ]Vathaniel 1L, admmrstmtor of .. 756 Mpzymenérpj back pay, etc., to widow of-- . 806 Mnhalb é:gl`€?CT{ut f C1 _ _ t to 759 c an ur O · O O 8.11118 ]U CD . payment of Cburt of Claims judgment to . 761 Mnhnlb Denn'8 Hi _ _ MCL6g;,",, Aythur, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 759 payment or French spoliation claim to nd- Mahoney, W- F, Me ¤ Rewawlallve m CM- ministrator of 796 I d H _ 9"€88r _ t_ f d 1249 MCM0h0n, Mmm, e ciency appropria ron vor wi ow .. reappointed on Board or Mnpgm, vpi- * Mall Bag W LM Raw 6*1% D- 0-· · , I appropriation for expenses ... 436 1087 Mc uam,;1¤}3::7S0ld1€rS Home '’‘°‘''° 592 I deficiency appropriation for fuel ,_,,..,,, i 414 ‘ ment or com or comp no ppt pp nz l Mall BM ac-· Mal ~*~‘l~· Mmstn Jamey 1 gmI appropriation for 435, 1087 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Z Mggggfncg ?Ppr°I;;`12;tl2)'IS{€f9t ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 414,1238 admmistratrix of ..,.. 765 I * P"; it wml OS it . N wel ,,[,_$,[,/,,,,,1, e Dame, I appropriation for chief inspector, etc- .- 132, 678 P*‘Y‘“°"F of Cm of Claims i·¤<*gm€¤* tc l f3?éi‘§£22"E§2E“d?}?£l3?,“iSS§a5t;4;tp;g‘ 23S18S? · - wld0W Oi `'’’``'`''°‘ 765 I forsecuringinformation; rewards 438; 1083 M;;;foQ’§'£én'l3;*f·i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,), c,mS,mc_ you nlm, rn., {mm: seem, tion, use of balance ..,. 506, 1205 “PP"°l"‘“*’°“ .0r ‘‘‘‘’’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘·‘·‘ 436* 1087 MCR8e, Rob", C I Mad Tranaportahon, payment or cam of Claims pnpnppp tp I ~v¤~r¤g¤¤¤¤ for M ¤·¤¤¤¤ ·----·---- 4% 1087 adminlslmm of ----·-----—---··-· 768 I p.£`~€§¤.26'2K‘£§,;;4g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 23S13S? M" Wlm“""· A”d"°"”v . _ for messenger service; . . I . 435: 1087 p¤ym¤¤¢ of Court of €1¤·¤m¤ Judzmsut to 5 pnrapnnpnna electric mm, Chicago..- 4:ss mmOnn“(;:’;*g:};’l;`_9mr of -·····----~-·---—· 743 5 for pneumatic-tube service j. 435, 1087 4 ° i ·y f > _, ·` ____ ______ ________ :' payment of Court of Claims judgment to ~ fg; :,§§2;,;€,::,:;§B _________________ M h, >‘,‘d°“ (gt ····· · -·······--··--·--·- 758 Z weighiié of mails for readjusting pay, 1088 “°` me ·'Y'"1°· ·‘ "”’?/· 4 for post·o ce car service ... 436, 1088 appropnanoll for pllrclmsev m*muf’“’tm`€‘· ~ for electric and cable car service 437 1089 for a‘;‘;Hu‘f{t;";‘: “"””¥"" ·········-- amount for Chicago underground cars; i ···········-··--·--- · v contract ...,, 1089 Md€hll1€T}/_Pl{lN(8, Naziy-1'arrla for special facilities . L .. 437, 1089 appropriation for fumishmg, etc .. 344, 1110 for foreign mails _,__,______________ 437,1089 Machvylvc Greek, Va.,_ _ I for miscellaneous ,,,,___,__________ 437,1090 preliminary examination to be made of deficiency appropriation for railroad upper ... - ... 1155 ! routes .. 39, 414 Mack, Alexander, _ _ I for star routes ... 39, 45, 414, 426, 1255 Mpzyngent of Court of Claims judgment to _ 746 for steamboat service ,,,.,,_____,____ 45, 414 ac ·, .agcne for t—oHi p ·' , ..,,,, 45 payment fof Court of Claims judgment to for glalgon sgiivigg .. 414 son 0 .. 748 Mails ( eee also Postal Service), Mackay, Mun o, conveyance of insect st., 'n f bidd . . 12"0 payment ofg French spoliation claim to ad- punishmeiit for violiaitiddsj. Rl; if Ii- . 1270 ministrator of 794 I Maine, Mackay, lhllzam, _ _ Kenncbec Arsenal, Augusta, conveyed to, P¤Ym€ni5 or F 1`€¤0h Sp0ll8€10I1 claim to ad— I for insane hospital ,_____ _ _,_______ 1270 _ ministrator of 785 Mainz, Germany, JIGCMF, Belljlllllvl S., I I I gpproprigtjgn for cgngu] at ______ _ ______ 74, 922 payment oi Court of Claims judgment to _ 76.5 I Or clerk hire ___________________ _ ____ 78, 926