Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/511

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1670 ‘ UNIVERSAL rosrai. CONVENTION. MAY 26, 1906. Pour Ia Turquie: AH. FAHRY. A. Fmm Hmnmr. Pour l’Uruguay: Hncron R. Gomez. Sour les Etats—Unis de Vene- - zu a: Cennos E. Harm. Dommoo B. Casmm. A¤¤¤>v¤¤· Having examined and considered the provisions of the aforegoing Convention signed at Rome on the twenty-sixth day of May, A. D. 1906, revising the Universal Postal Convention which was concluded in Washington on the fifteenth day of June, A. D. 1897; the same is by me, by virtue of the wers vested by law in the Postmaster General, hereby ratilied and)0 approved b and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Oince Department of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, this thirteenth day of October 1906. [snr,.] _ Guo. B. Coxrrmnroo, ‘ Posvrnaster-General. I hereby qplprove the above mentioned Convention, and in testirniimydthereo ave caused the seal of the United States to be hereto [SEAL-] Tunonoms. Roosnvnnr By the President: ELIHU Roor Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, October 16, 1.906. FINAL PROTOCOL.

  • "*¤¤* P¤‘°*¤¤<>l- An moment de procéder a la At the moment of proceeding

signature des Conventions arre- to sig the Conventions settled by tées par le Congres postal uni- the niversal Postal Congress of verse de Rome, les plénipoten- Rome, the undersigned lenipotiaires soussignés sont convenus tentiaries have agreed as gollows: de ce qui suit: I. I. V vm or British Il est pris acte de la declaration Note is taken of the declaration E2};?; ‘°m°°" °°1` faite par la délégation britan— made by the British delegates in nique au nom de son Gouverne- the name of their Government to ment et portant qu’il a cédé at la the effect that it has assigned to Nouvelle-Zélande avec les iles New Zealand, with the Cook Is- Cook et autres iles dépendantes, lands and other island dependanu, p. 1665. la voix que Particle 27, 7°, de la encies. the vote which Article 27, Convention attribue a “Pensem- 7°, of the Convention attributes ble de toutes les autres colonies to “ the whole of the other British britan.niques." colonies." ` _ II. * 11. 0¤§`f,;f“°'*“““° C°‘· En dérogation a Particle 27 de In modification of Article 27 la Convention principale, unc of the Convention, a second vote