Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/671

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1830 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION Dec. 3,1905. composent, ont un caractere exe· members who compose it, are plf cutoire, sans autre recours. an executory character and wit - ' U out appeal. m§`°g;$;gmeQ{*°‘ Les Gouvernements signataires The signatory governments ` conviennent que leurs Représen- agree that their representatives tants si. Constantinople seront at Constantinople shall be ineharges de notifier au Gouverne— structed to notify the Ottoman ment ottoman la presente Con- Government of the present convention et d’intervenir aupres de yention and to endeavor to obtain lui pour obtenir son accession: its accession thereto. f gjqmlrgigtczitor eg: ART_ 17]_—Lg,]·3:trqu9 ARTICL1•] 171. Tl1B €I1fOI`CQII1€I1lT· visions in rogue) to et la surveillance des dispositions and surveillance of the provisions l’llg'l"’S‘ de la presente Convention, en ce of the present convention with qui concerne les pelerinages et les regard to pilgrimages land _ to mesures contre Pinvasion et la measures against the invasion propagation de la. peste et du and propagation of plague and cholera, sont coniiees, dans l’éten- cholera are mtrusted, yvithin the due de la competence du Conseil scope of the ]ur1sdiction of `the superieur de santé de Constanti· Superior Board of Health of (Jonnople, ai. un Comite pris exclu- stantinople, to a committee ap- _ sivement dans le sein de ce Con- pointed entirely from among the sei], et compose de representants members of this Board and comdes diverses Puissancesqui auront posed of representatives of the adhere a la presente Convention. V¤¤‘10¤S Powers which Shall have adhered to the present convention. rumen repmon- Les representants de la Turquie The number of representatives {§§°" °° °°""'"°` dans ce Comite sont au nombre de of Turkey on this committee shall trois: l’un d’eux a ia dprésidence be three, one of them being presi- . du Comite. En cas e partage dent thereof. ln case of a tie in des voix, le president a voix pre- voting, the president shall have ponderante. the casting vote. Creation or a Amr. 172.—Un cor s de méde— Airricrm 172. A corps of digglggmliitlngiliaiil cins diplomés, de dlesinfecteurs plomaed hysicians, disinfectors,

        • 5* '”"“ “'°“· et de mecaniciens bien exerees, and skilled) mechanics, as well as

ainsi que de gardes sanitaires re- of sanitary guards recruited from crutes parmi les personnes ayant among persons who have perfait le service militaire, comme formed military service as officers officiers ou sous—oiHciers, est cree or noncommissioned officers, shall et aura pour mission d`assurer, be created for the purpose of iudans le ressort du Conseil supe- suring the proper operation, un- A ricur de saute de Constantinople, der the direction of the Superior le bon fonctionnement des divers Board of Health of Alexandria, etablissements sanitairesennmeres of the various sanitary establishet institues par la presents Con- ments enumerated in and instivention. ~ _ r _ _ tuted by the present convention. lsltpsporg vpeggfgz Ama 163.—LlBUtOTltB sanitaire Anrrorin 173. The health anrzous. du port ottoman de relache ou thority of the Ottoman port of d`arrivée, qui constate une con- call or arrival who discovers a travention, en dresse un proees violation of the regulations, shall verbal,sur lequellecapitainepeut draw u a report thereof, on inscrire ses observations. Une which the captain may enter his Certified copy. copie certiliee conforme de ce observations. A certiiied copy of procesverbal est transmise, au this report shall be transmitted, rt de releche ou d’arrivee, a at the port of call or arrival, to llelutorite consulaire du pays dont the consular officer of the country le navire porte le pavillon. Cette whose flag the vessel flies. The autorite assure le depet de latter officer shall see that the time Pamende entre ses mains. En is deposited with him. ln the Pabsence d’un consul, l`autorite absence of a consul, the health