Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1203

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 237. 1911. 1179 sand e:1g° ht hundred dollars; assistant foreman, one thousand two hun dollars; second assistant foreman, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; page seven hundred and twenty dollars; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; thu·ty-two folders, at nine hundred dollars each; two night watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two drivers, at eilght hundred and forty dollars each; two chief pages, at one thousan two hundred dollarseach; messenger in charge of telephones, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger in cha e of telephones (for the minority), one thousand two hundred dcliiars; forty-six pages, during the session, including two riding pages, four *’“¥°* telephone pages, I_press—galle% page, and ten ages for duty at the entrances to the all of the ouse, at two dollgrs and fifty cents per day each, twently-three thousand one hundred and fifty do lars; horse and buggy for epartment messenger, two hundred and fifty dollars; suplerintendent of document room, two thousand nine hundred g`g¢¤s;y'¤;¢{1¤g]¤;¤·, dollars; assistant superintendent, two thousand one hundred dollars; Pm n ° ’° °' clerk, one thousand seven hundred dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; seven assistants, at one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars each; assistant, one thousand one hundred dollars; janitor, nine hundred and twenty dollars; two attendants in the old library space, at one thousand Eve hundred dollars each; messenger to press room, one thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and ten dollars. · . For employment of Joel Grayson in document room, two thousand J¤e1Gr¤r¤c¤. one hundred and fifty dollars. · ,» For the followin minority employees authorized and named in the mnomyemplcvm resolution adopter? by the House of Representatives March seventeenth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: Special employee,'one thousand eight hundred dollars; special messenger and assistant pair clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; special messenger, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; special chief page and pair clerk, one tlhrflusand eight hundred dollars; in all, six thousand nine hundred o ars. For the assistant department messenger authorized and named in SP°°*•1°”Pl°Y°°* the resolution adopte bv the House of Representatives December seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, two thousand dollars. For the special messengpr authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of epresentatives January fifteenth. nineteen hundred, one thousand five undred dollars. To continue employment and for compensation of the assistant foreman of the folding room, authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives February sixth. nineteen hundred, at three dollars and eighty-five cents per day, one thousand four hundred and nine dollars and ten cents. _ To continue the employment of the person name_d in the resolution of the House adopted June fifth, nineteen hundred, as a laborer, eight hundred and forty dollars. _ To continue the employment of the laborer authorized and named in the resolution of the House ado ted December nineteenth, nineteen hundred and one, at seventy dollars per month, eight hundred and forty dollars. To continue the employment of the special messenlger authorized and named in the resolution of the House adopted ebruary first. nineteen hundred and ten, one thousand five hundred dollars. Successors to any of the employees provided for m the seven pre- APP°*¤¤¤°¤”* ceding paragraphs may be name by the House of Representatives at any time. For clerk to the conference minority of the House of Represents- en’gg*;§,;}{;Y °°¤f°*· tives, two thousand dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand eight hun- `