Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/884

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MoNEY-onnan CONVEN'I‘1ON—COS'I`A RICA. 2179 turning such copy, the receiving nombres de las distintas oticiuas exchange office s all enter therein donde se hubiere hecho el pago de the names of the respective offices los giros contenidos en la férmula of gayment of the orders enumer- de origen, y en las férmulas de los ate in the list, and, in the lists Estados Unidos quefuesen devuelfrom the United States. returned tas por la oticina de cambio de by the Exchange Office at San San José se anotaré tambien el Jose, the latter office shall also en- valor de cada. giro en moneda de ter the amount of each order in Costa Rica, segun el,cambio alque the money of Costa Rica, accord- los hubiere convertido. ing to the conversion made by it. · Airrrcrm XI. Anrfouro XI. 1. The Orders issued by each 1. Los viros ostales librados , °"“°” “'“’?°°*' '¤ country on the other shall be sub- por cada Xacion gcargo de la otra‘¤?;¤1i;ii3!i>igg§mmg ject as regards payment to the quedaran sugetos, en cuanto zi su regulations which govern the pay- pago, a las isposiciones que 0- ment of Domestic Money Orders biernan el page de giros postage, in the country on which they are en el pais 'a cuyo cargo an sido drawn.librados. 2. The paid orders shall remain 2. Los giros pagados quedaran in the possession of the country of eu poder el pais cn que se hizo la payment. cancelacion. ARTICLE XII. Anriouno XII. _ Whenit is desired that any error Cuando se desee corregir algun Emu. in the name of the remitter or error en el nombre del remitente payee shall be corrected, or that 6 destinatario, 6 que el valor del the amount of a Money Order giro postal deba ser devuelto al shall be repaid to the remitter, ap- remitente, este debera solicitarlo plication mustbe made by the re- de la Administracion de Correos mitter to the postal administration donde se hizo el giro. by which the order was issued. Anucnm XIII. Aivrfcuno XIII. Duplicate orders shall only be Solo sepodran emitir duplicados ¤¤v1¤·=•¤¤•. issue by the postal administration de giros postales por la Adminisof the country in which the origi- tracion de Correos del pais donde nal Orders were payable, and in los originales debian pagarse, y en conformity with the re ulations conformidad con las disposiciones established or to be estabIished in establecidas 6 por establecer en that country. dicho pais. Arrricrm XIV. Airricuno XIV. 1. Repayment of Orders to re- 1. Elreembolso delos giros pos- Repayment mitters shall not be made until an tales a los remitentes, no se efecauthorization for such repayment tuara mientras no reciba la autori— shall first have been obtained by zacion para dicho reembolso, el the country of issue from the coun- pais remisor, del pais donde deben try where such Orders are paya— pagarse dichos giros, y las sumas ble, and the amounts of the re aid e los giros reembolsados, seran Orders shall be duly credited to debidamente abonadas al primero the former country in the quar- de dichos paises cn la cuenta triterlv account. (Article XVI.) mestral. (Articulo XVI). Pwr. u21w. 2. It is the province of each 2. Es de atribucion de cada una Postal Administration to determine de las Administraciones, indicar la the manner in which repaymentto mauera como dcbe cfectuarse el remitters is to be made. reembolso 6 los remitentes.