Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/14

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XV1 LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Public lands, errors in entrkc. An act to permit change of entry in case of mistake of the description of tracts intended to be entered. Febm? 24, 1909- . , _ .. 64 5 Distrietof Columbia, Imperial Palace,Drarn.atic Order ·n§hts of K horassan. An act to incorporate the Imperial Palace, Dramatic Order Knights of homssan. February 25, 1909 ..------ 646 Rights of way, fmyeiture of railroad. An act to declare and enforce the forfeiture provided by section four o the act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and seven?-hve, entitled "An act granting to railroads the right, of way through the public lands of the nited States." February 25, 1909 .. . ... Z .. 647 United States courts, Superior, Wir. An act amending chapter five hundred and nmety-one of the United States Statutes at Large, Fifty-sixth Congress, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred, entitled "An act to provide! for the holdingof a term of the circuit and district _ courts of the United States at Superior, Wisconsin." ebruary 25, 1909 ... _ 647 Common carriers, destruction of old records, etc. An act amending an act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- seven, and all acts amendatory thereof, and to enlarge the dpowers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen hun red and six. February 25, 1909.. 648 Bridge, Mihmbsippi River. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the construction of a. bridge acres the Mimissippi River at or near Keithsburg, in the State of Illinois, and to establish it as a post-rom," approved April twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two. February 25, 1909 . L ... _ .. f . 649 District of Columbia, Twentieth street. An act for the widening of Twentieth street northwest, District of Columbia. February 25, 1909 ... . 649 District of Columbia, new highway plan, northeast. An act to amend an act approved March second, nineteen hundred and seven, entitled "An act for the opening of ills avenue northeast from Rhode. Island avenue to Twenty-fourth street." Fe mary 25, 1909 ... 650 Wind River Reservation, mineral entries. An act extending the time for final entry of mineral claims within the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. February 25, 1909 650 District of Columbia, Minnesota avenue. An act authorizing the widening and extension of Minnesota avenue southeast from its present terminus near Pennsylvania avenue southeast to the Sheriff road. February 25, 1909 ... 651 District of Columbia, illaasachusetts avenue. An act for the widenin and extension of Massachusetts avenue southeast from its present terminus near Fortieth street southeast to Bowen road. Februagy 25, 1909 ... 651 Hawaii, telephones, 0 u. An act toamend an act entitled ‘ ‘An act to ratify, approve, and coniirm an act duly enacted by the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, to authorize and rovide for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a telephone system on the isiand of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii/’ approved June twentieth, nineteen hundred and six. Febmary 25, 1909 ... . .., . 652 District of Columbia, new highway plan. An act to authorize certain changes in the permanent system of highways, District of Columbia. February 25, 1909 ,,,,...,_,,,, . .,,____,._..,_ 652 Bridge, Mississippi River. An act to amend an act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mimissippi River at Burlington, Iowa. Februa 25, 1909 .,.. 652 District of Columbia, Rittenhouse street. An act to provideribr the extension of Rittenhouse street, in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. February 25, 1909 . . . . 653 Bridge, Rock River, Ill. An act to authorize the construction of two bridges across Rock River, State of Illinois. February 25, 1909 ... . ... 653 Bridge, Mommgahela River. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the Fayette Bridge Company to construct a bridge over the Monongahela. River, Pennsylvania, from a int in the borough of Brownsville, Fayette County, to a point in the borough of West liorownsville, Washington County," approved April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. February 25, 1909. ..,,,..,.,_, _ ,________________ 554 - Brwagc, Cmtdado Bay, San Juan, P. R. An act to authorize Behn Brothers, oi San Juan, Porto Rico, to construct a bridge across a portion of the Condado Bay, at the eastern extremity of San Juan Island, Porto Rico. February 25, 1909 ... . .,,,.,..,,,,..,,,_,,,_.. 654 Right of way, Fort McPherson, Ga. An act granting a right of way over a strip of land along the eastern boundary of the Fort McPherson Military Reservation to the commissioners of Fulton County, Georgia, for road purposes. February 25, 1909 ______,___________ _ ___________ 654 Court of Private Land Claims, An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish n court of private land claims and to (provide for the settlement of private land claims in certain States and Territories/’ approve March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and the acts ameudatory thereto, approved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three and June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. February 26, 1909 ... 655 District of Columbia, Ninth street. An act authorizing the extension of Ninth street northwest. February 26, 1909 ..,,,,_,_.,,,,.,,...,_,,,,,.,,.__,.,,_,,,.,,__ , __,,,, 655 Duitrirt of Columbruz, Girard street. An act authorizing the extension of Girard street northwest from its western terminus to Fifteenth street northwest. February 26, 1909 ,,_____,_.. 656 United States courts, judge Penmyvarzia ·u>e.stern district. An act providin for an additional judge for the western district of ennsylvania, and for other purposes. February 26, 1909 ... 656 United States courts, Youngstoun, Ohio. An act to provide for the sittings of the United States circuit and district courts of the northern district of Ohio at the city of Youngstown in said district, February 26, 1909 ...,..,,,,_,...,__,,,,.., j __,_,.._,.,_,..._ , ,... l . 656 Distribt of Columbia, parole of juvenile ojenders. An act to provide for the parole of juvenile offenders committed to the National Training School for Boys, Washington District of Columbia, and for other purposes, February 26, 1909 ,..,.._,,,...,,,,,,,, ,_,,,.. . . . . 657