Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/45

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POSTAL CONVENTION—PANAMA. JUNE 19, 1905. 2885 , continue in force until terminated vigencia hasta que se denuncie de by mutual agreement, or annulled comnin acuerdo 6 se termine la inat the instance of the Post-Office stancia de cualesquiera de los dos Department of either country, paises, previa una notificacién upon six months previous notice hecha al otro con seis meses de . given to the other. anticipacion. _ ,Done in duplicate, and signed at \Vashington the 19th day of June one thousand nine hundred and five. . [SEAL.] Gnonerz B. Conrnnron, sigmmm. Postmaster- General of the United States (gf America. J. D. DE OBALDIA Enviado Ertraerdinarz`0 y Illinistro Plenvpoteneiarie de Panama en los Ektadcs Unidne de América. The foregoing Convention between the United States of America Approvaland Panama has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. · Ih testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States to be hereunto aiiixed. ’ . [sian.,] Tnnononn Roosnvnm. By the President: Fmmcrs B. Looms, _ Acting Secretary of State, WASHINGTON, June 19th, 1905. _ The undersigned, George B. Cortelyou, Postmaster-General of the R¤¤¤¢¤¢i¤¤~ P United States of America, and J. D. de Obaldia, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama at Vilashington. having met for the purlpose of exchanging the ratifications of the Postal Convention conclu ed between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama and signed at Vilashington June 19th, 1905, and havin carefully comparedg the ratifications of said Convention and found them exactly conformable to each other, the exchange took place this day in the usual form. In witness whereof, they have si ned the present protocol of exchange ’and have affixed thereto their seals. Done at \Vashington this 19th day of June, one thousand nine hundred and five. [sam.] Gnonoi-1 B. Corrrnnrou, R»xtnza.·;te2·- General of t/ee United States 0 f America. [sam.] J. D. nm OBALDIA Eiwcy Ez·f2·aw·rl/nmjy and Jlinister Plenzpctentiary jiwm the Republic of Ihnama to the United States of America.