Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1349

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clxii INDEX. Saint Lmulv River, Mmn. and ms., Page- Saint Paul, MihH.—COHtlHUQd; Pageprcliminary cxzmination of, to be made- . 828 bridge authorized across MISSISSIPPI Rwer, Saint Marks, Ida 0, at ...».-·.------ - - sale of land, Cmur d’Ale11c Reservation, to time extended for bridging Mississigpi

W00;1law11éiem<E$cry Ass0ciation of. . 50     Rig, between Fort Suclling an . . 588

Saint arys alla ip ana , aint eters rg, declaration of necessity éor Govemmcué ClB.S?£0H a1;l salary of consulate .. 101 ownership of lan between, an aint eters urg, a. Canadian boundary 820 acquirigg sing for ggublic building at, au- rccecdiugs to ac uire land etc ., 820 t orizc ... P publication ,... ,,,__,... ...,,.,.. 8 20 deficiency appropriation for . 487 commencement of work . 820 Saint Pierre, jurisdiction given circuit court, Michi- classification and salary of consulate .. 102 gan western district ... 820 1 Saint Raph¢uzl’s Cemetery, Dubuque, Iowa, possession to ba taken before dctcrmina- t1tlc to, continued to Archbishop of Dution by court ,.,,,.,...,... 820 Q biiqua ... 423, 469 ents from im rovemeut appropria.- aint tcp en Paylllions ,,__,.,__ _,,,,_, 820 classiflcatioii aud salary of consulate .. 102 former provisions repealed ... 820 Saint Thomas, West Indies, revocation of cxisting licenses for water- clnssiicatiou and salary of consulate .. 101 power privileges ... 821 aint {qcent, Minn., to take effect J an, 1, 1911 .. 821 immcdmtc transportation entry privileges temporary permits pending condemna— . 245 tion ... 8 a amanca, . . diplomatic uggotiatious requested with acquirigg sitzfimr public building at, au- Great ritaiu to maintain water t orize ... 535 1evels,otzc . 821 acceptance of title under lease . 535 survey directed for iilling basin at Rapids. - 821 dcicnency appropriation for . 488 not to delay construction .. 821 Salarka and Allowance: Division, Post-Ojicc control of water rights, ctc., in.Sai11t Marys Department, River .. 821 a propriatiou for superintendent, etc- . - 232 896 Saint Marys Power Company,' Salgnka émd Allowances Dimkion, Postal ’ 'cause to use water power ctc., Sam' thermlce ` Marys River, to terminate Ian. 1, appropriation for assistant superintendent? 1911 ... - .. 821 yay and allowances ...,.,,, 41, 665 Saint Mmjqs River, Ga. and Fla., Salem I l., J. S. Chandler Grand Army Post, pre]i3}1i¤ar£ cxamgation of, to be made.- . 825 condemned cannon granted to . 1070 Saint arys iver, zch., alem, Orcg., appropriation for enforcing anchorage l’€gé 2}ppr0pria.ti%1 for Indian school .. 92, 807 u ations .. a em. River, . J., for iagaoxifmenti of Hay Lake and Nccgg preliminary examination of, to be made. . 829 ' c anne s 8 alina Cruz for imqroiemeat of, gt the Falls <;la§;s}fica§01; and salary of consulate . . 102 ncwocatt eFas .. ais ry . ,, for lighting Neebish Channel. . - I l . - . 972 appropriation for public building 956 deiicienci agprepriatiou for hghting l\ ee- l hmit of cost increased, public bmldiug . 522 bis C agmel .. 20 acceptance of land for sidewalks, national provisions relating to canals at Fal1s—0f 820 cemetery . 751 revocation of water-power privileges J an. 1, appropgiation for completing roadway 1911 . - 8 1 an sidewalks . 751 temporary permits pending condemna- Sermscgcgurt at .. 3 tion ... a mon is cries Alaska, negotiations requested to maintain levels, appropriation for agents at .. ., 342, 981 etc . .. 821 or steam vessel, for inspection, ctc . . 342 survey} dgectcd for iilling basin for ship Salzmiki, OC S ...,... . .. : ... 82] classification and sa fccnmllgtg _______ 10] not to delay construction l ... 821 Salt Lake City, Ulah, lmyo declaration of preservation of water for asssg offics established at . 474 navigation, power etc . 8 1 0 cars esignated .. . . 474 leases for usc of watcrst . 821 appropriation for expenses . . . 474, 876 only excess of water for DRV1g2t10D to be . granted pght of way through Fort Douglas

     ____        . 822 E lhhtary Reservation for water pipe

'amt cuz 'amz , as a me .. 472

 gpggbeyvrgatzu for improvelnent of . 361 l lands ig Péglht Dtéuglas Reservation ex-

’am w ac c an wit t assoc` f . - 589 classificatiorland salary of consulate .. 101 limit of gqst increasefl(jl;>1:lb(llg’ buildliiggd- Saint Paul Bndg and Termmal Company, dmoual land .. 523 may bridyie ississippi River at Saint deficiency appropriation for ... . . . . 482 Pau Minn ... 582 Saltillo, Saint Paul, llinn., classification and salary of consulate ... 102 appropriation for custodian of public build- Salvador, ing 27 appropriation for miuisberto 172 672 for share of United States, bridge to Fort for secretary of legation and consul-general ’ Snelling ... . ... 1005 at San Salvador .. . . 172, 673