Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/114

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96 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1908. w.,u,,,,,,_WASHINGTON. cdvllls Annoy- For pay of Indian t at the Colville Agency, Washington, one Assn!. aim! . thousand five hundred ollars;

'°é,A Im For support and civilization of the D’Wamish and other allied tribes

diana" in Washington, including pay of emplyees, seven thousand dollars; ¥*****¤- For support and civilization of the akahs, Washington, including pay of employees, two thousand dollars; qu,‘¥{{*,;¤,;*n·{': •¤** or support and civilization of the Qui-nai-elts and Quil—leh—utes, including pay of emplofees, one thousand dollars; vsuhnnme. For support and civi ization of Yakimas, and other Indians at said . ... “g§·';‘i?;§“§I.‘ii’€“%§°’t§¤’ ..°'“"’°’°“& ‘{€£° i”‘X’““éZ"°”°"” w h- ¤ n nc en xpenses o e n nan rvice in as mgton, including travelin expenses of ts, and su rt and civiliza- . S *8**** PP° tion of Indians at Colville and Puyallu agencies, and for pay of employees, thirteen thousand dollars. · P Y gPqkj¤“_ EPOKANES. (TBEATY.) $m&?“ _ For pay of a_blacksmith_and carpenter to do necessary work and to instrucghthzi siaidflndians in thphse tiéaiieg; one dditzdusan cllollars each, persix a c eo agreementwi said n `ans, eighteenth eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, ratified hy Act of Congress ap; proved July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two thousand ollars; · Joseph': Bud. Ne: For purchase of tural implements, and support and ci ili a- I °¥”.m“°; an L tion of Joseph’s Ilan of Nez_Perce Indians, one thousand dollar;, Z m,;':' ° . F or the extension of the irrigation system on lands allotted toYakima,p.sev. Indians in Washington fifteen thousand dollars, tobe reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of surplus lands, as provided bv the Act of December twenty-iirst, nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An Act to authorize the sale and disposition of surplus or unallotted lands of g§8Ya$Lma Inéhsnukeservation in the State of Washington;" in all, en thousand dollars. uguviviiiv R¢=erv¤· For the second of live installmentsto the Indians residing on the seems payment to Colville Reservation for the cession by said Indians to the United I”‘“'““· States of one million five hundred thousand acres of land opened to

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n on an or other purposes/’ approved July iirst, eighteen hundredgand ninety- tppilbipngtzdrnéiégtgf the full sumfset aside Raid held in the Treasury 0 e lm s in payment or said lan under th t f th vol. sl. p. M. Act approved June twenty-tirst, nineteen hundred andd signddtifyingd aha agreement ceding said land to_the United States under date of al) ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, three hundred thousand dollars, to be eapended for the benefit of said Indians in accordance with the provisions of the said Act setting aside in the Treasur the money in payment for the land ceded. y "‘"""*‘"· WISCONSIN. '·° f_'°‘"°° "g°“°Y· For pay of India t at th Ia. P i te A'

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nnwann sono0L. ”""‘“"’°*‘°°l· Forthesu porta ded t' ft h d d da Inn., t,}.,...'? at n2,w.L’5`“ Zh 'E.t,?‘I.f ‘§.'I,.*.1‘3§}2...l.$° thety-six th<1usand_six hundred and seventy dollars; ’ donppggenera repairs and improvements, two thousand two hundred For steel tower for water tank, two thousand dollars; In all, forty thousand eight·hundred and seventy dollars.