Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1083

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 210. 1911. 1059 contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty sti ulations with various Indian tribes, and in full compensation for alil offices the salaries for which are provided for herein for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: . For the survey, resurvey, and classiiication of lands to be allotted 1°§;{;tg;;g;;g,glin severalty under the proyisions of the Act of February eighth, v¤r.24, y` eighteen hundred and eighty-seven,`entitled "An Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians," and under any other Act or Acts providing for the survey and allotment of lands in severalty to Indians, including the necessary clerical work incident thereto and to the issuance of all patents in the field and in the office of Indian Aifairs, and to the delivery of trust patents for allotments under said Act or any such Act or Acts; and for the survey and sub- u,$,§'§'°,§',l,'}f;0§°°§,‘]Y,$j division of Indian reservations and lands to be allotted to Indians mgggmeum under authority of law, two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, to be repaid proportionately out of any Indian moneys held in trust or otherwise by the United States and available by law for such reimbursable purpose and to remain available until exfpended. For the construction, repair, and maintenance 0 ditches, reservoirs, I”"¥°“°“~ and dams, urchase and use of irrigation tools and appliances, water rights, ditches, lands necessary for canals, pipe lines and reservoirs for Indian reservations and allotments, and for drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods, three hundred and %g¤¤1¤ M11 ¤¤- fourteen thousand three hundred ollars, to remain available until N ' expended: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be ex- §Q§",.;,'f',gmd_ pended on any irrigation system or reclamation ppoject for which specific appropriation is made m this Act or for w ch public funds - are or ma be available under any other Act of Congress: Prmnkled Pr¤2:¤¤i¤¤rr wrfurther, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to rohibit Y°y°’° ' reasonable expenditures from this appropriation for preliminary surveys and investigations to determine the feasibility and estimated cost of new projects, for investigations and surveys for power and m¥;gw¤r¤¤drm¤¤i¤ reservoir sites on Indian reservations in accordance with the provisions Aria, p. ssa. of section thirteen of the Act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, or to prevent the Bureau of Indian Affairs from having the c0n_“"_m0n with benefit of consultation with engineers in other branches of the public otrwiimmia. service or carrying out existing agreements with the Reclamation Irmtion lm Service; for pay of one chief inspector of irrigation, who shall he a tm. °`° skilled irrigation engineer, four thousand dollars; one assistant ins ector of irrigation, who shall be a skilled irrigation engineer, two thousand five hundred dollars; for traveling expenses of two inspectors of irrigation, at three dollars per diem when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses authorize by law, and for incidental expenses of nevotiation, inspection, and investigation, including telegraphing and expense of going to and from the seat of government an whi e remaining there un er orders, four thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Pro- Qu mnmdem of vided also, That not to exceed seven superintendents of irrigation, nérgiaoa. who shall be skilled irrigation engineers, may be employed. _ _ For the spppression of the traiiic in intoxicating liquors among ,,.§§,*§"°“‘“‘ l‘°“°‘ Indians seventy-five thousand dollars. Rey f { To relieve distress among Indians and to rovide for their care and prevextiug iiixgiiaémgl for the prevention and treatment of tuberculiisis, trachoma, small ox, °‘°· and other contagious and infectious diseases, including the purcliase of vaccine and expense of vaccination, sixtv thousand dollars. S of h l For support of Indian day and industrial schools, not otherwise rrr °° °°°` provided for, and for other educational and industrial purposes in congepltion therewith, one million four hundred and twenty thousand 0 ars.