Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1637

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cliv INDEX. Minneapolis, Minn.—C0ntinued. P¤8¢~ Mints and _Assay O_§ice.s—Qontinued. Pagelimit of cost increased, public building., - 696 appropriation for salaries and expenses, may bridge Mississippi giver . 179 assay office at Helena, Mont 499, 1201 release of strip of land to City from public New Yorlg, N. Y . 499,1201 building site ___,___,____,,,,,,,__, 1376 Saint Louis, M0 . 499 terms of court at, _ ..,,,,... — _.. 1116 Seattle, Wash 499, 1202 Minneapolis, Red Lake and Manitoba Railway 8aIt Lake City, Utah . 499, 1202 Company, deficiency appropriation for Carson, patent to issue for lands on Red Lake In- Nev .. . ...··~·-..-- 206, 1292 dian Reservation, Minn., selected by. 861 for N ew York .-.··· · ··...· 1292 Mimwapolis, Sa·intPaulandSaultSainu Marie for Deadwood, S._ Dak . , ... 1292 Railroad Company, indefinite appropriation for (parting and deficiency appropriation for . . ... 120 1'9HDiI1g b\1Hi0l1 l`€¥€&]6 ·... . ...-- 1292 - may bridge glississippi River in Aitkin estimatesrequired; ba ances to be cov- County, Minn . . . 180 cred lll . . . 1292 Bemidji, Minn _,_.,,,,,,_..,.,,,,,.,., 262 troy pound of Bureau of Standards to regu- Minnesota, late coinage ... 1354 appropriation for completing iield notes of standard weig ts conforming to, required surveys in .,... 742,1417 at all; annual inspection, etc ... 1354 assigned to eighth judicial circuit. ... 1131 Minors, homestead entries of ceded lands, Red Lake duty on, glass ... 21 Indian Reservation. . . 913 Mtsbranded Foods, Drugs, etc., homesteaders’ time to make residence, etc., appropriation for expenses preventing sale, in, extended . . . 189, 904 etc., of .. . 432, 1255 leave of absence allowed . 189, 904 Misbranded Inseetabaklea, ctc., village site for Winnibigoshish band, Cbipg prevention of manufacture, shipping, etc., pewa Indians in - . 863 of .. . . 331 Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company, Misdenwunors (see Crimes and Misdemeanors). granted lands on Red Lake Indian Reserva- Mzhhuwaka, Ind., tion for ballast it - 292 appropriation for public building ,,, , 1376 yment of drainage gnarges . 292 acquiring site and erecting public build- Mmmmta, Dakota and Paczjic Railway Com- M_ ing at, authorized . 685

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time extended for bridging Mimouri River dnt;] on . . · .,..,_,,,, 36 in South Dakota by ... 179 Malspi hkm River, Del., Minnesota Judicial District, appropriation for improvement of . . 638, 937 additional judge allowed for . 1087 preliminary examination of, to be made, , 953 counties composing first division. . . .. 1115 Missions, Forcvlyn (see Diplomatic and Consecond division. . . 1115 sular Service). third division . 1115 Mwrissippi, fourth division 1115 assi ed to Efth judicial circuit. ,,_______ 1131 fifth division . . 1115 bridge authorized across Pearl River in, , _ 179 sixth division . 1115 Mimdpgi, Hill City and Western Railway terms of court 1116 ompany, Minnesota National Forest, Minn., bridge across Mississippi River at Hill appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1250 City, Minn., by, legalized 198 Minnesota River Improvement cmd Power Mimisaipfpi Northern J‘ll·d1u0l Dismbt, _ Camhpany, judge or, to serve in southern district 1087 may dam innesota River at outlet of Lake counties composing eastern division .. 1116 Bigstone . . .. 932 western division ... . ... 1116 confluence with Redwood River .. . . 932 terms of court . ... 1116 lhnneaota River, Minn., at Clarksdale .. . 932 gppmpdxion gg improvemernikofig . .. . 657, 947 Melsnhppi River, ams au oriz across, at e i tone a m tion for bri Fort Snel , and mouth of Redwood River? 932 pp ... ... - 730 Minor Coins, for South Pass Channel .. 647 appropriation for recqinage of . . . - . 714, 1390 for improvement of Southwest Pass 647, 942 deficiency a propriation or transporting. . 777 for improvement of, from Head of Passes Minority Empgryeea, House of Representatives, to the Ohio _.,,..,,...,,,, 658, 730 948 appropyriauou for .. . .. 477, 1179 construction of dredge boats, etc . 658, 948 Minot, . Dah., allotments for connecting water , terms of court at . ,.. 1121 courses .,,__,.,,,..,,,,,,. . ,,,,,_, 658 948 Mints and Assay Ojiccs (see also Director of report on peamanently diverting Red ’ tlie Mmt), _ and Atchafala rivers .. 658 appropriation for Director, examiner, construction op experimental tow- 6t€·_ ----·.-·-·-·----·· _ ···-- 4 92, 1194 boats, barges, etc ____________ _ _____ _ _ 659 for salaries and expenses, mmt at Carson, for im rovement of, from the Ohio to the Nev ... - 497, 1199 . 659 729 948 DGDVQT, Colo ·-·· · --------··---... 497, 1].99 to secure depth of 8 feet to Saint L0u:ig_ ’ 659 Neyv Orleans . . .. 497, 1200 to secure 6 feet to the Missouri . 659 Pluladelplgm, P8 . 498, 1200 for improvement gf, from the Missouri to San Francrsco, Cal- . . . ... 498, 1200 Mmneapolis .., _ _,,,. 659 729 948 for salaries and expenses, assay oiice at to secure depth of 6 feet- ..,.., 1 - ’ 659 Boise, Idaho .., 498,1201 repairs, etcqofexisting levees .,,,, __,, 656 Charlotte, N. C . . . .. . 498,1201 lhaiutemmce of levees; at Deadwood, S, Dak .., . .. 499, 1201 harbors, etc ,,,,.,, , ..,.,_,,,,.. 948