Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1276

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1252 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. roam, am. Tonto National Forest, Arizona, seven thousand four hundred and thirty-th1jee dollars; _ _ · mum, Gal- Trinity National Forest, Calrforma, twenty-tlu·ee thousand one hundred and thirteen dollars; . _ T¤¤¤v¤¤· ·¤i=· Tusa an National Forest, Arizona, eleven thousand nine hundred and eighteen dollars; _ _ umm, um. Uinta National Forest, Utah srx thousand and ninety dollars; umaum. 0w:- Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, eight thousand five hundred _ » and seventeen dollars; Ummm *****8- Umpqua National Forest, Oregon, fourteen thousand four hundred and eight dollars; uaeompargie. Uncom ahgre National_Forest, Colorado, ten thousand seven hunc°1°' _ dred and git -sixdollars; wa11owa,01‘¢8· Wallowa National Forest, Oregon, twelve thousand one hundred s and eight ·eight dollars; wwwa, Um. Wasatch National Forest, Utah, two thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars; _ wusme, Wyo- Washakie National Forest, Wyommg, seven thousand five hundred · and ninety-five dollars; _ _ W¤¤hi¤s·¤>¤. WMM- Washington National Forest, Waslnngton, fourteen thousand nme hundred and forty-five dollars; _ _ Weisergldaho. Klfeiser National Forest, Idaho, fourteen thousand and sixty-six ' dollars; w.,¤ana,w¤¤h.·¤<1 Wenaha National Forest, Washmgf on and Oregon, nine thousand Om" e' ht hundred and five dollars; W¤¤·*¢*·¤¢· W•·*=· ]gWenatchee National Forest, Washington, eleven thousand four hundred and seventy-eight dollars; wane mw. We- White River National Forest, Colorado, eleven thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars; wm¤¤¤¤.0r¤z· Whitman National Forest, Oregon, seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty-one dollars; W¤=¤*¤··°'¤*· Wichita National Forest, Oklahoma, eleven thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars; ‘ wyommz. Wm Wyoming National Forest, Wyoming, nine thousand fo1u· hundred and thirty-egght dollars; Agg¤*· N- lm- °¤° Zuni National orest, New Mexico and Arizona, five thousand two ` hundred and eighty-seven dollars; F},g¤;,¢*gf{g*5?· For iightin% orest fires and for other unforeseen emergencies, one ' hundred and fty thousand dollars of which sum seventy thousand dollars shall be immediately available; S“*"’”°" °‘°‘ For the purchase and maintenance of all necessary field, office, and laboratory supplies, instruments and equipment, one hundred and M ninety-eightthousand and eiglhty dollars; ,,{';,‘}$§,'g,‘{°“’· For investigations of met o s for wood distillation and for the preservative treatment of timber, for timber testing and the testing of such woods as may require test to ascertain if they be suitable for making paper, and for other rnvestigations and ex riments to promote economy in the use of forest products, one hundifed and seventy- seven thousand and forty dollars; °£¤¤¥° °°’“““°¤¤· For experiments and investi ations of range conditions within national forests, and of methods En improving the range by reseeding, regulation of grazing, and other means, eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty do lars; '*"°°P"”“°¤- For silvicultural and other experiments and investigations within national forests necessary for tree planting, for the reproduction of exmting forests, and the regulation of cutting, one hundred and sixty- six thousand six hundred and forty dollars; _;“;_¤,fg?g,‘;§’°**°“ For silvieultural, dendrological, and other experiments and investigations independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government, with States and with individuals, to determine