Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/883

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MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION-COSTA RICA. °"· 3. Each list as well as the en- 3. Cada formula, asi como cada tries in the lists dispatched, shall anotacion en las formulas desbe numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3, pachadas, deberan ser numeradas - 4, 5, etc., in the order of dispatch, consecutivamente 1,2, 3, 4, 5, etc., commencing on July 1st of each en el orden de despacho dprincicalendar year, and the receipt of piando el 1° de Julio de ca a aio, each list shall be acknowledged y se acusara recibo de las formulas on either side, by means of the or cada una de las partes, mefirst subsequent list forwarded in diante la primera. formula subsithe opposite direction. gpiente que se dirija a la otra · o crna. °‘ 4. Such a list shall be transmit- 4. Esta formula se remitira por ted by each mail dispatched from cada correo que se despache de Costa Rica to the port of New Costa Rica al Puerto de Nueva York and vice versa, and of each York, y vice versa, y de cada list dispatched a duplicate shall be formula despachada se remitira un sent by the following mail. duplicado por el siguiente correo. 5. Should it happen that on the 5. Si sucediese que en el dia en day when the list is to be dis- que debe despacharse la formula, patched, there are no orders to be no hubiese que anunciar giro certified for Payment, the list al no, esta se despachara de must neverthe ess be sent. But, todos modos. En, tal caso la in that event, the Exchange Office oiicina de cambio anotara al traves will write across the list the words: de la formula: " ningun giro." "N0 Money Orders." *· 6. Shoul any list, or the du li- .6. Si alguna de las formulas, 6 cate thereof, fail to be received, in sus duplicados dejasen de llegar en due course, the dispatching Ex- su debido tiempo 6 su destrno, la change Office, on receiving infor- oficina de cambro remisora enviara mation to that eifect, sha I trans- un duplicado 6 triplicado, debida— mit without dela a duplicate or inente legalizado, tan luego como tripliclate of the list duly certified se reciba aviso del extravio, as suc . ,ARTICLE X. Aarfcum X. rsfrom 1. As soon as the list of the dis- 1. Tan (pronto como lleguen las °°‘°"" patching office shall have reached formulas e la oficina expeditora - the receiving office of exchange, zi la receptora, esta reexpedira the latter shall reissue Money Or- giros postales a favor de las perders in favor of the pavees for the sonas a quienes debe hacerse el amounts specified in the list, and page por las cantidades especitishall forward them, free of post- ca as en la formula, y los enviara agp, to the addresses or to the al destinatario o a las oiicinas de 0 ces of destination, in conformity recepcion, libres de porte, en o0n· with the regulationsin each coun- formidad con las disposiciones de try for the payment of Money Or- cada ais para el pago de los giros ders. » postalles. 2. V\`hen the lists shall show 2. Si las formulas contuviesen irregularities which the receiving irregularidades, que la oiicina reoflice shall not be able to rectify, ce txoranopudieserectiiicar,pedir:i that office shall demand an expla- a lin brevedad posible una aclaranation with as little delay as fpos- cion. Mientras llegue esta aclarasible. Pending the receipt o the cion quedara en suspenso la reexplanation the reissue of Money mision de los giros postales corre- Orders of payment relating to the spondientes a las anotaciones erentries found to be erroneous in roneas encontradas en la formula. the list should be suspended. 3. La oficina de cambio recep— 3. One copy of each exchange tora devolvera a la expedidora una list shall be returned by the re- copia de cada formu de cambio ceiving office of exchange to the recibida, pero antes de devolver dispatching office, but before re- dieha copra anotara en ella los