Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1636

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INDEX. cliii Minden, _ P¤8¤· Mines Bureau, Dgpartment of the Interior- P¤8°· accepting site by donatmn for public build- Continue . E ing at . ..,_...,.,. 697 ingestigatiolrigu to be conilucted by. 370 Mine zp osiom 0 ces, app ces employees, etc., to e appropriation ior investigating causes of.742, 1418 provided fort. : . . .. : . _. 370 investigitions of lvpauses of, transferred to transfer from Gpologncallrglurvey of investi- 370 ureau o ines ... 370 gationso struct mate . . Mine Inspectors, repealed . . .···· 743 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 742, 1419 fuel substances . - ... . 370 iuslpection of Alaska coal mines, etc. . - 742 mme explosions .. Z ... 370 Mineral uel Substances, appropriations, experts, equipment, etc. 370 appropriation for testing, etc . 742, 1419 exc uded from mspecuon of mmes, etc., m tests {or outside parties; charges, etc .. 1419 to mk Stgesé b -·-·---·-···--·· Minera Land Entries 6 Q 99 Y _ ----·· - ·-~·~-·· patents not to be dénied for, solely because office building authonged for, and other buassigned before discovery of oil, etc. 1015 reans, etc., in Vlashmgton. z . .. 699 Mineral Lands, Alaska, _ _ first edition of publications of limited 883 time extended for Eling adverse claims, 459 Sddlhopal €0}?9B 883 etc ______ _ ____ __ __________ ,,______ BI'0 1I1V€SlgB.10I10 S " Mineral Objects _ FMS l¤°» !‘°P°¤l°d· - ---·-~-·—--~-·-· 743 duty on, imniglrspd in alcohol, not specially 12 Mines, Navaé Dqfcgme, l_ cs ctc 612 rovid or ..-- - ------ %PPT° U3 im'? °' “PP imc ···-···· Mineral llesaurces of the United States, Mme: ojpthe United States l apfropl-jatiou for grgpgrjug report 0n_ _ 743, CBDSUB ofil t78l;QD 111.1910, Om. .. . . . . . 4 22% ‘ ‘ ‘ d' rt ____ 76 , census sc u es o inquiries . . ... , Mineglpéjeillglg and m mgmpo on to relate to year ending December 31, on free list, evaporated; certificate required 77 _ preced1ng enumeration ... . . . . 4 @ 117777771 subemm, _ _ . 1¤y¤¤<—>d ¤> ¤¤¤v<·>- ---- — -·------·~—- 7- ·- » 9 duty on articles of, not specxally provided 18 0l'l;f1¤l¤l>00;I1;;¤;>g·ll);‘;•;1§\`?rWé€Y ¢€¤¤¤¤ <l¤€¤¤°¤¤ 9 f . . ..-----.-- u m, ····· · ····· .· ·: · · Mineral éydbstances, Metallic _ in.formation_ to be useglpnlg for statistics; 9 duty on crude, not specially provided for. - 30 Mi 0 Glgglgh? 011 Pu ¢¤ ¤¤ ·····-···· Mg:g;10;Vam8' _____________ _ _________ 40 glgiroprlatiiori io; improvement of. . . .. . 643, 938 anmcihigliiliiiatiou _____________ _ _____ 40 jlimdoka National Forest, IIIGIIO and Uhh, Mineral Wax appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1250 on free m' , . .. . 80 M¤··m¤m,T<;¤1?% . . . .

  • ”M··’ ”’¢”·*· Ta-» - - - """°"“““°“f°' °*°7§””‘¤‘2£%C'{’.“3°“ G?77. ea

appmprgation for public buuding ____ _, , , 1876 H _ connec non wpd apfpr sec _ ilifop , Mineralog%_Speoimens of,. _ de °¤€¤c);;_$PP";Pmml‘;*;il{’ to ‘m“8 H9 on ‘”;,,*¤‘· ‘°’ P“’°"° °°“"°“°““* ”°“ ‘°' 79 ,ppr7§"?0‘?2;p%fe’ from ,2%,,.7;.;;.;.7 117;; o .. . . . --·------- . . . - - Mliyilerfileg list crude not specially provided ;l1Ill;1>¥<(;<l%颤?€`Bt1l17t- 82 for"iH_"_Z____ _________ _ ________ 77 paying no export bounty . _ .:: . 82 Him '>%*·m·m·’*· 75 ““"‘2°»I?,$¤1‘$’$*Z.?'%z$‘72,3'§’,i‘}’§§'?{‘T??ff'} 82 Mgmiglmézlxf Kink},. -'``·-•----··-· 848 Min£";°;L:2‘:[2:’§ ‘;;’c“°““"l“g· ‘° l"’ i“"“°d· · 82 ggziggigragtiglggor wages due. l · 848 appropriation lor ifivestigating causes of, jurisdictipninactions; procedure . Mining Egg; .. _ 742,1418 ‘ { _ _,... . . . -.-..-· ¤ gxiigdg lwdlgrirlients; sales etc, .. tgiéizzot composed of cotton .. 66 |s· d' l f ineml etc ... t l » . . ag héwggpfmaor égklglg awgy attached buds Qgmporanly withdrawn for power P mpert 851 . mos, etc., open to exploration, etc., 847 . '` `````'``’-- under ... .· ---··- · ·-······· -· M"'”‘°’ Egtw ‘Xpph°mc“]_ _ _ ____ _ ________ 77 coal, oil, gas, and_ph¤¤pl1¤w¤ ¢¤¢‘¤Pt€d-- 847 M;?;;?F§,;j?t,} °``` Ministers, iiléen Religions, t H bl to 264 ` ’ ’ _ _________ _ 77 contract a or exc usion no app ca e ., _ y?,;;r%€;,}·Ef,],` bfthe-Interior, I Ministersnlf$2g;1;:io¢ennary, Envays Extraordiappropriation ior genem €·xp€HS9¤7 63 $:2 1418 ap , , it _ _ · · _ _ 337 1027 . uu--Nunn.---_______ . prupnaupn or . . . ···- n for Egflggrilng laboratories, €t€·7 from ’ 742 Mgggigéiigzagm C0mul3—Gmcml, 337 1028 Geological Survey to ---·· - ----—--- . ``````````` '``````` ’ · · · · 1 ams emo. 742 1418 Mmk _ l¤·¢k¤» . . . ¥2£‘§é¥.€“'i§§Z€§‘,1*2‘..§§’.1”§,‘i?7‘i.$§, at 742:1418 Mpurlxshment or muaonze ram, cr"- 327 for fggtiagg aren fuel substancesn -- - 742, 1419 inneapolw, Minn., _ _ _ 705 for re rtglon investigations, etc . 742. 1419 appropriatioufor public bu1ldm_g. ._ -i{, -v. - f P; ins mm __ _______ 742, 1419 bridge authorized across Mississippi ner fg; Qzhiicafbwech `gggj ____ _ _______ 1419 between Plymouth ¤¤d E18 th A"°‘ 193 f t __________ ’ ____________ _ ______, 1219 _ mics., ------- · ·--—··- 7 -·-·-- ; —·-· tesgidiil outside parties, Glwrges, €t<? ·-·--- Thugugégge mum to Fmt ]g7 €¤t9·bll¤h€d- - ··-- _ --··· · ····· : ‘‘‘` · '‘‘‘' · h A--·-·---.•££-li)·§i0V€Ddl apppéréxegzcor Dlrcctefi q¤¤¤¤¤¢f·f{<j*j{ @$3 "`"°,‘;'§i§§_,,,,, ,,],§2,§‘§,,2?{‘ ________,___,.. is: