Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1084

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1060 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 210. 1911. °°““““°““€ “°h°°* For construction lease, urchase, repairs, and improvements of md¤g°u°ybm1mugS` school and agcncylbuildingg, and for sewerage, water supply, and lighting lants, and for purchase of school sites, four hum red and §Q‘§Q°,€”;,; sxpsmn. twenty-fiIire thousand do lars: Provided, That the Secretary of the

  • ¤*¢=· Interior shall report annuaHy to Congress the amount expended at

· each school and agency for the purposes herem authorized: Provided m§g;=j)¤*¤8,{’°sc,j*,;_§; further, That on the first Monday in_December, nineteen hundred and and agency proper- eleven, the Secretary of the Interior shall transmit Congress a “"“· report in respect to all school and agency properties entitled to share in appropriations, general or spec` c,_made in this Act and such ¤¢¤¤¤¤· report shall show specifically the cost mvestment m such properties as of July first, nineteen hundred and eleven, including appropriations made available by this Act, (1) for the purchase, construction, or lease of buildings including water supply, sewerage, and heating and lighting plants; the purchase or lease of lands; the purchase or construction of irrigation systems for the irrigation of such school or agency lands; and or the equipment of all such plants for the promotion of industrial education, including agricultural implements, live stock, and the equipment for shops, laundries, and domestic science; (2) the physical condition of such plants and their equipment; (3) an estimate of expenditures necessary for (a) new buildings, (b) improvements, equipment and repairs necessary for the upkeep of such plants; and (4) a statement of the quantity and market value of the products derived from the operation of such plants for the fiscal ear nineteen mmnmsnamon hundred and eleven and the disposition of the same. The Secretary °“ °°“““°"‘°°· “°· of the Interior shall accompany such report with a recommendation supported hy a statement of his reasons therefor as to the necessity · . 4 or advisability of continuing or discontinuing each such school or agency plant. _ ' p‘¥,·§¤¤r¤f¤¤8· etc-_· For collection and transportation of upils to and from Indian schools, and for the transportation of Indian pupils from any and all Indian schools and placing them, with the consent of their parents, · under the care and control of white families qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, eighty-two thougmiqvgts mpupm sand dollars: Provided, That not to exceed five thousand dollars of ' thisamount may be used in the transportation and placing of Indian pupils in pos1tions where remunerative employment may be found or them in mdustrial pursuits. The provisions of this section shall also apply to native pupils of school age under twenty-one years of age brought from Alaskai m1ygmi:=r ccvira re All moneys appropriated herein for school purposes among the ‘ Indians may be expended, without restriction as to per capita expenditulxie, {or the annual support and education of any one pupil in any sc oo . ·*¤’*°¤“¤'**.°*P°’*· To conduct ex eriments on Indian school or enc arms ‘ HI mm to test the possiliilities of Soil and climate in thg cull:iiiation(i»(iSt’i·’;lgd1 Cm 0**0****-*~ grains, vegetables, and fruits, for the purposes of reserving living p and growing timber on Indian reservations and aliztmnnts and to ,{gglec¤·H°n_ sdyisc the Indians as to the proper care of forests: Prwidcii That this shall not, as to timber, apply to the Menominee Indian Reserva- , tion in Wisconsin or the Red ake Indian Reservation in Minnes0ta· ¥¤"¤¤* for the employment of suitable ersons as matrons to mach Indiv; women househeeping and other libusehold duties, and for furnishing necessary eqluipments and renting quarters for them where necessar . m§;}’¤¤¤¤ ·¤° ¤°•=*· for the employment of practical farmers and stockmen in additigj t0§h§·ag6t11?y and schog f&l‘ILlBI‘S DOW employed: and toysuperintend an irec arming an stoc raisin amon Indi T°¤*·i¤8¤°“¤· °”°- thousand dollars: Providedfulfher, 'lghat neg to exgggd i§;rthiiiigai1(id dollars of the amount herem appropriated shall be used to conduct experiments on school pr agency farms to test the possibilities of soil and climate m the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, md