Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/887

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J n 6, . MONEY-ORDER CON VENTION-COSTA RICA. Airrrcnn XX. Amfcnno XX. °“'°“' This present Convention shall La presente Convencion se pontake effect after its approval by dra en v1genc1a despues su ratifithe Supreme Congress of Costa CBC10D dpor el Congreso Constitu- Rica, and shall continue in force cional e Costa. Rica, y contmuara until twelve months after either of rigiendo hasta los doce meses desthe contracting parties, shall have pues que cualquiera de las dos notified to the other its intention partes contratantes haya notificado to terminate it. a la otra su intencion de terminarla. The ratification of the present Las ratincaciones de la presente convention shall be exchanged at Convenc1on, se cangearan en la San Jose as soon as possible. ciudad de San J osé la brevedad posible. In witness whereof the respec- En fe de lo cual los reslpectivos tive plempotentiaries have signed Plempotenciarios, iirman os antethe a ve articles both 1D the ng- riores articulos en los idiomas Eshsh and Spamsh languages and panol é Ingles y iijan sus respechave hereimto ailixed their seals. tivos sellos. Done in duplicate at the city of Hechosppxr duplicado en la Ciu- San Jose, Costa Rica, this 26th day dad de José 6 los vemtiseis of June 1903, and at the city of thas del mes de ]umo de mil nove- Washington, U. S. A. this 6th day cicntos tres anus, y en Washington of June 1903. . a los seis thas del mes do ]unio de , 4 . mi} novementos tres.- , , , H. C. Pnzm _ A11. Esouxvm., Postmaster Gmuatqf Dzrector. General de Oorreoa the United States. de Za Repziblzca de Oosta Rzca. A. MONEY ORDER OFFICE, New York, M Y .. 19 Sm: I have received your list No .. relative to Money Orders issued in the Republic of Costa Riva, and payable in the Fnited States of America. In return, I transmit to you a detailed account of the amounts revolved for Orders ismed lu the United States of America and payable in Costa Rica, the particulars of which have reached this Oftlce since the dispatch ot my previous List No .. Awaiting an acknowledgment of the present List, _ I have the honor to he, Sir, Your obedient servant, ° To .. Exchange Pod Office. San Jose. A. Orrcma Gaxrmu. DE Conaaos, Dxvxsxox m: Limos, San José. . ly 8:802: He examinado esta Lista de Giros del No .. al No .. inclusive. por sumes recibidas en los Estados Unidos para ner pagulos en ln. Republics do Costa Rica, ascendiendo el total A 0 .. La Lista dicha. fue enoontrada. corrects con las signientes excepciones .. ```'```````' QL.} EQ`¤}1{.`L§.Q§L}L.§.L§ Qsés}, '``'```````````'`````'```````'`````````'````````````````` A]ADII]I!I‘RA.DOB tl C0BBI·}0h,O1TIClNA DI CAIBIQ DE GIBX, U--u""""--h Nueva York, M K A. ` Otllce I . · l Stamp. * Ijstlio . Lista! Iunoy0rde¤l¤¤ed in the United States ot America and payable in the Republic of Costa Bien. ' For use ol the San Jose Omce.