Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1171

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INDEX. 2467 Hanover, Qmjmany, P¤s¤· [ Harlan, George VK, Page. Happropgggcn :3; consul at . 75, 923 “ pension iulcreased .,.____,______,____ 143,5 GTHHI, ina , · H , , granted honorable discharge .. 2007 } tgeggouzmgiéagw _____,_________________ 1464 Hansen, lierrpzg {Cl d 7 9 Harlem River, N K, ymon 0 ‘ urt 0 aims ju gment to. . 4 appropriation for improvement of 1121 Heizaon, Ggurge R., bridge puthorized across, New York City. 537 H]>€11m0¥}\¤Cf€¤sed ... 1607 quxtclajmlrof linda on shore of, to Edward umm, MGC, . arm .,.,..., 1833 nsion increased ... 1743 Harley, Otho R, "Eppy Return," Brig, payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment of French spoliation claim on ac- administrator of ,_,,,,_,__ 752 count of .. 781 Harlow, Georgia A. (widow), Haradon Edwin A., pension increased ,,.,.,_,,,,,,, , 1948 Hpension increased ... 2071 Harlow, Philip .L, _ . arbor, James S., Hpension increased.` ...,.,_,.,,,_, 1580 granted honorable discharge . 2071 arman, Anna E. (widow) , Harbor and River Front, D. ., * pension ...____, ; .__,,.,,_,,___,,_______ 1631 aplzroprintion for expenses .. 374 l Harmqn, ligne.; (widow), or expenses of harbor {patrol .. 902 _ pensmn increased ...,..,,.,, 1539 · dcfciency appropriation or . gg l Harmon, Charles L., or rotcctiug 12 l usion increased .., 1828 Hplnwfuudcr department . 902 Hgfrnon, Ellen A. (widow), _ arbor , w . pension 1401 appropriation for improvement of harbor { Hannon, flank P., _ _ H B; refuge ... , . .7 .. 1137 l {nay bnélge {Dug Fc? cg Bxg Sandy Rnvcr 182 arbor em: · a e orme . a appmpnaticn for senrchligbts for .. 234, 845 [ Harmony, David B.,, or submarine mines, constructing, ctc . 234 Hpaymeut of Court of Claims judgment to. . 766 H for Elngeahaleheipf tkgrpedpes, etc 236, 847 arncy, Emma S. (widow), 1745 a , IWC1I8B, , BDSIOII .. I . levied on goods exported 976 { Hgrper, James A. Harbor Patrol, D. C., 5 pension increased - .. 1814 apprepriaaion for officers and expenses; 902 E Harpewj, Jqmes M, 1993 authority ¤ pension increased .. . ‘ Harbor Regulations, D._CC, _ _ : Haapen, Lfgrlha A. (widow), extended to all nawgsble waters m Dis- Hp0nsr0ninereased ... 2015 trict . 11 arput, Ylniyey, sunken vessels at docks, em., to be re- E Happropriam for ccgrsul at . 76,925 mbvod .. - 11 , arringlcn, araim ., Harban . nsion increased ... 1828 appndprinticns for improvement of ... 451,Hgiringtmn, Jeremiah, - , 493, 1117, 1194 Hpayment to 803 Hardaway, Alice, ’ arringwn: Lucius, paymeat of (lolz;:-t oi Claims judgment to 7 { Hpens1eA;1b;ncmased ... 2018 i t .. 80 arris · Harding, g'::-zgze _ I payment és French spoliation claim to ad- Hpeurion increased , - . 1996_ ministrutor of . .. .. 799 arding. Jeremiah, _ _ I Hamsa Al{raham, H payment of Court of Olmms yudgment to Hpeumon increased. . ]¢05 daughter of .. 754 arrest Allen R., _ 1 H°"`d9z ’"€”'""°"· I 1608 mwgxfg? ··············· I' lb muon mc ... n . , Iigfdy, Elizabeth (widow), pension incrcaml ... 1498 pension increased _,,,.,... . . 1354 Ifarris, Samuel B., IIa1w1y, H. IIC, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 756 granted lands in Mississippi in lieu of claim Ilarrnxt Solana R., digpmggggeel by railroad title .. 1985 pension 1625 Ilarrlyt Lrinra E, Ihzrrzs, Steplam, _ · mmm increased ,.. 1314 I payment of Court of Claxms mdgment to 1pm1y, John M., third, · _ admmnstmtor of .. 744 pension increased ... 1988 Ihwrwz Thgmrm, 1m,-m, Mary (mother), 1629 Hpeqswn ilnireased ... 1936 ‘ ____,___ _ _,,.,.. arrwon, l r ., [[,5);*2;:2npi 11,, . appropriation for public building . 455, 1158 payment tqdamugesfrom mortar practice- * 804 Ilawixqvz, .L Shots, _ _ _ llurgisz Jupm II., 1466 deicncixgutappmpnatxon for rmmbum;. 32 H;;;Bl°mnF mined ````` Y `````'``````````` II¤~*i-M, ·i¤~¤Jv-Eé U r · .' ... 1393 may sell pcrrtmn of allotted Creek lands. - 218 i :1 l133m dem Benjamin, Hark, B’¢¢{€f°6k, | monument to, permitted on public build- PGDSIOD 1H0fo8E9d ---·-··--- - -··--—------ 1806 1 ingogrounds, Indianapolis, Ind 582 Harkismn, T'h0mas, I Hawiagn, _ rmzo E., Pension increased _,_,,..., - , _--. 1385 pension increased ...,... 1299