Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/113

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1908. 95 UTAH. uml. For y of Indian a ent at the Uintah and Oura Avenc Utah U‘“°°" wd °“'*Y (consolidated), one thogsand eight hundred dollars. y b yl Aydiih. SOUTHERN UTAH sono0L. For support and education of seventy-five pupils at the Panguitch P¤¤=•***°*¤ ¤¤h·‘¤>l· Indian school in southern Utah, twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand two hundred dollars; General repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; _ In all, eighteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-Eve doIlars. For; general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Utah, in- ‘¤°id¤¤*¤'=· cluding traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. For constructing urigation s stem, to in' to the allotted lands of R£;,§:%g’;· Uium the Uncompahgre, Uintah, and Vlhite River IIa2s in Utah, as provided vo1.s4,p.ézt. by the Act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, two hundred thousand dollars. ‘ ooxranaannn nnms or urns. (mmm.), b,l,l'§°§· °°'“°“°"‘°° For paty of two carpenters two millers, two farmers, and two blacksmi s, as (per tenth article of treaty of October seventh, eight- V¤l·15·P·°**· een hundred an sixt -three, and fifteenth article of treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand eight hundred dollars; For pure aacof iron and steel and the necessary tools for blackgmfltgi s op, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty o rs; For annual amount for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, flour, ${’,Yj5_p_6.,z_ beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars; _ d 501* pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, fifteen thousand L"""l°"°°°" o ars; In all, fifty-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is hereby authorized and f:§§°,Y§f,f 3},%,,,,,, directed to expend so much of the trust funds of the Ute Indians, not lgxgggw P¤‘¤*¤¤* ¤¤¥· exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars, now in the United States ` Treasury, as in his judgment may be necessary to prevent want and suffering among the Absentee Utes, and the amount so expended for each individua Absentee shall be made a matter of record to be charged against and deducted from the share said Absentee may be entitled to receive when the trust funds of the Utes are allotted and distributed to the members of the tribe. That whenever it shall ap r to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Uintah me Igncomthe Interior that the allottemnds of any Indian of the former Uintah p°hg"° mm m"' and Uncompahgre reservations in Utah are susceptible of irrigation and that the a lottee is unable to cultivate the same or any portion mm { M me thereof, such lands or such rtion thereof ma be leased by the Sec- •n0¤m {nai n retary of the Interior with dh; consent of the allottee for a period not exceeding ten years, under such rules and regulations as he may establish. _ VIRGINIA. Vi·¢¤¤*¤— For the support and education of one hundred and twenty Indian “'““P"““ “°*‘°°l· pupils at the school at Hampton, Virginia, twenty thousand and forty o ars.