Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1204

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1180 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 237. 1911. dred dollars; in all, three thousand eight hundred dollars. Said clerk and assistant clerk to be appointed by the chairman of the conference · II1.lDO1'lt . m*;°;{,_*j•¤*¢*· ¤*·*~ Orrrgn or Posrmsmn: Postmaster, four thousand dollars; assist- ’ ant postmaster, two thousand two hundred dollars; registry and money order clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars;_twe1ve messengers, includirf messenger to superintend transportation of mails, at one thousan two hundred dollars each; fourteen messengers, at one hundred dollars per month each from December first to une thirtieth, inclusive seven months, nine thousand eight hundred `dollars; and one laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. _ ¤°¤°·' md "°8°¤¤· For hire of horses and mail wagons for carrying the mails, two thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- Om°“l'°P°"*°'*· mlgrrrcrai. anronrnnsz Six official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the House, at Eve thousand dollars each; assistant, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. xmas. . ger janitor for rooms of official reporters of debates, eight hundred dollars. ¤¢¤¤£v¤¤¤’• *•> Srrzuoenarumns TO comntrrmrzs: Four stenographers to commit- ` tees, at five thousand dollars each; assistant, two thousand dollars; janitor, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, twenty-two thou- · sand seven hundred and twent dollars. - m;_1g¤r?)s mj?} ${6 That wherever the words ‘*¢¥urin.g the session" occur in the foream. going paragraphs they shall be construed to mean the two hundred and ten days from _Decembcr fourth, mneteen hundred and eleven, to élune thirtieth, nineteen hundlged and twelyie, both mcglugire. b Clerk hire. Mem- Lmur Hmm, mrs AND ELEGATES: 0 a eac em er bm md D°1°°°t° Delefgateé landhjxtlesideplt i01}erl;mfo1£H clerk hire, necessarily em oye y m the arge o o cial and re resentative dudies, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, pin monthly installments, five hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and Representatives and Delegates elect to Congpess whose credentials in due form of law have been duly filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives, re. si see. s1,p.s. in accordance with the revisions of section thirty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be entitled to payment under this appropriation. 0g,=g{g;g;¤;1i{駥;{.j•· Bourxusmnr RXPENSES, NAMELY: For wrapping paper, pasteboard, paste,_ twine, newspaper wrapp)ers, and other necessary mate-

 foélflolldingéiforpltléetplmrpf Me}n1§rs of the H<;use,la1&d for use

in e e s office e ouse 0 m room, no mc u envelopes,writing paper, and other paper and inaterials to be prilrililad and furnished by the Public Printer, upon requisitions from the Clerk of the House, under the provisions of the Act a roved J anuary twelfth eightleen hurédgeg and ninety-five, for the public printing and binding; ten t ousa.n dollars. rguenuu ou. For fuel and oil for the heaf a aratus, thirt —e` t thousan l’°°!°"’°w°"°l°°°' dollars, said sum to be also ail•§lali)lId for use of ythelgiiower plantti

 furnishes heat and light for the Capitol and congressional

1¤gS· Fnmimre. For furniture, and materials for repairs of the same, twenty thousand dollars. rams; boxes. For packing boxes, three thousand five hundred dollars, or so much mm sm. ‘h°’°° “?’ m“y b°“°?°SS“‘y· 4 em °° * · _For miscellaneous items and ex enses of special and select comm1ttees, exclusive of salaries and lgbor, unless specificall ordered by the House of Representatives, seventy-five thousand dollars.