Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1531

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INDEX. ]X_xv Holland (see Netherlands). hse Homesteads, Page. Holland, _ _ agricultural lands in forest reserves may be appropriation for pxerhead liggnstaticn 710 entered as; regulations .. 233 or improvement of Black ke .. 738 allotments to Alaska natives; conditions. . 197 for improvement of harbor .. 1097, 1345- soldiers’ additional rights assigned to M. J .` Holly Manufadunng Company, Wine, validated ._.,,,,.,... 49 appropriation for repayment of penalty de- “Homeward .Bound," Bark, ducted from ... 515 granted American register .,,,,,__,_,_ 808 "H0l·m “Foreign-Built Dredge, Hominy, Okla., to bedocumented as vemel of United States 204 lands reserved for dwellings of Osages at; Hobrwe County, Maas., sales _,____________________ _ ________ 542 bridge authorized across Yazoo River by Homochitto River, Miss., Yazoo County aud .. 618 appropriation for improvement of __,_____, 1088 construction of budge authorized across preliminary examination of, to be made- . . 1114 Yazoo River by Washington County Honduras and Salvador, ' and . ... 112 appropriation for ministerto ... 916 Holme; River, Fla., sir secretary of legation . 917 appropriation for improvement of . 1087 Honduran, Guatmuzlu and, Ho mes, William, Indmn Allottee, appropriation for minister to . 286 feesimlple title to . 357 or secretary of legation .,.,.____,__,,__, 287 Holmm {ur, Term., Hornghmg, China, appropriation for improvement of . 1094 classification and salary of consul—general- . 99 Holeton River, Vu. and mm., apvrslpriativn {qr clerk hire . 293, 923 bridges authorized across, and branches,. . 191 Hmm! V·,_H{¤‘wm·’*>, _ _ Holy F ·ly Minion, Mom., appropriation for naval station; reclaim- Smt 0* me ¤¤ B*¤·=¤¤·>*· R·*m¤¤°¤ *0- ****6 for iL.“§£$2£{’§’iL1;i i;;;};.;;' QQ11i53mé` .138 ii}? HW¤¢foT wi I”]i"(”, D- Co for quarantine station, water supply 1307 zgpwpnqtron for md °XP°”°°*- 509v 1150 deficiency appropriation for quarantine e of _ intox1cating hquors near, pro- Hmmm _____________________________ 29 minted -----—-····-·-·—- · --··—·· · · — 870 for reclamation of Quarantine Island 29 Home for Incurables, D. C., _ for light station and range l` hts, harbor. 659 appropriation for maintenance; elcctrgio 1151 acquiringth sitecdfor public lguilding at, service .. , au oriz ..., 782 Homeopathic' Hm · z 12. 0: °PP?°P?l“mm fvr -----·--·-··-·----·-·· 794 appropriation pig? mw, Of indigent act of legislature granting telephone franpatients . 510,1151 light B$1¤¤»¤:¤¤¤;1i, ··-· éd ·--é --·---·----- Q . . 1011, e c., Hqnwopcthu: PI•armac1s¢s, D. C., Hmwmbk Smriw Ron ’ 8 hwming °f ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘’'‘‘'°`' ° ’ 176` ent of, postal service pm- Hwmmd EMM, hibimed ... . .. i.. 478 1217 gllowed on certain lands in Yellowstone gwpa Valley Agency, 0d__ ' F°Y€$* RGSQYVB ·--—-·-—· ; ·-·· .- · · - 62 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians certain proofs, in Ch8.H1b0l'l2.H1 dI5U1C1Q, of _____________________________ 333, 1022 S. accepted ---···---·-- — - · · - Hgpqg Harbor, Vg_, ¢€fl¢8i¤ f€$€1'V0l1’ lands in Minh9S0m Ye' preliminary examination of, to be made . . 1117 stored to; ilowage rights reserved. . . 195 Hom Islam], M,;8_,_ irrigable lands, Yakima indian Reserva- light station established ___________________ 995 UGH, W¤¤h·· subiect *9 —·——·-···-··- 53 appropriation for .. 1319 opening of agricultural ands in Alabama to 88 Hom gland pq_,,, MLM_, 0P€¤l¤gC0lVm€ Indian R€S°!`V**¤0“~W”h·¤ appropriation for improvement of . 1088 to ·------·--- · --·- ; ·-·-··-·--·-·· _- 80 Hom Rwer, N. K. ¤P%kl¤8 E¤8h¤h **0* ¥'°qm"~’d li"" “°m"“h‘ preliminary examination to lw made of Zatioll of 8H0M making ·-·----··-··~ 599 channel from Pete-rs Neck Point to . 1115 Homestead Settlers, Iiorses, _ _ + _ _ _ cash entry payments to be made by, only appropriation for inspection of live 673, 1259 after approval 1. . .: .. c . . 1245 Horses, Army, erroneously entering certain indemnity apipropriation for care._ etc., of . 252, 1168 railroad lands credited for residence, or purchase of; limit. etc ... 252, 1168 8;;;, on making new entries ... _. 120 i purchases at posts, etc . 252, 1168 granted extension of time to establish resi- deficiency appropriation for I . 1382 dence, etc., in certain cases 1421 use of part o Fort Keogh Reseryatxon as on ceded lands, Cmw Reservation, by.. 843 experimental breeding station .. 252 Shoshone Indian Reservation. Wyo . . . . 849 Horsesnetc., Claims, _ _ Umm ceded Iands ,. _ 9 , deficiencyappropriation for .. 46 on ceded Indian reservations, Minnesota, 4 Horses, Specm eport of Diseases of granted extension for payments 326 printing of new edition ordered: distribuon lands in Alabama granted to railroads, ; tion ., 1425 allowed transfers of entries, etc . 1408 , regulations as to extra copies of documents tgmpgmry lggvgg of absence to, in North and _ not applicable to ... 1013 South Dakota, Wyoming. M1nD0· Hospttal Qorps, Army, _ Som, and Montana ___,,_, I .,, 1419 V appropriation for enlisted men: longew extended m Idaho and Washington . 1421 i _ ity 243.1161 to be repaid excess of lawful purchase ’ Hospmtql. D. C., Arnty General, _ money for buds _____,__,, , ,,,,,,.. 1248 deficiency appropriation for constructing. . 32