Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/793

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 391l. 1906. 763 That the Attorney-General shall, at the request of the Secretary of §Q,lQ§f,*°' *0 b° W the Treasury, appoint a solicitor of customs and such assistants, not to poassminns. exceed three, as the Secretary may deem necessary to protect the interests of the United States in all cases and matters before the Board of General Appraisers; and the said solicitor and his assistants shall, D““°S= whenever so directed by the Attorney-General, ap ear in courts of the United States in any cases appealed from said Ecard of General Appraisers and take such part in the management, conduct, and trial of suc cases as the Attorney-General may deem advisable. That the salary of said solicitor shall be five thousand dollars per S°*°’*€¤— annum, and of said assistants not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum, to be fixed by the Attorney-General, and all of said salaries shall be aid out of the general appropriation for the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs. _ _ _ That said solicitor and assistants shall be appointed without com- ,f,.@Q§‘§',§1,§?F“°°‘“l‘ pliance with the conditions prescribed by the Act entitled "An Act V¤i· 21 P· 40** to re late and improve the civil service," approved January sixteentlliu eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and amendments thereof. Chmg, And the salary of the Appraiser of Merchandise for the Port of gig? of avgggser- Chicago is hereby fixed at four thousand five hundred dollars. wz,}-iuiéiiiiga.i)' Sec. Hereafter the Secretary of the Treasury shall require, and p,{,'{,‘f,°,$;€f’“ °‘ *’“b“° it shall ie the duty of the head of each Executive Department or other S¤¢epe¤¢¤é0m¤d e Government establishment to furnish him,within thirty days after the mmm l ° ngml close of each iiscal year, a statement of all money arising from proceeds of public property of any kind or from any source other than the postaf)servi,ce, received by said head of Department or other Government establishment during the previous fiscal year for or on account of the public service, or in any other manner in the discharge of his official diities other than as salary or compensation, which was not paid into the General Treasury of the United States, to ether with a detailed account of all payments, if any, made from such funds during such year. All such statements, together with a similar statement applying to the Treasury Department, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Treasur to Congress at the beginning of each regular session. Sno, 6. Hltzreafter where the compensation of any person in the Salaries ¤r Gvvemservice of the United States is annual or monthly the following rules '”°"°°m"1°y°°”` for division of time and computation of pay for services rendered are hereby established: Annual compensation shall be divided into twelve cme0n_ equal iinstallments, one of which shall be the pay for each calendar month; and in making payments for a fractional part of a month onethirtieth of one of such installments, or of a monthly compensation. shall be the daily rate of pay. For the purpose of computing such <>¤¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤¤- compensation and for computing time for services rendered during a fractional part of a month in connection with annual or monthly comnsation, each and every month shall be held to consist of thirty dgys, without regard to the actual number of daiys in any calendar month, thus excluding the thirty-first of any calen ar month from the computation and treating February as if it actually had thirty days. Any person entering the service of the United States during a thirty- one dav month and serving until the end thereof shall be entitled to pay for that month from the date of entry to the thirtieth day of said month, both days inclusive; and any person entering said service during the month of February and serving until the end thereof shall be entitled to one inonth`s pay, less as many thirtieths thereof as there were days elapsed prior to date of entry: Provided, That for one ggémm day’s uxiauthorized absence on the thirty-iirst day of any calendar ` month one day’s pa shall be forfeited. She, 7. From and after July first, nineteerrhundred and six, all of S€;i;;;;¤s§Sw¤¤,D.C. the expenses of the supreme court of the District of Columbia men- ` tioned below, to wit, fees of Witnesses, fees of ]urors, pay of bailitfs