Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1578

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cxxii INDEX. Newspaper Wrappers, Stamped, P¤·z¤- [ Niobrara River, Nebr., P¤8¤· · appropriation for manufacture; distribu— dag1 authogged across, at Fort N wbmra . . 297 tion ... 475, 1214 inc wang, Yna, deficiency appropriation for manufac- fga;1sgicati}n and salary of consul-general . 99 ture 833, 1392 0 e eace rize, Newspapers, awarded to President Roosevelt, to be repmservirrs gies of, by Departments re- ceived by Industrial Peace Fo1mda— pe e .. . . 449 tion .. Newton, Kam., Nogales, Mexico, acquiring sitgfndgrecting public building classiflgation and salary of consul . 100 . at, au oriz ... . .. 779 ’0 an, . W., appropriation for ... 792, 1301 bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big Newtown Creek, N K, Sandy River at 626

ap£1·0pr1?tion for improvement of . - - . 1078, 1344 .N'¢gagd, John .4.,    

ez crocm, e ciency appropriation or contest leages permittedéy ccémpgent ... 334 Iikition expenses ... 1396 Nez erm mh} , osep ’.s and, 'ome, . a,

a.p;1·0priaéi0n for sugport, etc., of .  377, 1050 appropriation for jail; c0urt—h0use repairs,  

ez crux ounty, Ida co, etc ... . 7 1 fmt of lands to school district No. 57 549 for court-house and jail; site ... 1358 mgara Falls, marine hospital build` to be used for jail. 751 provisions for preservation of, etc . ... 626 sale of Government cclgl to citizens of, per— reportietc., for to be we by mitted . . - - 59 utematio 'atcrwuys mmis- vnu mprovemem ompany, sion .. 824 time extended for completing jetties, etc., Niagara Falla, NZ IC, for Snake River, Alaska 1109 fppmpggzon for public building .. 699, 1301 Nome Land Diatrgatg Alaska, wgam ,, crested· court cerstoperform uties--. 123

g]assiii§qtion and salary of consul . 100   feeg; s ;u.1; v;2ysi etc . 1232

mgara yur, - ’0m•·m , a., gpprogrmuon for improvement of·. . .. 1078 ap mprumon for 1m vement of . .. . 1082 nvemron of water from, or tributaries ro- Nongll: and P i0n Com , hibited H.. 626 granted right of wa through Willougzby exceptions; amount to be fixed 626 Spit Military {leservution, Va.; c0u— permit; tiabe issued ;&;mxim1{m amounts 626 cl;;i<;;s . . 1 . ‘ . 1249 revo a > ea, for a itiona amounts; or 0 a extern ai way ompany limitption .. 627 l may bridge Potomac River at Sl1e];herds— discretwn, etc., of Secretary of War . . 627 town, W. Va. ... . ... 878 penalty for unlawful divemiou, etc ... 627 Tug Fork of Bi%Sandy River between negotiations with Great Britain requested 4 Kentucky, irginia, and West Virtp regulate and control waters of . . . 628 I ginia . . 891 act linuted to three years; revocation of all Z Norfolk, Ncbr., permits ... . 628 terms of court at . 998 appropriation for expenses . . 628 Norfolk, Va., pre 1m1pm·y exammatxon of, to be made . . 1115 appropriation for public works, navy-yard; range lights, gtmwbcrry Islangl Cut, au- dg dock . . . 22;,1133 Orlzv .. 323 mv magazine , 1 appropriation for .. 711 naval hospital ... 568 tunnelgénclerégor Buffalo water supply, an- mgrinegmrmcks, navy-yard ... 569, 1191 OTIZ -. 532 or unc , customs service . ... 03 Nicaraguapngl Costa Iticp, for improvement of harbor and approaches 1082 apfxmpmtrm for minister to - 916 from Hampton Roads; contracts .. 1082

 or   % Icga:::&né£d ...   917 for imprcivement 3; waterway to North

magma uq: vadm, (lam ’m mgm ____,______._,.,_,,. 1083 8p}>1'0P¤8·U0¤ fof mmlqtér to . 286 for improvement of water route to Albe-

 cgsecretsry of legatxon  .  287       m2&E, N. C., from .. 1083

we, _ Wwif, onmz c , .,

$;>.sgfi<;3Fn ang salary of consul . 100 »  £nde?;§i1;y Early; lands to ._, 283

0 , mm, n tee, é army hoo ’ 0 _, Vggienyggn restrictions removed 346 g lauada regerved im-? giqgsition ,,.. 273 z 1 , -,'t grunt t ... 275

mquirir;g sit&a.nyi e;;·ectiug public building E N<;`rth€§1;;m};, Maxi? n 0

3 , {111 _ 0112 --·.---·-···.. 779 ; acquiring sitean erecting pu icing _ approprmtwn for ... 793, 1301 az, authorized .. 779 Nzmtccyuh Street NW, D. C., up mpriaticn for ... 793, 1302

CF1££ aipgropriatiou for extending. 641, 1377 · North garolina,

l i u . a rcmt, ‘ l appropriation for pa ent to Governor, appeals, etc., from United States court for { monument at Era Creek 259

 CQ113a;4£gcu1t court nfggfeals  gg ger Indigm Service in  . .. 339, 1041

Anzoqa ju iistricts attac to . I or revenue-cutter for Albemarle an Mlub L’•0h¢-HW-S6 D€#¢T€<‘f, g Pamlico sounds and Ncuse River-.. 702 rehef vesgcl gm-, &leve:1th and, to be for iinfirovfmeut of wggegwsyfmm Norequx wx mo or wer. ... , 0 a. to soun 0 ,.,.,, 1083 55nth Street ggiethn Cimrcln, C., ; deliver; Jf certain early archives to, aumxes rci'um1ed ,_,___,,,,,, . .. 869 * t orized ,,,,..,.,,,_,,,,,,,,.,,,,, 821