Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1579

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xcvi INDEX. George Washmgton Unwernly Hoap1tal,D. C., Page. Gzmps, ' ‘ i f d` t — duty 011 W90l°¤···_·; -·-·---- · ···-········ 54 “PP'°p§’§$1L?T{..?T- f“I‘T . ?. . .‘T‘. F?} . .¥’“408, 999 %n‘(see mmm gpm). etoum K . WW" G6;r){>mpri;;.tio311?0r public building .. 1372 dum; ¤p.=¤1<—> <>r bw ----------—-—-·-—--··· 41 acquiring give andpegectiug public building 685 ¢Q¤'d1¤·1 -··---··-···--· · -··············· · gg . at, authorize ...~.-.-- _ Wine ··--··--·····~- · ···········‘‘‘··· ‘ Georgetown Reservoir, D. C., Gmger Roqt, appmpriation for remodeling . ... 983 Giogefreé list, \111g1‘0¤~¤d, Dot P1‘¤¤€¥'V€d ·--··- 79 Gwr¢to·wnU` MH 'tl,D.. _ r s _ ap%m,;?:t;§‘;”‘¥0r”c;‘§”0? iudigcbt Wim 999 Giggpéycxggoggb . 6 .----.---·--~---- 22 ,,.,.-. . ..-.·». I · '7 Georgia, H ’ approgyriqtion for expenses. -.-... 407, 998 assigned to fifth judicial circuit .. . 1131 Glacwr qtwjnal Paqk, Mont., donated obsolete brass cannon for Coufeder- 875 aptggqprgzztgo?) for émprovement, ctc 745, lgg te t M tta .,,,_,. as IS ; oun n.r1c·,s Gwryrh Izztigxiiurgnghl lgggid, trespassers to be yemovcd ... . . 354 counties composing northern dxvision .' 1108 valid existing clmmq not affected ... : . . 354 eastern djvmion ___________ _ ____________ 1108 rights of way for ranlroads, or reclamation western division ... . ... 1108 yirojccts . 1 _. 354 uorthwegwm division __________ _ _______ 1108 la.nd¤_c signed by yaxlroadsz ctc., not 9. basxs terms of court ____________ _ __________,____ 1108 for mdcmmty selections ... . 354 worgia Southern Judimhl District, regulations for care, etc., to be made .. 354 counties comp0Hm` eastern division ... 1109 leases permitted for irmq, cottages, ctc 355 te d‘visi g 1109 removal of mature etc txmber 355 es m 1 on ... · ·---·-·----- _ Xortheastcm division ... 1109 Glass, ’ 7 soughwggmm division ,,,.,,.,,.,,...,.. 1109 duty on, articles decorated, etc .. 19 Albany division ,,,___,,,, _ . , ...,.. 11% ggtzlles, ctc., gl,am.§-.% . terms f urt . . .. 11 thes,etc. econ c . Ben Halfgounty attached to Albany divi— cast, crown: etp., wher; bent, decorated, sion of ,... 181 etc., additional .. , .,.. . 20 "Georgia,’f S. S., _ cylinder and crown, xolished . _ .. 20 a to tmu for repursn 1280 cylinder, crown, an common wmdow, Gerggn gzlglenwnt in Americd, First, unpolished . ... 19 cgptxibutgign authorized for monument at fusiblc enamql ... 1- . 21 Germanwvqn, to commemorate . 1352 {round or pohshed straps, prisms, etc 20 gpprovgl of dcslgn, etc .. . ... 1352 GDSQS, etc .. T .. ; ., .. 20 German Silver, mag1c-lantem shdcs .. _ .. : 21 duty on ,,,,, 1 , . .. 29 manufactures of, not specially provnded JewelryagghclesOfmmm--mi"._____ 67 cont:-ibutiim authogizmiii f<;ré11onumcnm.t, opal or fylindzgilllhg. NIH I I I I I I I I i I: commemonmng rs erman so 0- 0 ara g asses esco es e c . mont. in America .. 1352 pgate, Huqed: rolled, gr nzough 20 Gernumy, plate, polished, cast . 20 appropriatiou for ambassador to ... . 337, 1027 plm;eé‘f>olished, cast! nilvered .. 20 Err secretary of embassy .. . .. 337, 1028 stain or painted wmdows .. 21 for scqond secretary ... . . . 338, 1028 sgecmgles, etc .. . .: . 20 for tlmd secmm? .. 338, 1028 on eo het, enamel, whxte, for watch and replica. of statue 0 General Vqn Steuben, clock dials ,... _ ____,,,,____ 76 authorized for presentnuou to Em- 605 plates or disks, rough-cut., for optical inror o . . . . struments ew .,..,_,_,,,. , ____ 76 Ge¢tysb1uI;GNalzbnalPark, Ifa., _ Glaasporl, Pa. , gppmprgation for continuing establ1shmeut5 1 1 bridgeR Sutilggléd across Monougahela. 0 .. 72 40 iver `lso to ,,,______,, _ _ _ _ 195 deficiency appropriation for battlefield , Glavis, Edwanl S.,] n monuments and markers 1:0 Regu~ deficiency appropriation for services ,_____ 1319

 . .  122 Gaim, ed f

G¢¢¢!/·¤ 9 G-» _ ut 011, UB tc.,art’ l 15 appropriation for public lzguilding .. _ 1 372 Glazie?-rs’ ceramic, E lc Bs constru<gtion of public budding authonzed 3 G ou hee list, not set ___________________ _ _ _ _ 75 a. 68 hm} ’ Lead, Gila Natiqnal Forest, JY. Mu., dutysou .,,,,,,_____ _ _________________ ____ 30 appmpmuou for mamtemnce, etc., of $72, Glens Falls, N. K, _ 427, 248 appropriation f bl' b `1d' __________ 1372 Gila River_Irld12m Rgseyvatfon, Am., acquiring site a(gdpe;;ecl§¤gu;>u;>I;§; building G1:;§pro]énation for 1I’l’Ig2.t10¤ system . 427, 1062 Glen at, authorized ____________ _ ________ 686 ` crt eorge, 0odS ,Clo., defiéiency ippropriation for services .. 806 gngymd hz-:l1;g;0yI?ub]jc park ______________ 459 Gdbert; Bar, lu., _ _ Globe, Amie., Gxmhmng exagumatxon of, to be madc.. . " 670 apprgyriatiqu for public building .,,,. 1372 lNctc a Ncttmgt, acqumng gnu-1 for public building at, auduty on Bax . ... . 49 thonzed __________ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ 688 Gilmore, S. L., late a Representative in Cem- Gloucester, Mase., was _ _ _ s ro ci { ‘ 5 - deficiency gpimropnxmon for wndow of .. 1317 pp pg;. . . . 2 . . ¥1ju631, 934