Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1553

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xlvi INDE X. Larsen, Bottol, P¤g¤· Leathers, Charles, PBS6- pcnsion increased . 1732 pension increased . 2334 Larson, George, Leathers, Clara T. (widow), - pension ... 1597 pension . 1552 Larson, Severt, l Leavitt, John, pension increased ..., . 2530 pension increased . 1457 Lasley, George W, Lebo, James, pension incrwsed ...,. 2506 pension increased . 1657 Lasley, Parthemz (widow), Ledgerwood, Samuel, pension increased ,...,,... 2496. pension increased . 2661 Lasswcll, Ada J (daughter), Lee, Arthur M., pension . 1973 pension increased . . ... 2074 Latham, Calvin M., Lee, Charles, Meamban War (Connecticut), pension increased , . ... 2075 pension increased . 2590 Latham, Pawis J, Lee, Charles, Memhan Wa*r(Virg·in·£a), pension increased ...,. 2328 pension increased . 2050 Lathrop, Albert, Lee, George W, pension increased . 1521 payment to . 2661 Laudahn, Mlliam, Leg, JQl•'¤· B-, pension increased . 2062 1>¢¤¤¤<>n mcrwqd ----—---- T --------------- 1931 Lmu1m,sab¤¢m», LM, Mymsr S- (www), 7 pgngjgn increased __________ _ ____________ ‘_ _ 1538 P00S10U_ increased --·-· -. -·~·--··--··-·-— · · · 1433 Laugnm, Elias, Lee, Melvm J-, pension increased _____.__.____._.______,_. 2728 , pe¤¤;<>¤ ¤¤¢r<¤¤¤<>d --·--------------·--·---- 1620 Launt, Azbm, ; Lee, Pmwy W H-, pension increased . 2625 7 P‘mB}°“ Increased -—--·-·-·----—·---·-·-··- 1629 Lavender, Martha (widow), Lee, Richard, H-, pension increased ...,. 2476 § Pension ¤¤<>r<¤¤¤<>d ·——-—-·---·—··--—·-—-··-- 1920 Lavine, John, Q Lee, mllmm, 4 gmnted honorable discharge .. 2748 » pension increased . 1617 Law, Elizabeth S. (whiow), ~ Lee, lwlliam H., pension increased . 1542 pension increased . . ... 1862 Lawder, James M., Leech, Robert K, pension increased . . ... 2334 pension increased . 2708 Lawlqy, James J, » Lefler, Wnlliam A., pension increased . . ... 2769 pension increased . . ... 2377 Lawrence, Albert B. (son), , l Ldlwlch, Camillw: B., pension . _ 1823 I pension increased ... 1432 Lawrence, Cornelius H., ) Legm, joseph W, pension increased _____ _ ___________________ 2506 Eensmn increased . 1631 Lawrence, Gilson, [ Le man, Robert Q., pension increased . - ... 1916 J P’·Ym€m to --·-··-···------·--——·—··---- 2662 Lawrence, Joseph, I Lehn, John, pension increased . 2190 1 pension increased . 2596 Lawrence, Oliver, ‘ Lezghlem, Gancelo, pension increased ... . . 2356 pension increased . 2347 Lawrence, Sidney A., 3 Lcmpnilz, WTll·ia·m,, pension increased . . ... 1918 j pension increased ,,,,,,_.,_,_,__,_ 1592 Lawrence, mllmm, g Laser, Abraham G., pension increased . 2104 pension increased ..________,,,________ 193] Lawson, Nathan, g Lau"`, _J°hT* H, pension increased ,.,.,,,,_,_, , ,,_,,,.. 2533 { P€¤¤i0¤ 1¤€f€8S€d -·------- . ,.. 2789 Lawton, Matilda E. (widow), I Leland, Louise J D. (widow), pension increased . . ... 1668 , pension increased ,,,,,____________________ 1331 Layland, Sydney, I Lemly, John, PBYIHCHU be . 1769 g pension increased _,_,,,___ _ _____,_________ 2334 Layton, Wesley, » Lemon, Stephen E., pension increased ... . . 2607 " pension increased ____________ _ ____________ 2281 Le Hundra, Fredenbk, ] Lendsay. James W, pension increased . 1538 , pension increased _____________________ _ _ _ _ 2741 Le Suer,Mel1>in L., alias James French, | Lengle, Jonathan, pension increased . 2315 l pension increased ____________________ _ ____ 1792 Leach, James D., Lennon, Michael, pension increased . 1979 pension inc;-eased _______ _ ________________ 2077 Leach, William A., , Lennox, Lewis, pension increased ,,... 2553 { pension increased ___________________ _ _____ 2337 Leahy. John E., { Lenl, Byo·on, p&*HSi0D EDC11B2S0d . . ... 2321 pengign increased ___________ _ _________ _ _ _ _ 1454 Leakeqidarn, Q Leonard, Lide S. (widow), p€DSIOI1 lHC1‘€8S€d , 2596 I pension increased ______________ _ __________ 1493 Le¢zrned.Mm‘y O. (widow), Leopold, Andrew, pemicn . 2787 pension increased ___________________ _ _____ 2215 Leary, Ellen E. (wnvdaer), Lcpine, Louis, PGI1H10D ·-·--···-..···--·-».·.-.·...· 2010 ; pension increased ,__________ _ _____ _ _______ 2033