Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1558

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oii INDEX. Lignites, etc., . Page Lloyd Harbor, N. K, Pageappropriation for testing, etc .. 728, 1335 light vessel established at entrance to . 995 collection of materials for examination, denciency appropriation for 1393 etc ...,,...,..._,_.,... 1335 old light discontinued 995 Limoges, France, Loansfrorn Nai*ional_ Bank, _ classification and salary of consul . 100 to individuals limited to one-tenth of capr- Lincoln, Ill., tal and one-tenth of surplus; maxi- . acquiring site and erecting public building mum .. 451 at, authorized .. 778 Locks and Dams, apprgpriation for ... 792, 1300 completion and use of Lock No. 4,_Qoosa Linco n emorial, Hodgcnmlle, Ky., River, Ala., authorized; conditions. 211 appropriation for shaft or tablet for 1343 exchange of lands with Minneapolis, M mn., Lincoln, Nebr., LO grr glo. 1, Mississippi River 188 terms of court .. . 998 gan, ta , Izinc0ln’s Death Place, Washington, D. CI, acquiring site and erecting public buildappropription for repairs to building. -- 737, 1343 ing at, aughorized ... ggé Line , cnn., appro riation or ... 94, 1 bug authorized across Cumberland River Lohnum, lbhn H , begween Tennessee Rolling Workgg 1254 appropriation for lbounty, destroying en- 12 3 an , emy’s vesse s .. 9 Liquor Tragic, London, England, appropriation for suppressing, among lpés 1 7 classification apd of consul-general--8 ` - . 01 appropriation or c er at em assy . 2 9, 9 powers of search, etc., given special agents , for dispatch agent ... 289, 919 of Indian Bureau - . 1017 for clerk hire, consulate-general .. 293, 923 ` Liquors (sec alsofDrink), _ ml Landon, Ky., d b1' b dd appropriation orexpenses, preventing e acquiring site an erecting pu ic u' ing ip adultera , etc . 1272 at, authorgzed 1:753 Liquors' , Moaicati appropriation or ... prohibitions, Indian lands in Oklahoma , - 269 [,0,,91-,;;,,,,,, gc"! Wadwwu, ’ °°mm*gl£{;'“l;lmY;“¤“mm (lf ¤¤le» etc-» m 26S; selection of si? in Washington, D. C., for 830 ` _ _ ··; ······· ·· ··*· ;*_"'°;‘ · 8bit11B ... . .. . ... owns, NF-, to Indlém in be P¥°h‘b*t°d'm appropriation for preparation, etc ... 830 Arizona constitution 279 Longhat J WMM, Auouec L’i'°b°"’ Pormgah t nti ed’to ca g l d , 364 cfllajisgfgcrggpn and salary of consul-general. - 99 Loggi; 0;,21 ’ D 9 8 '‘‘`‘`‘‘`‘' Lit e , ., ’ · 1 - , _ acquiring site for public building at, au- appropggitlqéi-gr jx2E3G 1094 aPpl;h(;_E;?gI; '‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ preliminary examination of harbor, to be

 2.;-     . . .3...     ‘···e‘o . ··‘‘‘ J t o·‘‘‘·‘e‘‘‘  

Mlizigof cawgw.-S, pgrblic building. .. m e¤ee;r;;ee·e¤ fee r·e*>*·e leeeleme ----——- ,,,8 {gg eeveeeeeeee fee eeeeeveeeeee ef; eeeeey d°”°‘°¥§F 3¥£.‘2Y‘Tl’TT?YT‘T'T.l‘TT Fill'?. Y‘T`}T*C 31 Mme Peg; 2f50mg ·}.·ee ‘'‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘' 1083 granted right of way for water supply and - - ’ -' “" power plants, through pub ic ands, appropriation for improvement of . 1084 om 801 Little Pigeon River, Term., f punhasg b}-',,,;,,;, ‘‘'‘`‘'‘’'‘‘'‘`‘'‘' 801 'aft . 1094 - - ‘ · `'‘‘ 1 '’`' f'· '‘'‘ Li?{ppr£p]:r’ti}>pa‘ or improvinen 0 limit Oéggssgpg-ggsed, public building, on 785 iversion o , in Mays Gu , authorized 818 . . ‘_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ I/mk River, Ark., gale of Qld bu;l<l;ng, proqegds for new one. bridgec authorized across, in Poinsett L T"? 1mi0f Bl 5 (Tl ‘‘‘‘ 5 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " t ____________________________ 112 or nge es ner- r ri ar way ompany, Little Rivcgjubll., ‘ granted right of wayacross San Pedro Milipreliminary examination of, to be made . . 1112 mY)' RBS8W9i10D, Ca] ------—---———- 915 Little River, N. C., Loss by Errchange, _ _ preliminary examination of, to be made . . 1116 ¤·PP¤lPl’l»3l?l°¤ for- bY Arm}' dlsbummg Lillie Rock, Ark., _ o agents abroad .. 247, 1164 construction nf pnblnr building authorized for irvninlnr svrvnce ...------. gg?. 323 at ._ _ _,,__,________ 776 or- ions .. , IA lgpérropri-ation for? . 791, 1300 LW! onli? I_ t I d_ b _ m 'tt . odus Bay, N. ., , issue o_ up rca es or rs ursrng officer·’s, elpprnpriation for improvement of harbor- - 1078 § limit removed -..-.- 301 Live Stock (see Cattle). 5 Lost, etc., Checks and Warrants, Liverpool, England, issue of duplicates for; limitation removed- 84 classification and salary of consul - 99 . Louisiana, appropriation for clerk hire ..-..- . . - 293, 924 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, Lirargston, Jacob, and Company, I etc ,_.,,__,_,__,,,,,,__,,______ 435, 980 de ciency appropriation for .. 1374 for sur-veg of certain lands in -,..__ , 726 Livzrggstone, Co in HZ, _ _ bridge authorized across Bayou Bartholod_ crency appropriation for extra services. 43 mew in. ,,.,,.,.,., - ,,,.,,,_,,,,__ 1003 "L1zzu, “Barge. _ survey of unaurveyed public lands, diapproprration for paying owner. .. 1293 rected , 199