Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1277

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. 1253 the best methods for the conservative management of forests and fprlest lands, eighty-four thousand Eve hundred and twenty-eight o ars; For market and other miscellaneous forest investi ations and for °°“°·S*¤¢· me *°· collating, digesting, recording, illustrating, and distribigiting the results mm°fmv“u°u°m' of the experiments and investigations herein provided for, thirty-three thousau seven hundred and sixty dollars; P,,,,,,,,,,_ Promkled, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be e,{fx¤*(g°**g*;g¤ ¤**·` used to pay the transplortation or traveling expenses of any forest 8 pe ` officer or ggent except. e be traveling on business directly connected with the orest Service and in furtherance of the works, aims, and objects s ciiied and authorized in and by this appropriation: ~ Promkiedfrfrther, That no part of this appropriation shall be paid or ,$;'“°'°° *°* P°¤°d· used for the purpose of paying for, in wholg or in part, the pre aration ' or publication of any newspaper or magazine article, but this shall not prevent the giving out to all persons without discrimination, including newspa r and magazine writers and publishers, of any facts or official rnfilirmation of value to the public: Provided further, itR¤f¤¤d¤ *<> depos- That so much of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for `i¤°¢i1. a4, p. mo. the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, _ nineteen hundred and eight," a proved March fourth, nineteen hundred and seven (Thirty- ourth Statutes at Large, pages twelve hun- _ dred and fifty-six and twelve hundred and seventy), which provides for refunds by the Secretary of Agriculture to depositors of moneys to secure the purchase price of tim er or the use 0 lands or resources of the national forests such sums as may be found to be in excess of the amounts found actually due the United States, be, and is hereby, amended hereafter to appropriate and to include so much as -may be necessary to refund or ay over to the rightful claimants such .,,,¥j$‘x§{',,{’“°°“‘ sums asmay be found by the Secretary of Agriculture to have been erroneously collected for the use of any lands, or for timber or other resources sold from lands located within, but not a lpart of, the national forests, or for alleged illegal acts done upon suc lands, which acts are subsequently found to have been proper and legal; and the Kew"- Secretary of Agriculture shall make annual report to Congress of the amounts refun ed hereunder; In all, for general e enses, two million seven hundred and fourteen thousand four hundrgl) and twenty dollars. _ Iuraovmmzrr or THE, NATIONAL Fonnsrs: For the construction ,,,§;’,;',,‘}‘{,}‘,’,},°"‘ "“‘ and maintenance of roads, trails, bridges, fire lanes, telephone lines, cabins, fences, and other permanent improvements necessary for the pro er and economical ac ministratron, protection, and development of the National Forests, five hundred thousand dollars. h M Not to exceed fifteen Eer centum of the total of all sums apriro- ,,,.{§‘,f§,§,°,,,‘},§‘,f_‘°° “** priated under "Genera1 xpenses, Forest Serv1ce," and under ‘ m~ provement of the National Forests/’ may be used in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture as provided above under “Qeneral Expenses, Forest Service," and under “Implrovement of the hatronal Forests," for all expenses necessary for the general admrnrstratron of the Forest Service. _ Total for Forest Service, five million Eve hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred dollars. _ _ R, ms of wa for That the head of the department having jurisdiction over the lands ,,;.,,,5.rc mm Y be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered, under general regu- ,,,§;*°;*;§m°,}§,‘;‘[“},b§$g lations to be fixed b him, to grant an easement for rights of way, for 1¤;ds.w¤¤ri¤ml fora period not exceeding fifty years from the date of the issuance of °° ’° ‘ such grant, over, across, and u on the public lands, national forests, and reservations of the United) States for electrical poles and hnes for the transmission and distribution of electrical power, and for poles and lines for telephone and telegraph purposes, to the extent of twenty S8T40°—-—vu1. 36, PT 1-11-—-81