Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1061

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. C1-1. 209. 1911. 1037 CHAP. 209.--An Act Maki appropriation for th support of for the NNW!. 1911- fiscal year ending June thirtietfigniiigtegn hundred and tw ve. the Army [H' R‘ um'] . [rubric, ne. rss.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, uermr =~r>r¤¤r>¤¤· and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury ws", · not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year - ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and twelve: _ Courmonucms or rim Amar: For all contingent expenses of the A§g}g¤i¤8¤¤¤i¤¤°‘*—¤¤ Army not otherwise provided for, and embracing all branches of the ` militgsy service, including the office of the Chief of Staff, to be expend under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, forty thousand dollars. _ orrrcn or mn omnr or s·rs1··r··. Stggce ¤f Chief ei ARMY Wan Common: For expenses of the Army War College, be' Am! Wu °°“*?¢¤- for the purchase of the necessary stationery, office, toilet, and del-Elf furniture, textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers and periodicals, printing and binding, maps, police utensils, employment of temporary, technical, or zpecial services, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, inclu ing twenty-five dollars per month additional to regular com nsation to chief clerk of division for su rintendence of the War Coficege Building, ten thousand dollars: Provrkxl, That hereafter the Chief of the Division of Militia Affairs, {;{u·2e·*?g, Mmm M_ Oflice of the Chief of StaH, shall be detailed from the general officers mrs Division to bea._ of the line of the Arm , and while so serving shall be an additional *°“°'“°‘ “‘°"'“" member of the GeneralYStaff Corps. Corruxenucms, M1LrrA1zY-1NFORMAT10N.sEc¤0N, Gmmnsn Srrarm °¤¤¤¤¤*=¤*¤P¤¤¤¤•· Cours: For contingent expenses of the military—information section, General Staff Corps, inclu ing the purchase of law books, professional books of reference, professional and technical periodicals and newspagers, and of the military attachés at the United States embassies an legations abroad; and of the branch office of the military—information section at Manila, to be ex nded under the direction of the Secret of War, ten thousand dolfsifs: Provided, That section thirty- Prwuo. six huiiidred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to ¥f§l?2§§?l§Ag_,_7;& subscriptions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation. Urvrrnn STATES smzvxcn scrroonsz To grovide means for the theo- S°"*°° ¤°**°°'•· retical and ractical instruction at the taff College (including the KK? I’°"°°"°'°" Army Scho0l)of the Line, Army Field Engineer School, and the Army Signal School) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Mounted Service School at Fort Riley, Kansas, by the purchase of textbooks, books 1¤‘enm1ey,x¤n¤. of reference, scientific and rofessional papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material frdr theoretical and practical instruction and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, to be allotted in such prortions as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the bgst interests of the military service, twenty-five thousand dollars. rmi Anauraxr em·r1:nAr.’s nm=Am·MnNr. Dg*,,‘§§,'§.f‘§‘,f,_G°“°”l“ CoN·rrNonr~rcms, rraanoumrnrzs or irrnrrxnr Dnmnrrrsrwrs: For ,,,,‘§%'§,%§}§’°“ “° contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military divisions and departments, including the staff co s serving thereat, bein for the purchase of the necessary articles o[f)oflice, toilet, and desi furniture, binding, maps, technical books of r·efer·ence, professional and technical newspapers and periodicals, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of lVar, and to be expended in the discretion of the several milita division and department commanders, seven thousand Eve hundreliiidollars.