Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1348

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INDEX. _ clxi

 S. P¤s¤- Saint   River, Me., f b mad has-
 Sabath, Hemorable Adolph J, p' Calais? . I fligi) .. (i  .5 il. 826
 deficiency _ appropriation for contested Saint Oroizrllivcr, Minn.,
 Sabi Pglgcuqu gxpgngg,  :  512 further report grdpggd on      
 M qwand P0rt_Artlmr Sh1&CG1IGl, Ta., Lake Supeuor and MDSISIPPI R1ver
 Eelimmary examination of, be made. .. 833 vm ,..,.,...,,,,,...,,______,_.______ 323

if Sa 7l£PG·88,·T¢Z., _ Saint Ehknne,

 pigprtopnation   mprowiemetpt ox-}', 331, 1000 S classiiicatiorgtnd salallyk of consulate ... 102

·‘ ousean ogsigna au on a en mnt Francis` , ., . of [M3'. . ... . may bridge Sag1a cis(§five&a _ 681 SPNOPHS 0D 01* - 4. survs , etc., 0 an on ane e .. Sabine River Tn., Saint R` , improvement of navigable capacity ofkclgr bridgzlauthorizg acrompat Madison, Ark. 1 citizens, etc., of Texas, permit ; Saint l, _ conditions--:..];; bi 659 S cIass}ii;·c:ti;n_1 ang salary of consulate ... 101 , preliminary examma on e e amt o , ew runrwzclz, S nd gcnm to Taylors Bayou . 833 8 c t;on and} salary of consulate ... 101 ac a oz n Reservation, owa, aintanadian Boundary, ap rotion for Indian school .. 79, 790 appro riatibhuior rotecting righte of citigr mk and Cramer; work on school. 80 Pmm to mmlégtg, etc .,,, E ,,,.,,,,.,, 177 Sac and Fox Indians of Iowa, _ _ Saint Johns, Ariz., appropnauon for purchasing additional act for erection of court-house at, approved. 606 m{2T;2“.r§°§;4;muo;srg1;.;.a; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 33 "’“2"‘»*nm.,..°'*”"= ""£3"s¤""..,,""“""r.,...t]..t., M ... o ... Sac and Fox Indians of the_ Mismsippi, Qkla., Saint Johns, Quebec, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with- - 89, 803 classification and salary of consulate ... 102 or per capi:.§-i.. .i) .. i .. . . -. gg Saint Johns Riva} Fla., b payment e en ennoc ... a prop;-ii ‘on or l' t, etc. , unappropriatgfd funds to be placed to 803 of tnnceto . ... , . 331 't ... -.. orht' ... 334,972 per capita distribution "Sac and light,1£c.,lbguoy authorized oft entrance to- 161 Fox of the Mississippi in Oklahoma preliminary examination of, to be made fund" ... _. .: .. , . -. 803 from Jacksonville to its mouth .. 824 S FoxofttI;l•‘:$ss1ss1p_p?f11nd". 803 Saint Joseph, Mich., ac oo:0 naoun, ana. a tion for repairs` to wharf, etc., appropriation for treaty with. .1. 81, 792 Ppmllringht-house depot ... 331 Sam Ilivgr, Ha., _ _ acceptance of land for light·keeper’s prehminarg examination of, to be made. .. 828 dwelling authorized ...,,_,_, 331 Sacramento, al., _ _ _ may bridge Saint Joseph River ... 38 enlargenggnt oi public bmlding at, author- 524 Sag; Josep , Mo., bl ud 22 iz . . of cost increased, u ic bu' . 5 deficiency appropriation for . 482 deiicienc appropriation for . 482 appropriation for ... 956 Saint Joseph him, Sacramento River}, 0;;,1 334 9 bridge Lputihorized across, at Saint Joseph, 38 riati n orting , 72 · . . piglithiinar; examination of, to be made, i Saint Julngu Creek, Va., Naval Magazine, Sacramento to Red Bluff ... 823 ‘ appropriation for public works . 766 Sq/ity Appliances, Railway, Smnt Louis Bay, Lake Superior, appropriation for epgorcing Free of ... w i S apprinpriatign for ligplsiugjlgnnels . 334, 972 ` f l:` euseo , etc 6 amt, rownrvi a erica ' .,,,§’§2i.1’§é.’i“ {Els Ot, under imma ’ h °'é‘.$m,.m,,, “’“" Commerce Commision .. 325 5 may brid e Rio Grande at Brownsville, a e, ar , ; x . . . S M garet Olivia ‘ Te g 168 gcccptance of Constitution Island, Hudson { name corrected to Brownsville and Gulf S _ Eiyer, 1; ., from 1166 E S mt Lmilvy Company . 576 naw wer, ., a o., agieliminsry examination ol, to be made... 827 approprialipln for warehouse for Indian S, _ E supp `es .. . ... 73 a¢ils;i6cationlancg_sdjahry§f c<;;sulate?_ . 102 { ger assistanétreasurer’s office r. 209, 873 StA dr , . ., rot 0, s orassa o coat 212,876 lizdlcor Tbramtgd; powers, pnxgvses, etc .. . 475 E for public building, post-office _ .. 9 56 Saint Ainnls Infant Asylum, _ . C., _ limit of cost increased, post-office building. 522 appropriation feglcare of children m . 307,723 l monunient to Thomas Jgiierson ati by St A t' , . uisiana xposition `oma;»Lg|i¤iL;‘Ziu;-ytflfgxaniliriation of harbor to be pany, authorized .. . 1026 made ,._,.. . ,. 824 new post-office, payment for sprinkling Sain; Bm-thol4ynww'.s Battalion, New York street, 1905 491 Ci?, _ _ time entended for bridging Missimippi obsolete pi-ipgtield miles donated to .. 443 m S M L Rivgrby ... . . . 2,585 St Charles, . at outa wer, abiiidge authorized across Mimouri River , bridge authorized across, between Wiscon· ¤g3,g__ _____ _ ____ ,,,, ,.,, . ... ,. 167 E Si11.lDdM:l.I1!1880lI8 .. ..,, 33