Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/886

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MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION—COSTA RICA. San Jose or New York, by mutual José 6 Nueva York, por mutuo agreement between the two De- acuerdo entre ambas Administrapartments. ciones. Amrrcnn XVII. _ Anricuno XVII. 1. If, pending the settlement of 1. Si mientras se verifique. el ,,,I§?‘“ an account, one of the two postal adjuste de una cuenta, llegase una administrations shall ascertain that de las Admimstraciones a estableit owes tgp otherl a bagancqéaxceed- cer, que debala la otra$una sunia ing one thousand dollars 1 000), mayor de mi dollars ( 1,000) a the indebted administration, shall oiicina deudora remitira a la breyepromptly fremiththe lzpproximalte dad posipls, a la Oiicing acgeegonin, I amount o suc ba nce to the la canti a aproxima a e ic o credit of the other, but nothing saldo, no habiendo ninguna estipuhereincontained shall preventsuc lacion, en el presente convenio administration from remitting a que impida ai a Administracion llesplqr qmount tha; one thouaalpd deudo1ia,drqp1itir(pna siima menqr o rs 1 000 at iscretion. is e mi dollars 1 000 si asi o account arid the letters which ac- tuviere por convdniente. Esta company such intermediate remit- cuenta asi como las cartas que tances s all be in accordance with acompanen estas remesas interthe forms ("C") ("D") ("E") medias, iran en conformidad con ("F")annexedto this Convention. modelos C, D, )E, F, (Anexos a *’°*‘· esta Convencion . 2. If payment by the debtor 2. Si_la Administracion deudora adminisfration be not maqe withlin go velriiicase el page ld? slaldo a peri of three months rom the asta os tres meses e a ec aen time such balance accrues, the que se conozca dicho saldo, la Adcreditor administration shall have ministracion acreedora tendra el the right to demand and receive derecho de exigir y recrbir el ininterest thereon at the rate of ive teres correspondiente a ello, a per centum per annum. razon de cinco por ciento por aio. Antrrcnn XVIII. Arrricnro XVIII. 1. The postailllsidniinistlmtioizi in 1. Iéas Adbminkuwionegdde Co- MW each count s beauthorize to rreos cam s paiscs, qu n auadopt any Iaydditional rules (if not torizadasdpara adoptar cualquiera repugnant to the foregoing) for medida a icional (que no fuese ingreater security against frztlud, or compatible con lo (qi? prepede), or the better working of the sys- ra ma or scguri a con ra e _ tem generally. icaude, g para el mejor servicio del sistema cn general. 2. All such additional rules, 2. Todas estas medidas adiciohowever. must be lprom tly com- nales deberan, sin embargo. ser municated to the ost Cgflice De- comunicadasoportunamente al Department of the other country. partamento de Correos de la otra acion. Anrrcuz XIX. Airriocro XIX. Each administraltion is author- Ambus Administraciones que- sk;!::? ized in extraor inary circum— dan autorizadas en casos extraorstancesthat would justifythemeas- dinarios que jiistitiqucn tal meure, to suspend temporarily the dida, a suspcnder temporalmente . Money Order éerniiqqoinghgleipg pllselrvicio e yalsea sqlmta 1npa,upon n n_ _‘ iaoenpaeconaconcn notice of such suspension imme- de dar aviso inniediato de tal susdiately to the other country, and pension, y si lo creycre necesario if deemed necessary, by means of avisara por medic del telégrafo. the telegraph.