Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1635

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clii INDEX. Military Reservations (see also Military Posts), P¤8¤~ Militia, Orgqnized-Continued. Page- Fort N iobrara, Nobr., time extended for partipipationinArp1ymaneuvers; cxponses _ dam across Niobrara River . 920 not to be pand from annual allotment 0 n., s ev- ... Fp‘2‘§‘i*‘p3fp.‘¥`§Hi "é°;; ";,:p;.;“;pp;p6·p;; 921 pp§?pE$3$?;p€&%‘pppppp ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 333 enue-Cuiter Service ... 906 command of post, ctc., to ba Regular right ogway granted on Fort D. A. Russell, ikrmy oi‘Hcer .. 329 'yo .. 1012 ru es governing .. 330 gort lggawéeuwortléé Kaus ... 8'{5 Militia Division? War Department, 4 ort c enzie, yo .. 10 1 a propriation or rent . 50 Military Reservations, Abandoned, Millgtia The, , gpgropriation for surv0y,fctc .. 741, 1417 allotinent to States, etc., available for ox- 0 ciency appropriation or .. 1326 crises of joint maneuvers, 1908 . 329 Fort Bridger, %Vy0., Carey Act made appli- crcdiz for disbursements directed . . . 329 _ _ cable to lands of ... 913 restriction on receiving back articles sold Military Roar? NW., D. Q., _ _ to States, etc., for .. 603 condemnatnon proceedings for extendmg- . 242 Milk, appropriation for expenses . 242 duty on fresh .,,,,,. . ,,,,.,,,,_.,,,,_ 36 Militaqy Schools, Private, etc.,_ _ preserved, condensed, atc .,,,,___,..,,,_ 36 max1mum number of pupils required for sumr of .. · ,.,.,,.,,,,,,_,_,,,,,_ 36 issue of naval eqmpment to, reduced- 613 Milk, C'. , - Military Stores, Marine Corps, appropriation for ins action of daf farms approprigtiogo for purchase of Springfield pp liatc., by hcalthpoflicials . 4 02, 993 Ii GB m AIH1 ... 626, 1285 Milk River Irrigahbn S tem, M ¢,, Milagtqry Station.; (sec Mi1itar{)Posts). appropriation for cxgggzuscs, Feglrt Belknap Mmm Apfniqs Division, War epartment, Indian Rem-vamion . . . ..,,,.,., 277, 1066 appropriation for clerks, etc., office of Chief advances to allottces a Hon on patent { qi St§ff Egg I C iii ieee. ..,,.,.,,,,,,,____,____ 1066 ormmce aneous expenses . Mil ree , N. YZ, forreut ... 1206 cxam1na° tio ftob mad ... 674 chief tohbeiglctailed from general OECETB of M?l19Shaf¢ing, D 0 , ·8 8 ___te1no ... 1037 dt ntl ... . ..., 23 M·;%tFu:;) §;e;alsg National Guard, D. Czil 1004 M{§a§l0C0$4v$;3yédI¥ah, P OY XPQBBQB ·-----······ , D S 1‘9B91'V 0I' 1’6S€l'V0iIB, BEC., ill, N- 91* gy gftfoopg ______________ _ _____ 411,1004 torgdto t ________ ______ ____ ___ 2 agowance to officers for uniforms ctc - - 1004 Milledge;lle, Ga.,9n ry 93 deficiency appropriation for naval 1>attg7g7 1298 approyiriation forpublic building ... 705, 1376 1on, pay ’t t d l' ’ . _ for storehouse for naval battalion ’ 1298 Milileru, iigzgnjncmase ’ pub lc bmlding 677 Mzlztm, Mavql, _ _ _ deficiency appropriation for services .. 806 glppmprmtion for arming and cqmpping 612, 1272 Millinery Ornaments, M2 ma, O{‘9¤Tm€d» _ duty on feathers, artificial iiowcrs, etc . 66 appropriation for GXPGDBGS Bt BGYVICO g' ver gfc ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 67 ”ch°°]” -·-·······-·--······--··· 250, 1043 Milk Building, D. C. for iigenaes eucampments with Regégl 1044 appropriation for rent, for use of Navy De· · .,..,.. t_____·•'·.__•--·.'···- reimbursement to Frank M ._Rumb0ld, ’ Millatongjnmcn 511, 1213 adjutant general, Mmrouu .. 1044 duty on burrstones manufactured into 21 gor coast amitillorx e<Auipmc.nt, etc., for. . . 1045 ympme N J , °' or issue 0 stan ar automatic istols to ’ - · · · - u¤;gIg;é¢;;grg1·;d»ptp ------- I? --··--- { gg; Z£§.m.""’"p§2§2?£p¥2?§2%£’.¥§‘p?.‘£§;‘6;;¤a;pp 137** c m ion . - for p;·oc9rri’ng, etc., held artillery material mum g' E/9th°m°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘······ · ········ 686 or lssue to , , .,,,,, 1053 J . ‘ ‘· , , dcficientcy appropriation for encampmonts, pmhmxgg; °x“mm*m°¤ °f imbvrp W be 674 0 C ---·- · -·-··--·---··· . ... 220 1321 . ‘‘‘’‘‘ ‘ ‘••··· · ······ • ··-·- commission of Army officers to examine , M'l”’“"k“ Land C°"”P'm!/» and report on advisability of estab- BSIG of ]8¤d9 on Chcmnc River Indian ing maneuvering cams, for State Roscrvstmu, S. k., for townsiteto. 602 trcofs, cbc., on propose donation of Mrlwrwkee, Sparta and Ncrthwestern Railway _ lan s in Tennessee .. .. ‘ 1457 Cvmpany, credit directed of accounts disallowed granted right of way tbmu h military rifle States, for participation of, in Army o mnget etc,) Sparta, %iB ____ _ _______ 298 d m_lsm?nouversh§tc . . . . . . 123 Mzlwaukae. Wu., · 0 1 o yo cersas1nsrucor¤cc. apmriaf f ‘ Pmi;1;pc¤;¤<}I;1c¤t of gl<;ver§;>é¤- - - I - -’ ---- 1045 f pharliga . {mm 656 ono 0 cem,w en eren co 0 Rppplppp happen pp pm with. PF? .. 234 °%p¤‘3é‘H"i‘}?‘?”:...Y'?}T’T"°°‘ S°""°§°§p mp rank precedence of of1ic0rs, on duty dcfzicieucya ropriation fo1·-1’o1i1n1;20i'Sol- I · Own]? other}; forces . . 234 d1ers’ 0mG 1301 1321 myumpationin rm manguvegg t _____ ustru -·:.—"~-•'-·-··-- ° ’ mppppp p;¤p1p.pb£é.pddpd ifi? . 0 329 °° p‘é?T‘T‘T?F.‘T‘f¥"T”f‘“°”'““"““““‘°““°" 684 p3y’gubg]gf@n(_•g,Qt@_:________________ 329 tg]_’]¤g0fQ()u]'|;3t____.-.--··-·--·-·---.·. gxpguggg pot to bg paid hom Army gp. Mina"] Lilignql Forg;¢.5r;;]-‘.'··.·.~··--· . • • D . ‘! propnatious 329 appmprmnon for maintenance, ctc., of 1250