Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1530

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lxxiv INDEX. Health Department, D. C.——Coutinued. P¤·8<·>· Highway Bridge, D. C., P¤8¤· births to be reported t0; data. required 1010 appropriation lor maintenance . 492, 1130 duties of, board for condemning insanimry time or cfrjpleting, and approaches, eg; 9 buildings . 157 ten e .. 1, 141 reports of contagious diseases cases required Highways, D. C. , Stobe madeto . 889 condemnation of land for, proceedings . Heap, . L., uu er code 151 appropriation for reimbursing 1293 Highways, D. C., Permanent System. of, Hearings in Land Entries, changes authorized in northwest section. . _ 800 appropriation for expenses . 724,1332 new plans to be submitted of section of deficiency nfpropriation for expenses . 886 , northwest . 1130 Heating, gte., pfaratus, Public Buildings, I for.part of northeast section . 1244 appropriation or ... `. ._700, 1306 [ Highways, Indian Territory, _ Hcatmg, atc., Plant for Congressional Build- I requiremints of, lands of Five Civilized mgaz _ _ [ _ Tri es _ .. I . 145 - appropriauou for completing construction. 1331 Hall, Hannah, Indian Allottee, limit of cost increased; contracts author- i fee—si.mple title to . 381 ized .. 36 E Hill, Sarah, Indian Allottu, Hebrews, fee-simple title to . 381 expression of sympathy with, 011 account 1Hllsb0r0 Bay, Fla., of massacres in Rumia .. 835 appropriation for improvement of . 738 Hogg; Fence Wncyard Sound, Mass., 995 Hygelgninaq examination of, to be made. . . 1112 ` t-vase su 0 1 , awaah, appro riation for .. 1318 j appropriation for improvement of harbor; Hodges! Indian- Allottu, é contracts, etc ... 1109 fee-simple title to . 357 * land set apart for public buildings; sale of Hzikcyagmani, Johnmle, Indian Allottee, I present structures .. 302 alienation restrictions removed ... . 361 “Himalaya," Bark, Helena, 1{mq., change of name authorized 626 Zppmpristwn for assay office at .. 415, 962 Hinchinbrook Island, Alaska, H Gate, N. Y., light and f signal station on, Prince Wilappropriation for improvement of . . . . . 1078 liamogound, authorized . 324 Hcmam, James, Indmn Allottcc, appropriation for ... 711, 1318 fee-simple title to , 357 contracts 1318 Hempstead, N. Y., Hinds, Asher C., preliminary examination of, harbor to be I appropriation for c?1piIiug} gc., Precemadel . 1115 · dents of the ouse 0 epresenta- { Ilm and Chickens, Buzzards Bay, Mass.. _ tives ... 1365 appropriation for light-vesse .. 1317 ; Hindi Parliamentary Precedmts, Henderson, Henry T,, and A.·;eo;·iqze;, printing 0(dcred: distribution ..., 1365 may divert Little River, at Mays Gulf, 9·PP!'0Pmm°¤ for P¥'€P*¤*·U°¤» Nc ·-------·- 1365 Ala., for power plant at Blanche 818 3 H”*9M'm» _M?·*8-· _ ~ payment to be made ____________________ 818 { Ilgppgopxation fornmprovement of harbor. . - 1074 Hmdcr ,N.C'., ‘ :.· !'·» . .. mqugginng site for public building at, 5 acquiring gte! for public bunlding at, au- 784 ““°¥’°¥*’·°d -··---·-·--·--·--·-····· 7831 ¤ppm§;oiioi1`1o}ZfZZji[ZQXZKZZZZZXZZX] me U “”’°*’““"°“ WE ·‘‘‘‘‘·············‘‘· "5 3 11¤=·w¤¤ Am¢q··¢¢w·, H""? ¥°C°'d» “9i i preservation of, on public lands, etc .. 225 appropriation for paying damages to owner. 1292 ; Humrging plums, D_ , Hermosillo, Mexico. Q appropriation for tablets to mark 489, 1126 classification and salary of consul . 100 Hitt, R. R., late a Representatwe in Congress, Hgygfgm, em, l deiiciency appropriation for pay to widow- 1396 officers Navy and Marine CT advanced in _ HW'°”¢** R"·"f·"`, T6"? • rank fg]-_ tg be carri as i 8ppl'0pl'\3.tlOl1 for 1II1'pl‘0V€Il`1€Ht» .: .. 1094 Dumbgy in grade when pyomotgd ____ 296 Hour, Rockwood, late a Representative m Con- Hctahumz, Indian Allouee, . 9"”¤ . . · . allotment patent may be canceled 361 Hdl°6°;l°};,°y °pI_;;°pn°u°n fm my to wld0W' 1396 Heybumy I<M·¤» eminmiioo and salary of mmm . mo privileges of settlers, for entries under reels- Hobbs, gvhomas JH m‘;;0; ········ ·-·-· 520 deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- Heyn, .. ar . urgersona , counts of . 30, 639 appropriation for purchase of land from 1045 Hodgenville. Ky. , Hgmywwmuum, [mgan Alloltgci appropriation for Lincoln memorial shaft nllotmono patent may be canceled 361 Hof ?¥`J;*;tgF$_¤·t;·- -·-··---·-·- 1343 Hacks, Nellze, Indian Allouee, I . I H1 to 357 oliemiioii restrictions removed 345 H0-;"°'“tpS?1":M‘;’ I"!‘."‘Qh&t&; ·········· mgh $’°¤» __ fee-simple title to . 357 pumshmeut for slumghaung extended to. . 1233 _ Hog ]_,hmd_ Va, Highpqirgt, N I C., _ _ _ conveyance of former light-station to Broadaequxruig mzteifor public building at, su· 83 H ( waterSClub3auth0rizcd; condition.. 997 t ori .. 7 ‘ og: ue am: wine , appropriation for .. 795 appropriation for inspection of .. 674, 1259