Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1237

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1 INDEX. Diplomatic and Consular Service—C0ntinued. PageDiplomatic and Consular Ser1rice—C0ntinued. Pageappropriatiou for charges d’affaires ad in- appropriation for purchase of residence for terim ,,__,,_____,,,,_,,,_,,,__,_ 172, 672 embassy in Japan ,. . ., 681 general authority to appoint. ambas- for consular service .. . ., 180, 681 sadors repealed .., 672 for salaries, consuls-general, consuls, and hereafter act of Congress necessary to consular inspectors .. 180, 681 create office ... 672 for expenses, consular inspectors . . 180, 681 pay allowed secretaries acting as for consular assistants 180, 681 chmgés ad interim . 673 formerly consular clerks. . ... 180 for student interpreters,China and Japan- 173 for clerks at consulates . . 181, 681 for salaries, secretaries of embassies and for interpreters, etc., at consulates. . . 181, 681 legations . . ... 172,673 for marshals, consular courts. . ... 181, 682 for instruction and transit pay 173, 674 for consular risons . . ... 181, 682 for clerks at embassies and legations. . 173, 674 for relief andp protection of American seafor interpreters to embassies and legs- men 181, 682 tions z ... 173, 674 for foreign hospitals, Cape Town and for student interpreters, China, Japan, Panama . 181, 682 and Turkey . 173, 674 for Seamen’s Institute, Kebé . 182, 683 for clerks, Great Britain. . . 174 for contingent expenses . . ... 182, 683 for clerks, for distribution of information . 675 loss by exchange . . ... 182, 683 for contingent expenses, missions . 174, 675 deficiency appropriation for interpreters to dispatch agents- . . 174, 675 legations ... . . 32 printing in Department of State 174, 675 for transportation . ... 32, 942, 945 oss by exchange ... 174, 675 for relief, etc., American seamen. . . 32, 517, 942 for transportation of diplomatic and con- for services to American vessels and seasular officers . 174, 675 men ...,.. 517 for steam launch, Constantinople . 174, 675 for salaries, consular service . . . 517 for ound rent, Tokyo, Japan. ... 174, 675 for Intemational Bureau of Weights and for gzpe Spartel ligl1t,`Tangier 175, 676 Measures. . . ... , ... 908 for brmging home criminals .. 175, 676for Thorvald Solberg ... 908 for life-saving testimonials 175, 676 for charges d’ai‘faires ad interim ,,. 942, 945 for expenses, neutrality act ... 175, 676 for United States court for China 942 for unforeseen eme encies 175, 676 for building consulate at Tahiti .. 942 for heirs of officers lgying abroad .. 175, 676 c0nsuls·general and consuls classified .. 101 for bringing home remains of officers. . 175, 676 Diplomatic Officers, for Bureau of Weights and Measures- . 175, 676 appropriation for transit and instruction for Bureau of Customs Tariffs . 176, 677 pay . ..,,,,,..___,,,, 173, 674 for Mexican Boundary Commission . . . 176, 677 for transportation to and from posts 174, 675 for eliminating bancos in Rio Grande. 176, 677 for paying heirs of, dying abroad .. 175, 676 for Bureau Repressing Slave Trade- . . 176, 677 for bringing home remains of ...,,,_ 175, 676 for Prison Commission 176, 677 authority to change grade of minister to for International Prison (`ongress ... 677 correspond with that from other for Geodetic Association .. 176, 677 country, repealed _,_...,.________,_ 672 for repairs to legations and consulates. 176, 678 new ambassadorships to be created only by for installation of water supply at, Seoul, Congress .,,..,..,,,_.,._,..,,,_ 672 Korea. ... .r .. 678 Director of the Mint (see also Mints and Assay for Bureau of American Republics 177, 678 Offices), for permanent court, of arbitration . 177, 678 appropriation for, examiner, assayer, clerks, for International Institute of Agricul- etc , . ... 205, 868 ture 177, 678 for freight on bullion and coin 205, 869 for International Railway Congress. . . 177, 678 for contingent expenses .. 205, 869 for International Sanitary Bureau 177, 678 for examinations, etc .. 205, 869 for reports, work of Joint High (‘ommis— for iricidentals ...,., _ __.,________ 205, 869 sion . 177, 678 for collecting precious metals statisfor Saint John River liti tion .. 177 tics . 205, 869 for Alaska-( `anada. bountigry line . 178, 678 deficiency appropriation for examinations, for International Seismologicul Associa- etc .. 11, 480 tion . 178 for freight on bullion and coin ._,__,,,___ 11 for quarters of student interpreters, to restore motto"In God we trust " to coins- 164 Japan . .. 178, 679 Dislmrsing Clerks, for United States court for China .. 178, 679 in case of sickness or unavoidable absence judicial functions of consul-general, may authorize clerk to act; .. 1027 Shanghai, vested in vice·consul- I bond to cover acts of appointee 1027 general .. . ... 679 acting officer liable for misconduct, gte_, to for marking Canadian boundary . 179, 679 give bond to principal officer ... 1027 for International Tuberculosis Congress. 179 Disbursing Officer.2, exchange of land, legation at Peking, { duplicates issued for lost checks of 643 China . ..,. 179 § postal checks and warrants ._.., 644 for Canadian Fisheries Commission , 680 when issuing officer has died ,_____._ 644 for Congress of Hygiene and Dem~postal checks ...____,,,...__ _ _________ 544 ography . .. 680 I punishment for requiring receipts for for International Law Commission .. 680 ‘ greater than amount, paid ___________ 1105 for International Congress on Letters of unlawful use of public mone is by .. 1105 Exchange . 680 accepting, etc., receipts iyor amounts for international office of public health., 681 other than paid, deemed conversion. 1106