Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1060

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1036 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 208. 1911. ' the w es of an assistant keeper of such prison, eight hundred dollars; in all,8f%>ur thousand four hundred dollars. _ _ _ K¢¢Pi¤¢ P¤¤°¤°¤‘~ Paying for the keeping and feeding of prisoners in Chma, Chosen,

  • L’{g?ggf cos, Siam, and Turkey, nine thousand dollars; Provided, That no_more

` than fifty cents per day for the keeping and feeding of each p{r1soner ‘ while actually confined shall be allowe or paid for any such eepmg and feeding. This is not to be understood as covering cost of medi- ' cal attendance and medicines when required by such prisoners. R¤¤¢·¤¤=··'f¤*k¤Y· Rent of prison for American convicts in Turkey, and for wages of kee ers of the same, one thousand dollars. . K°°P°*‘·°'*°°°°· Vgages of prison keeper in Chosen, six hundred dollars. Total, fifteen thousand dollars. i _ ` ‘ RELIEF AND PROTECTION or AMERICAN sEAMEN. _f,§§f°‘ ·'““°'*°°” Relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, ' and shipwrecked American seamen in the Territory of Alaska, in the · Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, the Panama Canal Zone, and the Philippine Islands, thirty thousand dollars. 1'¢r¢ic¤h¤¤i>i¤¥¤- FOEE1oN HOSPITAL AT oA1>E TOWN. °"° T°"“‘ Annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hospital (a foreign hospital), at Cay Town, ty dollars, to be paid by the Secretary of tate upon e assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of-the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital. FOREIGN HOSPITALS AT PANAMA. .

  • ’*¤¤¤¤~ Annual contributions toward the support of the foreign hospitals at

Panama, five hundred dollars, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospitals. SEAMENJS INSTITUTE AT xoDE. K§gg~m¤¤’¤ I¤¤Q*¤*¢· Contributions toward the support of the Seamen’s Institute at Kobe, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that relief will be afforded by the said institute to indigent American seamen, twenty-five dollars. _ CONTINGENT EXPENSES, UNITED STATES c0NsULATEs. pe§lg;,;L*Lg:,g,;&¢*· Expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other books, seals, presses, flags, signs, rent (allowance for rent not to exceed in any case thirty per centum of the officers salary), postage, furniture including typewriters and exchange of same statistics, newspapers freight (foreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, travehng expenses of consular officers and consular assistants compensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchan e, and such othef l miscellaneous expenses as the President may thini necessary for the several consulates and consular agencies in the transaction of their guainess, four hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred . o ars. Approved, March 3, 1911. `