Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1172

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2468 INDEX. Harrison, IWll€am H, P¤8¢· Haaven, John, P¤8¢- pension ,..,.,.. 1321 payment of French spoliatwn claim to ad— Hart and Company, Samuel, ministmfor of 783 refuxég of inémml-revenue taxes to ... 807 Haven, Nathongal AQ Hart, ark: ., payment 0 rem: apo iation c aim to a — pension increased ... 1430 ministrator of 783 Hart Farm School, D. C., Haven, Nathaniel A., _ appropriation for cam of children at - 1 - 387, 909 payment of French spoliatxou claim to Hari, John B., executor of ... paymentto . 778 Haney, Amaziah, ` Hart, John B., pension increased ... 1654 pension increased ... 1489 Havre, France, Hart, Nelson, appropriation for consul at . 73, 921 pension mcrenscd ... 1554 I or clerk hue ..~ , 78, 926 .Harl, 1V5H5am II,· Hawaii, pension increased ... 1746 appropriation for salhries, government Hart, William J., _ in . 112,658 pension increased ... .. . .. 1356 ;or coutingcgt expenses . 113, 658 Harford Chmn., or salaries istrict court .. . 140,686 chémgé authorized in bridge across Con- for sims fo; fortifications . -.-- 236 necticut Rrver at .. 844 for meteorological expenses .. 278, 863 Hartley, George B., . for agricultural experiment stations- -‘ 294, 881 p¢?;;01 ;}ncreaf€d .. . 1690 for relief and protection of American Hart , enry . ., seamen . 79, 927 pension 1621 for quarantine system .. 465, 1170 Hartley, John W, for survey of coasts 470, 1174 penmon increased ... 1782 deficiency appropriation for quarantine Hartman, Benjamin H, · service .,.,.,,,.,. 42 pension increased . . . 1919 act of legislature granting electric light and Hartman, Phaan, Eower franchise in Honolulu, m0di~ ‘ pension incr;¤¤S0d .. - 1906 cd and approved 227 Hm-Lshorn? gnchcregh _ gas fmuchizziu Honolulu, modiiied and puymcn 0 Spc! n m ax- appmv . L .. ccutors of .. - . 783 appeal? etc., from supreme court to United Hartahome Wilhum Rosa ‘ taxon Supreme Court? minimum pension increased . ’ .. 2050 amount involved .. Z .. 1035 Hari?}/, John B-, establishment of hospital and laboratory Fusion increased .., 1760 for lepers, Molokai ,..,,, _. , 1009 a1'u*00d, George D-. lightphousc establishment, taken control payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 771 I of ,...,.,,,.._,,, 2329 H¢u:kell, .h»hn G., 1 municigzal oiHcials,app0intmcr1t or election pension iucreasec ... 1 ; o ..,.,,. 1035 Haskell, Mara A. (vidzrw),tenure of officc ...,__,,,,. 1035 pension increased .., 1867 _ reports of labor statistics to be made every flankina, (Ivorgv S., I five yearn _ _ _ ...,...,,... 164 payment of Court of Claims judgment be { right of way through Kahauiki Military

 slsicr of  . . 761 [ Reservation, confirmed  579

Haahm, R. O., g Hawaiian Iflwlric (bmpuny ( Limited) payment of Court of Clmms Judgment to g francl1isehgx·axate<l by legzislature to, modi- Bshltc 0 .·.. . 771 g He unc approve; ..., 227 Hamm Spencer : ·· Hqwk," svmp, psymzmtto- . .’ . . 778 { paymeng of French spoliation claim on ac- Haatmgs, Daniel H., mum, of __________________________ 799 f9d0H ip•.¤¤·¤l¤8d --... - . . . . . ‘194·0 Hawke, James A., ‘ Mlm9F, @#9*-, _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 745 npxrogrmuon for public bmlding . 455, 1158 Hawke,. John Hexyhxeztiwoglkmuch spoliation cliim to md I Permian inéeased ' L '`‘`'``'°‘' 1356 mgnmmwr of ____________________ 781,Haw/vim. Alwunden 785, 185, 790, 791, 'Z91, 792, mz, mz, 793, P°°?'°¤ “*°"*”°*’ ----·—·---—--—--·---—·- 2°°° rm, 794, 794, 795, ms, ms, 796, ms, soo HMM. 0h<·rM E. _ _ Haweld, Chester, P¤Y!¤¤¤t <>f C0l11’t of Claims Judgment to. 746 payment of C;>urt of Claims judgment to Hawkim, Isaac X, niece 0 . - ..,..,. , 781 ug' ‘ 1-eased _________________ _ _____ 2(D3 Haqmq, EMM:. (mw), H§f,,df§f‘,}'§°A P°°°‘°“ mu °°°°d ‘‘‘·· · · ················ 1428 1 deficiency appropriation for services ___,_ 1249 pension ..,. 1584 5 pulsing, ’ 2026 Haugen, Erick, { G '·' `'``` ° °`°`````````'````` ¤···v·=·~·~» —·---~·-----·»-------------·- M z ”,£.*3’a.»3i?‘1¥"i».*?{;:t of cm judgment t,, H¤“9h€9» ·Hi2¤b?*h 4V6L- (widvw), : widow of ,,____________ _ _ ____ _ ____ 75] pension increased . ...,._ 1517 { Hhwk J h R · Hwplly, Jgvmw R-. i sppgintgigxt asqbrigadier-general, retired, P°¤¤0¤ \¤¤'°“°d ·—-·· - ·---·-····... 1464 authorized ,,,,,,,,__,___ _ ________ 353